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Is Witchcraft Satanic ?

To: alt.magick.tyagi,alt.satanism,alt.religion.wicca,alt.witchcraft,alt.pagan,
From: elendraug 
Subject: Re: Is Witchcraft Satanic (&Potter Books Therefore Demonic!)?
Date: Mon, 15 Mar 2004 19:33:00 GMT

50040315 vii 

peace be with you, my kin!

# I can not belive some one would write something like this. 

believe it!

# Witchcraft is not Satanic. 

in certain time periods and religious perspectives it is indeed.
some who write for witches and that witches recommend even talk
about the satanicness of witchery (e.g. "The Satanic Witch" and
the Paul Huson book I mentioned!).

I'd further point out that just because witchcraft *is*
Satanic in a sense, this doesn't mean that it is bad. the
net effect of Satanism is the undermining of these simple,
dualistic assessments of objects and people. arguably that
witchcraft is Satanic is a *virtue* of its character, in
that it doesn't kowtow to religious authorities and submit
to the arrogant boot of the "infallible" ecclesiastics.

# Yes, in Harry Potter, there are "good and bad". But, Harry 
# Potter is deffinately good. My kids love Harry Potter.

this line of argument isn't taking into account the "Slippery
Slope" criticism of some religious conservatives. the argument
goes that once someone attributes the powers of these wizards
to the wizards themselves, then they neglect to understand 
that *all* power comes from the divine. seeking protection or
guidance, distracting alternatives are then given credence
over and above the scripture and religion preferred by the
speaker (cf. that Time article I quoted, in which the quoted
Christians are instructing their children that "only God can
do miracles").

arguably, the Potter series gives children the impression
they can function as autonomous miniature adults. in the
Potter stories, children routinely deceive adult authorities, 
conceal information, and steal items for their preferred uses. 
what's worse, the teachers at the school are constantly on the
watch to see whether Harry Potter is going to "turn corrupt",
as there is sufficient commonality betwixt the protagonist and
antagonist in the series that we can't tell whether Potter is
going to turn traitor and undermine the good completely.

this type of 'morality' (where kids assume the mantle of
adults who "will not believe them") is a standard in children's
stories, and in the Potter stories this is justified by the 
fact that its general *end* is good (i.e. the ends justify the 
means). such loose interpretations of morality and authority 
are of questionable quality, especially to those who wish to 
restrain children the role of chattel and within a stratified 
family structure with father at the top of an authority-pyramid.

peace be with you,

    SPEW!  SPEW!  SPEW!  ---------  Dobby did it and you can too!

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