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To: alt.pagan,alt.satanism,alt.magick.tyagi,alt.religion.wicca,talk.religion.misc,alt.religion.christian,alt.christnet,talk.religion.newage From: catherine yronwodeSubject: Re: Paganism in Catholicism Date: Mon, 13 May 1996 12:20:41 +0000 lorax wrote: > > kaliyuga > 49960513 seeking knowledge from the wise > > Constance E. Sheppard : > |>EASTER OESTRE OSTARA > |>Ostara is the Vernal Equinox. > > So what is Oestre? Easter is not the Vernal Equinox. > > |>...Easter not having anything to do with a pre-Christian > |>(non-Judaic) religion? I beg to differ. > > Apparently it does have *something* to do with it (in name at least). > > (Gerry Palo): > |If you want to find the relationship between pagan religion and > |Christianity then you will need to do more than play associative games > |with words designating the names of seasons in certain parts of the world. > > Instead of saying what we need to do, please explain why Easter is related > to the Sunday in March/April/whatever. I gather it relates to 'after Full > Moon before Equinox'. Some symbolic significance here that you are not saying? When is Easter? Easter is the first Sunday after Pasover (Pesach). That's because Jesus had the Last Supper at Passover and his sacrifice was seen as a type of Passover sacrifice. Passover can start on any day of the week, but the Christian church always places worship-days on Sundays. When is Passover? Passover is the first full moon after the Vernal Equinox. That's because the Jewish religion uses a lunar calendar. When is the Vernal Equinox? When the rising sun enters the sign of Aries, generally MArch 20th or 21st. So what relation does Easter have to the Vernal Equinox? Almost every year, Easter is the first Sunday after the first full moon after the Wernal Equinox. There are occasionally slight glitches in this formula caused by the fact that Jewish days start at sundown and Christian days start at dawn, but as a rule, Easter follows the vernal equinox by the amount of time it takes the moon to become full (which varies every year) plus the number of days to the next Sunday (whoch also varies every year). You're welcome. catherine yronwode -------------------- news:alt.lucky.w -- discussion of folkloric amulets and talismans LUCKY W Amulet Archive:
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