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To: alt.evil,alt.satanism,alt.blasphemy,alt.christnet,alt.atheism,,alt.religion,alt.religion.christian,alt.discordia,alt.flame From: Subject: Re: Knowledge of Good an Evil; Who is the Overcomer? FREE GIFT Date: Sun, 27 Apr 1997 22:53:11 GMT "THE BEAR"wrote: >Gezus wrote in article <>... >> Knowledge of Good And Evil? >> >> "For by the Law is the knowledge of sin" Paul to Romans. >> >> Is the law sin? God Forbid. >I am not Xian, but even I can figure out what it means. Your sins are >defined by the law. Duh! >> The Law is a taskmaster laying out heavy Burdens in >> order that sin may be seen clearly as sin. [...] >> rejecting that which he understands to be evil. >Noone will ever know what evil is. You cannot define it, nor give >reasonable perameters for it. >> In fact, the knowledge of evil begets in man more evil, >> because he begins to willfully reject God and attempts >> to decide for himself what is right and what is wrong. >> [...] >> But the Law of sin and death does not easily >> give up its hold on man, and only by persistent >> Faith in God's ability to free his people, >> can man be purged of his sin consciousness. >If he wants to get rid of our sin, why not remove it at the source? Sounds >like he just doesn't have the ability to stop it. If you go to the original Aramaic text (Aramaic being the language Jesus spoke) and look at the terms from the context of the Arimaic Culture you will see the simplicity of the teachings. The word for sin came from the archery ranges, when the archer missed the target he yelled "sin." It was mean't to be positive mental feedback, not something to guilt and shame people with. It meant, you are off the mark, try again. Most of our learning in this life comes from making mistakes (mis-takes, off the mark perceptions) They help us to see where we are off the mark so we can correct our perceptions (by grace). As you forgive you are forgiven. As soon as you recognize the inaccurate perception and forgive it from your mind you are free of the results of its effect on you. The law was meant to bless not punish. It is a "Houston Contol Center" for our spiritual journey. It lovingly guides us back on course when we are misguided by false information (perceptions). By the way, where the arrow landed when it missed the target was called "evil."
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