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To: From: "M.Catlett"Subject: Re: Quetzalcoatl? Date: Thu, 23 Oct 1997 10:15:47 -0700 (PDT) On Thu, 23 Oct 1997, Andrew Spitzer wrote > > Obviously there is at least a descriptive parallel between Q., the > feathered serpant, and Hadit, who is described by A.C.'s interp. of the > stele as the "winged snake of light". Q. was the first thing I thought of > when I first read that bit, but I am not that familiar with the mythos. > In your opinion, is there a connection here or is it just a coincidence? We > are at least looking at cultures with a solar focus in common, yes? > Well - no, not to the extent that Egyptian culture *seemed* to be. Quetzalcoatl was one of the most powerful elements in the general mythos, but he was most emphatically not a sun god. Quetzalcoatl and most serpents were associated with water. There is another type of serpent, the xiuhcoatl, who is *associated* with the sun but not identified with it. I would tend to think that this water/fire serpent would be more along the lines of the snake of light - but was not winged. The god who created/became the sun in this last Aztec iteration of worlds was called the 'scabby god,' because he was covered in sores... a stunted and sick being, he jumped into a sacred fire to become the sun. Which sacrifice shamed the beautiful strong god who was hesitating to become the sun so much that he jumped into (I forget what he jumped into) and became the moon. IMO, the image isn't just a coincidence; Crowley was no doubt aware of the god Quetzalcoatl, though I doubt he understood him. Plus, a mystical flying-serpent/dragon creature is found in many traditional cultures, even if they don't all refer to the same set of associations. Michelle There is just ONE god, he is the SUN god; RA! RA! RA! To subscribe send: 'subscribe thelema93-l' to To unsubscribe send: 'unsubscribe thelema93-l' to
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