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To: From: Ambrose HawkSubject: [sl] rosaries Date: Fri, 13 Sep 2002 14:34:12 -0500 a few quibbles ... Catholic rosaries typically have 59 beads ... there are the 5 decades of Hail Mary's. the Five inter decade beads (used for the Our Father). And a tail of one Our Father and Three Hail Mary's recited between the larger sets of the decades. In the longer version used by the Dominicans, this tail (which also includes one Our Father bead to get the cycles started -- and so that the user can take the string either way) there would be 162 beads on the main string and the five on the tail. Another note. Properly speaking, the prayer beads used by the Muslims, the Buddhists, and others are prayer beads -- the Catholics have several devotions involving prayer beads which are known as "chaplets". The "Rosary" proper derives its name from the recitation of the Hail Mary's which are considered to be mystical roses offered to the Queen of Heaven ... Ambrose -- IN HOC MODO MILLIS FRANGITVR . Are you curious what is topical in the Sacred Landscape List? Examples may be found on the following web-page, which contains many good articles relevant to this forum: Want to unsubscribe? Send email to or login at and unsubscribe manually. Your use of Yahoo! Groups is subject to
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