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Devotee of a Wrathful Deity

From: (nagasiva)
Newsgroups: alt.magick.tyagi,alt.religion.wicca,alt.pagan,,talk.religion.misc,talk.religion.newage,alt.magick.tantra
Subject: Devotee of a Wrathful Deity (was Invoking a Nasty Goddess)
Date: 22 Aug 1996 15:52:20 -0700
Organization: Portal Communications (shell)
Lines: 64
Message-ID: <4viob4$>
Reply-To: (nagasiva)
Xref: alt.magick.tyagi:10103 alt.religion.wicca:37000 alt.pagan:170537 talk.religion.misc:236477 talk.religion.newage:56403 alt.magick.tantra:2549

49960820 AA1 (referred by steward in private email)

aum krim namah kali, 
Queen of Demons, Goddess of Destruction, Disease and Calamity!

Gaedhal writes:
# My good friend, a Bengali woman, refused the request of another
# American friend to bring her back a Kali figure for her altar.  She
# said: "You don't know WHAT you are playing with.  Kali demands intense
# and singular worship.  You just can't place her on your altar and light
# a few sticks of incense now and again.  SHE wants THINGS and if She
# doesn't get them She will take it out on YOU!!  You think you can get
# away with giving her small attentions -- well, Kali is used to blood
# and other such sacrifices and she won't expect any less from you
# because you are a stupid American!!  It is not for nothing that the
# Thugs and other assassin cults worshiped the Dark Mother!"  
# I took this as a warning NOT to play around with deities from cults of
# which I had no true understanding.  Especially goddesses who are NOT
# particularly "sleepy" from a thousand odd years of relative inactivity!
# I'd be interested in other perspectives on this matter.

the Bengali woman was absolutely CORRECT!  for her.  we each have our
own relationship with Kali.  this is true for the majority of gods.
for some their gods will demand very *much*!  for others they demand
very little, perhaps knowing that in doing so they will not benefit,
perhaps knowing that their worshipper cannot be benefitted thereby.

I shall compare my own relationship with the Kali I know to that
specified above, but I do not say that she is wrong!  the Kali I know
demands nothing of me.  She does not harm me personally in any way,
though if I get in Her way I may be squashed like a bug.  She does 
seem to like it when I sacrifice animals to Her (I have only done so
with small insects who attempted to take their food from my body),
and She also appears to enjoy menstrual blood (of which I've poured
some quantity atop Her, as have my lovers).  occasionally I place
dead animals I have found upon Her altar and this also appears to 
please Her.

as I understand it, Kali requests that which will assist us BOTH,
and this infrequently.  most often She is a calm and wise soundboard
for quiet feedback, helping me to see beyond my limitations and
prejudices, coming to know why I am stumbling and how I can mend my
ways so as to get what I may need (usually less than I desire).

as for the "Dark Mother", I agree completely that it is not for
nothing She is called this, and it may be important that I ask very
little of Kali, sometimes just an understanding of what is happening.

we are friends, lovers, compatriots.  I would not harm Her, nor do
I think She would intentionally harm me.  my ignorance and desire
sometimes place me in Her path, however, and in these circumstances
She will trod over me in Her Perfect Stroll!  svaha!

jai kali! 
CC public replies to email - see
(emailed replies may be posted)  ----  and check:  
 * * * Asphalta Cementia Metallica Polymera Coyote La Cuckaracha Humana * * * 

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