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FRPG-Based Demon Summoning Dangerous in Real World

To: alt.magick.tyagi,alt.magick,alt.christnet.christianlife,alt.christnet.demonology,,alt.satanism
From: nocTifer 
Subject: Re: FRPG-Based Demon Summoning Dangerous in Real World (HPotter Satanism?)
Date: Mon, 15 Mar 2004 23:12:11 GMT

50040315 vii om

#># If someone is weak in their faith and reading fictional
#># stories about magic is going to do them harm, then yes,
#># by all means stay away from those books, as well as many
#># Disney movies and all other fantasy books.

"nocTifer" :
#> one might keep much scripture from children for this reason
#> too. it often has fabulous legendary individuals doing
#> supernatural things.

"Rubystars" :
# It does show supernatural things in it, both good and evil.

and for this reason the scripture of a number of religions
are likely going to do harm to those weak in the faith of
their parents and in which they grew up. there is a good
reason for this: religious indoctrination doesn't usually
incorporate analytical thought very well. it makes for a
very gullible populace easily conditioned to doctrines and
therefore malleable and manipulable by the ecclesiastics.
contrary stories of similar fantastic character may well
undermine the simplistic belief in the truth of one's own.

#># ...I've played various RPGs and read various fantasy
#># books and I think they're harmless as long as you don't
#># do things like take them into the real world and try to
#># summon demons, or whatever.
#> according to most demonologists and magicians who are
#> interested in the subject, role-playing games are not
#> usually a very good source for technology on summoning
#> demons. that said, there may be some good sources just
#> as "Alchemy Companion" has some interesting things on
#> said arcane topic which supplement for Fantasy RPGames.
# I don't think they're a guide for summoning demons at all. 

I didn't say that they were. in fact, my point was that the
typical RPG includes cosmologies which run counter to most
people's notion of what is "real" -- i.e. it has a different
fabricated story about how things came to be and why it is
that demons are capable of being summoned or interacted with.
note that sometimes games develop more interesting and more
*supportable* cosmologies than do some religions, which have
to deal with consensus and popularity in order to survive.
# I think most games are pretty much harmless unless someone 
# decides to get too serious about them. 

sometimes games are liberating, destroying by alternative
what has been instructed by well-meaning but deluded parents.
children who have never considered alternatives to the dogma
professed by their parents, for example, and who live a
sheltered enough life that they haven't even *considered*
many alternative perspectives (say, beyond the inversions
which their parents construct and deny, like "satanism" as
a form of devil-worship), may actually find that FRPGames
do lead to a lapse in their religious indoctrination. the
children begin to develop critical thought processes which
serve to liberate them from the constraint of their biases
received at the hands and in the home of their parents.

# I have found it useful to do some research before I create
# characters sometimes, but that's really not required.

very creative and noteworthy. one of the first encounters I
had with magic was in role-playing games. contemplation of
what sorcery, witchery and magic *were* quite beyond the 
games that I was playing was helpful in developing my 
education as an occultist and philosopher.

r       B
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d  e     t
e d    !

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