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To: alt.magick.tyagi,alt.lucky.w,alt.magick,alt.religion.wicca,alt.traditional.witchcraft,alt.witchcraft From: nagasivaSubject: Spellwork Reliability and Guarantees Date: Tue, 21 Jan 2003 07:29:54 GMT 50030120 VII om chive: >> He paid the equivalent of £250 for the spells, but went to police when >> the term indicated by the witch expired without any changes. "Blue Rajah": > Her mistake was to offer a definite result with a clear deadline. precisely. >It's always best to leave the results vague and the timeline open-ended. results -- presumably the results which may be expected by the client. given the unpredictable nature of the spell's outcome, leaving the results which may be expected vague is a wise course. timeline -- open-endedness is not important so much as a lack of guarantee. without certitude in the method employed, whether by the client or by the spell-caster hirself, leaving it open-ended leads to needlessly-wasted time waiting, when watching for signs and employing more skilled personnel may be more effective. those with such certitude will offer their assistance with some kind of money-back guarantee. >For good measure, you can always add a condition that one be "pure of >heart" or some such phrase that refers to some condition that can't be >measured or observed.... or even those which can, but are peculiar, or difficult to obtain, like being the Seventh Son of the Seventh Son or being 'gifted', or being an initiate of the proper coven or order. nagasiva
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