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To: alt.magick,alt.lucky.w From: catherine yronwodeSubject: Re: sleep spell Date: Wed, 03 Apr 2002 00:54:03 GMT hushunjen wrote: > > do you know the sleep spell incantation ? In your other post, you asked about Taoist exam-passing talismans, so i do not know if you are asking for a Taoist sleep spell here or any sleep spell. In Europe and America, many people drink Camomile tea (an herb tea) and they put a holy book of some sort (for instance, the Bible) under their pillow, and this is said to produce sound sleep. It is not an "incantation," but it seems to work. (Another herb that brings sleep is Valerian root, but it smells so bad i don't recommended it!) Mothers sing their babies to sleep with various forms of lullabye -- such as: sleep, baby, sleep, your father tends the sheep. your mother shakes the dreamland tree, and down fall little dreams for thee, sleep, baby. sleep. A lullabye is a form of sleep incantation, although many people think of it as just a cute song. cat yronwode Lucky W Amulet Archive ---------
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