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To: alt.magick,alt.pagan,alt.magick.tyagi From: (mordred) Subject: Spell Components (Was Re: What does my friend mean by magick?) Date: 16 Jul 1995 08:21:19 -0700 Kali Yuga 49950716 This is the kind of discussion I enjoy greatly. Camilla Maltaswrites: |'s a question I have often pondered myself (especially when I find |myself to be unable to procure the "necessary" ingredients eg emeralds |(way beyond my budget!!) My typical approach is to presume that each object may be a necessary trigger and that certain magical objects may flavor or twist the working in subtle ways. Some spells will require a Single Lone Object (such as *the Mona Lisa*), but most will work fine with comparable substitutes. Note that by 'comparable substitutes' I do not necessarily mean what may suffice for a materialist scientist. What is 'comparable' in the realm magical may be something substantially different. That obsidian stone you lost and needed for the spell may be easily substituted with a hunk of charcoal or dead grandma's shoebox. Part of the sheer joy of spells is that the mage is the particular variable in the spell and so all the components may yield different results as regards the spell outcome merely through a different locus (and context?) of initiation. >and the root of the obscure flubdub plant which grows only on the summit >of Ben Nevis, and I'm scared of heights...) Have someone else get it for you if you cannot brave your fear. Sometimes the residue from getting the article must infuse it for the spell to work. That is, it may be he fear in getting the plant which contributes toward the working of the spell. Many possibilities. ___________________________ Confusion will be my epitaph as I crawl a cracked and broken path. If we make it we can both sit back and laugh. But I fear tomorrow I'll be crying. -King Crimson, The Court of the Crimson King -- PLEASE CC ALL PUBLIC RESPONSES TO EMAIL. | telnet:// | news:alt.magick.tyagi
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