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8 Star

To: alt.magick.tyagi,alt.magick,alt.pagan,talk.religion.misc,soc.religion.paganism
From: (Shemhazai)
Subject: Re: 8 Star
Date: Tue, 17 Jun 1997 14:35:09 CST

Dirk Bruere <"artemis" (remove x to reply)> wrote:

> wrote:
>> In alt.pagan Dirk Bruere <"artemis"> wrote:
>> : What is the significance of the 8 pointed star? ( non chaos )
>> The 8 pointed star is a symbol of Ishtar.
>> Blessed Be She!

>Can you give me more info please, or refer me to somewhere that I can
>find it?

In Babylonia the 8-pointed star was a general symbol of divinity, and
also indicated divinity in the cuneiform scripts. 

DIN.GIR in Sumerian, ilu (AL) in the Akkadian - an anologue to the
hebrew systems of micha-el, rapha-el, gabri-el, each divine being had
the 8-rayed logogram "DING.GIR / ilu" prefixing it..  

The same logogram also served to indicate Heaven and the sky-god of
heaven, Anu, who is ascribed to Keter in the Assyrian precursor of the
Hebrew tree.

The 8-rayed rosette was a symbol of Ishtar and Inanna, yes, relating
to a certain venusian planetary cycle of 8 years most likely.

In other symbolism the 8-rayed star is used to indicate regeneration.

In this system of attainment: the triangle is in a square, the
triangle rises on top of the square to become a pentagon, the triangle
rises above the square and develops its janus face, turning into a
square itself.  The result is two superimposed squares.

This is related to the spirit (triangle) struggling to organize itself
to assume authority over the world of matter. (the square), and when
it does this it correctly it becomes the pentagon.  Then the task is
to ascend from the world of matter (five points) through the seven
planetary spheres (seven points), receiving the divine wisdom and
returning to earth (8 points) where it regenerates the world.

There is also the Gnostic Ogdoad, the seven planetary spheres with the
eight, the sphere of the fixed stars, where the divine wisdom (hokmah)
dwells.  This is 2-9 on the sphere of the Tree of Life.

Also, the 8fold path of buddhism and the 8 limbs of yoga and leary's
eight curcuits of consciousness as well.

Good luck, and good hunting.
O you powers within me
Hymn the one and the all  
Chant in harmony with my will
All you powers within me
Holy gnosis
illuminated by you
through you I hymn the light of thought
I rejoice in the joy of the mind
All you powers, chant with me

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