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To: (Christian Magick Elist) From: nagasivaSubject: Honor of God/Divine Lovers/WMystTrads-XtianMages Date: Wed, 27 Dec 1995 10:41:51 -0800 (PST) kaliyuga 49951227 [...] Christian magicians? Well, I thought there were a bunch mentioned in _The Bible_ (Moses, Noah, Jesus, anyone associated with the Melchizedek line). [anonymous:] |...the more specific points of theological differences between the Western |Mystery Tradition(s) and Judeo-Christianity and how such differences |affect the practices of the Christian Magician. Given your definitions of Christian Esotericist/Mage, I'd say that while there are few who are classified by *today*'s orthodoxy as 'magicians', some might qualify for your defs as I've mentioned. It seems to depend on the permeability of our definitions and how far we're willing to go in accepting different perspectives on Christian theology and metaphysics (there are too many variations to fit under simple labels). It seems to me that the WMT(s) are much too large to fit under a single value or doctrinal system, and yet some of the differences which would affect the practices of the xmage (my shorthand for your Eso Magician) have been somewhat delineated recently in a very interesting thread in Thelema93-L ("Christianity and Thelema"). I'll try to reconstruct some of it from memory, and given moderator request will repost some excerpts within this elist): * Jesus and other biblical concepts/persons Many WMT paths seem to find value in exploring beyond the Gospels of one's favorite translation and perhaps imagining new and different variations on these. Compare this with the many variations on the Gospels (of Thomas, Mary Magdelene, etc.) which were and continue to be important to Gnostics or those within the WMT(s) that favor Gnosticism (a goodly number of whom are subscribed to this elist). The character and person of 'Satan' is usually a large sticking point in this area also. * the individual's role in the cosmos Typically the WMT(s) are not strictly defined and one's preferences in regards cosmology and psycho-spiritual metaphysic are left to the discernment of the individual rather than prescribed by the clergy or _The Bible_. Some incorporate something approaching Salvation within their preferred cosmology (Xeper, return to the Source, etc.), and some do not. * sin and repentance I've noticed that this is one of the major sticking points among WMTs - the refusal to accept the notion (especially the most popular) concerning sin and repentance. Most seem to have tossed out the clearly moral Christian teachings in favor of a more flexible and self-centered 'situational ethics' as presented in some college-level philosophy courses or promoted by a WMT subgroup (Wiccan Rede, Thelemic Law, etc.). * the authority of _The Bible_ (whichever) Another feature I've noticed about WMT(s) is that there is no generally agreed 'authoritative text', even while many texts are considered valuable or worthy of study (especially classics, but also some modern writers). * (acknowledged) creative fabrication and self-transformation These two activities seem to be very important to many of the adherents of the Western Mystery Tradition(s). In fact, these particular activities are what draw me to it, and what I usually find lacking in conventional religion/esotericism. The former is often squelched via a need for historicity in support of the agreed dogmas or utilized underhandedly to justify otherwise unsupportable theses. The latter is sometimes overlooked in the emphasis on conformity. |Is the ultimate goal of esoteric study within the WMT at odds with that of |Christianity? While I'm very new to the study of what may be called the 'WMT', I have read some interesting texts on it and studied aspects of what is classified within this field by notable authors (the Matthewses, others), such as Gnosticism, Thelema, Chaos Magick, etc. Given this caveat, I have yet to discover any unifying metaphysic or cosmology that would yield an 'ultimate goal'. Within certain contexts of study there are specific goals set out for the student, such as the 'Knowledge and Conversation with the Holy Guardian Angel', the 'Great Work', 'Gnosis' and 'Mastery'. Yet the *meanings* of these terms appear to change from tradition to tradition (the term 'gnosis' from Gnosticism to Chaos Magick, for example). I gather that more often than not the goal of WMT(s) is self-development of some kind, sometimes psycho-spiritual, usually with respect to wisdom, knowledge or awareness. This is somewhat at variance with what could ostensibly be said to be the greater Christian focus: the Trinity and one's relationship to It/Hir (esp. in seeing to the condition of one's soul). [...] nagasiva
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