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To: alt.magick.tyagi,alt.magick,alt.magick.ethics,alt.magick.pagan,alt.lucky.w,alt.paranormal.spells.hexes.magic From: blackman99Subject: Spellcasting Analysis, Expectations, and Ethics Date: Tue, 09 Mar 2004 22:41:02 GMT 50040309 vii om : # You are honestly looking to break someone's spirit for your own gain? it's not an unheard-of spell-aim. here's what they said, which you neglected to quote: Orig-From: Tony: Spells? Orig-Date: Mon, 16 Feb 2004 16:53 # #> Do Spells realy work? I have been trying my own Method of getting a certain #> person to fall for me either in Lust or Love, and nothing is happening? I #> guess the rules in not interfering with someones will is pretty Strong. Can #> someone's will be Broken? Are my Spells not Strong Enough? Is there a #> Spell Caster out there who can help or even perform the Spell for me to get #> instant results? Thanks to take each of these queries in turn... do spells really work? there are many convinced of their efficacy and a goodly number report to me the effectiveness of certain types of spells over others, as if they're trying variations and refining their methods. the variability of skills in spellcrafting, situations in application, and methods from traditional and solitary practice make evaluating these spiritual levers somewhat difficult outside of some kind of clinical trial which few seek to undertake and those who do might be dismissed as insufficiently developed in what it takes to bring a spell to success. whether the precise components, formulae, and timing are said to be necessary seems in part to depend upon the cosmology supported by the arguer. some maintain that the whole universe is infused with power waiting for us to utilize it to our benefit, often as part of a theurgical relation in which the Creator God has it set up this way ("The Doctrine of Signatures") for human beings to use and direct as we like. for more on this kind of mentality, check out the intro to the grimoire called "The Black Pullet", which has the general notion of how the God made it all for us. others contend that the "stuff" doesn't much matter as long as we are somehow able to 'use the magic' or 'direct our will' and manipulate the cosmos to our ends. usually the components of the spellcraft are by such individuals considered placeholders or symbols which might be dispensed once one's skills have sufficiently developed to allow it. (implied) are there rules for interference with someone's will? ethics in magic varies by culture and temporal context, usually in association with religious and philosophic beliefs about the universe, how and of what it is made. the question of *whether there is will at all* is one seldom asked in magical philosophy, its self-evidence usually enshrining the will to an axiomatic status. interference with said will can be the currency or the bane of the ethical structure utilized by spellcasters. those which integrate magic inherent to ordinary aims have few qualms about supplementing physical interests with magic, talismans, and reflective divination. those who reserve magic for mystical pursuits often have very strict criticism of the use of spells to influence the will of others and provide rules which typically require consent of the target of the spell for its casting to maintain its ethical purity. there are, therefore, rules espoused by magicians and spellcasters pertaining to best use of magic and how to negotiate potentially manipulative spells in life. it is very easy to come by such rules (if variable), merely by mentioning manipulative spellcasting in public forums. religious by the score will often respond with all manner of objection to the act and will sometimes provide their ruleset for your restraint. can someone's will be broken? by use of magic, will-breaking usually falls into the domain of harmful, coercive, (and by dualists what is called 'black') magic. those who talk about such spells will more often be found amongst those who have little or no ethical qualms, or who feel that they are justified or empowered by their god of worship that supports their magic (if any). Kaos magicians, Satanists, and those who deal in sorcery (witches, sorcerers, warlocks, etc.) are more likely to describe magical efforts to break the will or possess or destroy others. that they do attempt this indicates their belief in its possibility or at the least in walking the daring edge of magical operations. in a less visceral or corrosive vein, will-battles are described as behind a good number of magical activities, from the summoning of spirits (whom some seek to dominate and control using applied will) to coercive spells in which it is described as a contest of wills and the so-called 'breaking of another's will' is really just a winning out of one individual over another in attempts to influence the course of events like arm-wrestling. (implied) do cast spells vary in strength? as above, the results from spells are usually described as dependent upon a number of factors, in part based on the cosmology of the commentator. whether components, magical skills, or the composition of the cosmos (in terms of astrology, biorhythms, lunar phases, etc.) factor into the strength of a spell, it seems that most contend knowledge of some sort, if not skill, is needed. for this reason amateur and professional classes of spellcasters are identified for purpose of results, if not touted by those with interest in providing service. strength of spells seem to be evaluated based on emotional intensity at the time of the casting, by many evaluations. sometimes the particulars of the spell and what happens to them are indicators of the strength or the expectable repercussion. the way candles burn, for example, how much apparent resistance or difficulty in casting the spell, especially for those who are old hands at it, indicates something of relative challenge being encountered. (implied) are there spellcasters for hire for consultation or casting services? there are, and they seem to vary across the map of possible reliability. people will take money for all kinds of things, and sometimes they will provide an appearance for that which can be faked. some more responsible spellcasters attempt to counteract these problems by doing things like photographing spells-in-action, directly involving the interested party by contribution if not participation, and returning used components to the contracting party. consultation is usually easily obtained within spellcasting forums like this one or those which feature practical discussions of spellcasting. (implied) are instant results possible? instant results are more often the promise of those who have a distinct interest in concluding a fast exchange of money and getting out before contrary appearances might be noticed. I have heard of those who claimed very fast results, but usually this is not or was not a guarantee. my own divinatory activities have sometimes produced what might be interpreted as a kind of resonance or (if I was to arrogate) cause upon world events in a brief time period. determining the active stimulus responsible for results, however, isn't always easy. # What would you do if someone took your freedom of self away? this sounds more like the zombie-making of African disporic religion. usually the creation of a drone or possessed slave is not the focus of spellcasting that I can see. some mystics talk about golems, and some Khaos Mayjuz occasionally describe the creation of servitors or minor thoughtforms to achieve results limited in time and extent, but these are not involving the use of another's will to parasitize/control them. # Anyone who has the knowledge you seek would be a fool to help # someone as childish as you. it is interesting to me that those who seek to dissuade certain types of spellcasting often impugn the maturity of those who ask for such results or formulae. they'll call the requester 'childish', make references to popular horror films on magic like "The Craft", or role-playing game or comic book magic, as if these are the ignorant sources for spells, rather than reflections of traditional magic. it tells us something about the character of the detractor. if they had their own maturity they wouldn't stoop to such insults in order to make their points, and would instead explain why they see so much more clearly into the metaphysics and ethics of magic. such is the state of the Philosophy of Magic (most mages don't have a background study in it, sadly, and thence prefer to wax ignorantly in embarrassing displays of fundamentalism) despite some of the contentions from popular magicians of its importance. # You get what you give and to give something as cruel as taking away # someone's choice is wretched. this is an interesting perspective. how can we discern when someone's choice is actually removed, as compared with when choice over some particular circumstance is influenced by a powerful will (whether in spellcrafting or directly)? these questions are seldom considered by those condemning of spellcrafting. it is sufficient to proceed along the presumption that "removing someone's choice is inexcusable" and that spells contending for certain results thereby are indefensible. # Instead, why don't you cast a spell to find your true love. this is surely a more supported magical activity than attempting to make someone love you. the target of the spell is oneself, and therefore will by definition agree to be the subject of results. # There is nothing written that says what you want right now is what # you need to live and grow as a person. a number of those who used magic with whom I've studied indicated that they found the written word to be *unreliable* as regards the mysteries and practice of magic, witchcraft, and the "Art". whether there is something written, therefore, may not be convincing. # And failing that, why don't you approach this person and tell # them how you feel? that's their personal business which may prove supplemental to and extraneous to a discussion about magic which they are pursuing. # Sometimes it is better to do things yourself. whether by the thaumaturge or by the natural mage, doing spellwork *is* doing things for oneself. those including a God underlying the operations will sometimes speak of the God "helping them to help themselves", for example, and therefore regard what they are doing as comparable to engineering: using the available leverages in causation as they perceive them to effect desired changes. blackman99
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