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To: alt.atheism,alt.satanism,alt.religion.wicca,alt.society.anarchy,alt.society.generation-x From: (William Edward Woody) Subject: Re: Indian Nations was Re: "An Armed Man [sic] is a Citizen..." Date: Sun, 28 Dec 1997 13:40:51 -0800 I've been trying to stay out of this subthread because it's a real sticky wicket, but let me make one observation that I just can't resist making: "Mongoose Runner"wrote: > ... And when > we're all done the children of tomarrow will say "momma, who were the > Indians?" and the only thing momma be able to reply with is "they once > roamed this land...Sort of like the dinosaurs"... Children of tomorrow? Try the children of today. Heck, when I was in high school about 15 years ago, someone asked my history teacher where the California Indians are. And he replied "oh, they're all dead due to diseases brought over by the Spanards. By the time the United States took posession of alta-California, the California Indians had been long ago wiped out." And that's with me, a Salinan, sitting right there second row from the front.... - Bill (Who was made ashamed of my heritage in part by teachers who would tell me that there was no such tribe--as we all know the California Indians all died of disease by about 1830...)
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