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To: a.bsu.religion,alt.chrisnet,alt.christnet.hypocrisy,alt.christnet.philosophy,,alt.recovery.religion,alt.religion.christian,talk.religion.misc,uk.religion,alt.magick.tyagi,alt.atheism,alt.satanism,alt.evil,alt.magick.virtual From: (Jason Posey ) Subject: Re: AOLimousine: Theology: A Rebuttal Date: 31 Mar 1996 23:07:31 GMT In article, J. Michael Phillips wrote: >"Charon, Lion in the path" wrote: > >>jasonp@argon.GAS.UUG.Arizona.EDU (Jason Posey ) wrote: > >>>Given that pretty much everything in the New Testament has been shown by >>>scholars to have not been written by the people who are supposed to have >>>written them, that they contradict each other, that there is no evidence >>>whatsoever that any man named Jesus or Yeshua ever lived, preached, and >>>was crucified, one has to say yes, Christianity is based not merely on >>>blind faith but on conscious self-deceit. > >Ummm . . . pardon . . . I'm not sure what planet you're from, but here >on Earth, there's a plethora of evidence . . . even Jesus' detractors >(at least the HONEST ones) agree on that . . . Of course, all those who did not accept the Christians bald-faced LIES at face value were not being HONEST, yes? For the record, there were plenty of people, both Greeks and, most importantly, Jews, who DID say that no such person had ever existed, or that, even if he did, he certainly did not do the things recorded in the NT - because NO ONE NAMED JESUS WAS EVER CRUCIFIED BY PONTIUS PILATE, nothing happened to the Temple, no one living remembered anything about walking on water, raising dead men, or ghosts over Galilee. If anyone should have known, it was the Samaritans and the Jews, and they say it DID NOT HAPPEN. And who *did* say it happened? A bunch of gentiles living long after the supposed fact and far away from the supposed places of occurence. What plethora of evidence, dear? If you ever bothered to read a scholarly study of the books of the New Testament, you'd know they weren't written by the people they claim to have been written by, and furthermore, were not written down until decades after the fact. There is no evidence whatsoever from Roman records that a man named Jesus or Yeshua ever lived and did the things claimed in the NT - no record of any crucixion, or any problems at the Temple such as are described in that lying tome. This despite the fact that they DID have records of REAL people who claimed to be the Messiach and were executed. Hr. Vad has an excellent article on this subject which he recently posted. Perhaps, if he is reading this, he will take the time to post it again, to all of the Christian newsgroups. Perhaps some of you people will actually read and consider what it has to say. It would certainly give you some reason to actually THINK in ways that are not pre-constructed and circular. > > > >J. Michael Phillips > > > > -- -------------------------------------------------- <<<< >>>>
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