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FABZU: Astarte

From: (mordred)
Newsgroups: alt.magick.tyagi,alt.mythology
Subject: FABZU: Astarte
Date: 21 Mar 1995 18:33:44 -0800
Organization: Portal Communications (shell)
Lines: 75
Message-ID: <3ko2a8$>
References: <3k5r14$>
Reply-To: (Frater ABZU)
Xref: alt.magick.tyagi:2658 alt.mythology:13272

[from alt.magick: (Frater ABZU)]

Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the law

Astarte is a Canaanite/Phoenician Goddess whose attributes of war and love 
relate her to the Goddess Inana(Nin-ana) of the Sumerumians, and the Goddess 
Estar(Ishtar) of the Aggadians.  With the end of the Bronze Age, and the 
beginning of the Iron Age, Astarte becomes a familiar symbol and name 
throughout the Eastern Mediterranean Seaboard.  The 'love' of Astarte
is primarily sexual, i.e., prostitution; and in war, her playground is
said to be the battlefield. The name of Astarte is closely connected with that
of Anat, the Goddess who restores Baal to life by venturing into the underworld
and defeats Mot (the restoration may be related to the Egyptian Isis-Osiris
motif, and with the underworld venture of Inana motif.  Canaan being an 
inheritor of the Egyptian/Southern Mesopotamia mythos, and the birthplace of
the Judaic/Greek mythos). ...'Attarat, the Canaanite Astarte [was] deliberately
misvocalized by Jewish scribes as Ashtoreth.'  In the Old Testament, virgins
give of their virginity to her (I Kings XIV. 24).  However, Astarte in ...'Her
fertility functions at Ugarit were apparently usurped by Anat, as were also her
warlike characteristics, which remained with the goddess in her Babylonian
character as Ishtar.' (Ugarit is synonymous with Canaan).  In Palestine
however, it was Attarat and not Anat who became the dominant Goddess.  The
sacred pole, or rather Tree is her image as the repository of life under the 
storm and autumn rain of the male God Baal (Exoteric).  This natural or
stylized palm tree represents Attarat/Astarte as a 'mother goddess'.  In 
Palestine again, the name Attarat yields to that of Astarte.
      The above is extremely simple, and is an excuse to understand the 
complicated legacy of this region.  For a scholarly treatise on the Goddess,
and the mythology surrounding her, The Legacy of Canaan by Prof. John Gray, may
prove handy.
     Gazing somewhat at the Western Mystery Tradition (hands over eyes), the 
infamous Grimories bring their Christianized (identical with Bastardized in
this case) interpretations.  One may argue that the Medievalists/Renaissance
mages did the best they could with the material they had.  Why Not?  Subdue 
thy disgust, then yield.
     The Goetia has the Astaroth (#29) as a Mighty Duke willing to help you out
with your Liberal Sciences, etc., etc.  There are different Hebraic spellings
by Dr.Rudd and Mathers (The Book of the Sacred Magic of Abramelin the Mage,
under the name Astarot.  Translated as 'flocks, crowds, assemblies...Esther is
derived from the same root.'  Mathers?), but Crowley and Godwin tend to agree.  
According to Crowley, Astaroth is the Lesser Angel governing Triplicity by 
Day of the second Decan of Capricorn, and the King-Demon of Geburah.  According
to Godwin, Mathers and Waite allocated Astaroth to the Arch-Demon corresponding
to Chesed.  Agrippa provides the same reference, and Barrett provides a picture
a picture of a distant uncle.  In the Key of Solomon the King (Mathers?), we 
have Astaroth attributed once more to Chesed, under the title of Gamchicoth,
'Disturbers of Souls'.  The chief, Astaroth or Astarte, is considered as 'the
impure Venus of the Syrians, whom thy represent with the head of an ass or of
a bull, and the breasts of a woman'.  The breast part equates...I think.  The
German magical order, the FOGC, included Astaroth in a trio of beings that 
brought initiates 'untold personal power, influence, and wealth', along with a
scare on the 23rd of June.  The Satanic Bible includes Astaroth in the list of 
Infernal Names, and in the 1670's 'Madame de Montespan sacrificed children to
Astaroth and Asmodeus, 'princes of amity', in her attempt to retain her hold
over Louis XIV's affections.'  The Grimorium Verum gives an example of a 
conjuration to Astaroth, along with interesting written characters.  There are
a host of other Grimories, Exorcistic experiences, Qabalistic characteristics,
etc., that could be found.  I still somewhat see the Martial-Venus attributes 
in the above Agrippa, etc.-Crowley dichotomies.  It is also interesting that 
Crowley wrote a treatise on Invocation with her name - Liber Astarte Vel
Berylli(Berylli?). It also appears that Crowley considered Astarte similar
to Babalon.  Part of end 'Benediction' follows - ...'and through Babalon 
of the City of the Pyramids, and through Astarte the Starry One green-girdled
in the name Ararita. Amen.'  The number of the book CLXXV (175) carrries with
it the Spirit of Venus according to 777.  If there are others who could give
me a low-down as to further Crowley interprations/knowledge of Astarte, I would
be interested.  

Love is the law, love under will

'My friend,' said he to his new disciple, 'I am going to help you to find what
you say you have lost.  Take the book, observe the prescriptions of the ritual,
and come again to see me in a week.'

Frater ABZU

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