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Love Spells and Black Magic

To: alt.magick.tyagi,alt.magick,alt.paranormal.spells.hexes.magic,alt.pagan.magick,alt.occult.methods
From: blackman99 
Subject: Love Spells and Black Magic (was love spell to make someone like me)
Date: Thu, 14 Mar 2002 03:24:02 GMT

50020313 VI (ConjureMan777):
>>  That, or he's bollixed his way solidly into 'friend' territory.  If
>>  that's the case, I suggest the following:

a *wonderful* consideration. very intelligent of you. I especially liked
your suggested name for the doll-baby. 

>> Make a sigil by combining the letters of her name into a shape.  The
>> name should not be recognizable by looking at the sigil.  Draw the
>> sigil on a dollar bill.  Spooge on it, crumple it up, and hide it
>> somewhere for a week.
>> In the meanwhile, make yourself a small human or animal figure out of
>> wood or clay.  Make sure there is a hole or recess for the mouth so
>> that you can 'feed' it.  The figurine will be the focus for the
>> servitor-spirit you will create.  Think of a name for it; let's say
>> for now, "Tim".  Carve this name, along with the astrological symbols
>> of Venus, Gemini, and Pisces, the arabic numeral 2 and the Roman
>> numeral VI on a small candle.
>> After about a week has passed, place the candle and figurine on a
>> surface along with a knife and a small bowl.  After doing a suitable
>> banishing:
>> 1. Use the knife to draw the invoking pentagram of water over the
>> figure.  Anoint its forehead with saliva.
>> 2. Next draw the invoking pentagram of fire.  Burn the crumpled dollar
>> bill in the bowl, holding the figurine over the smoke.  If the bill
>> fails to burn correctly, stop immediately and do a full banishing.
>> 3. Draw the invoking pentagram of air.  Breathe into the figure's
>> mouth.
>> 4. Draw the invoking pentagram of earth.  Rub some of the ash from the
>> burnt bill onto the figure's head.  It should form a kind of mud with
>> the remaining saliva.  Say, "remember you are dust and to dust you
>> shall return".
>> 5. Finally, carve a small heart onto the figure's chest with the
>> knife.  Draw an active invoking pentagram of spirit above the
>> figurine.  Prick your finger and place a drop of your blood onto the
>> heart.
>> Now light the candle, and holding it above the figure's head, command
>> it thus:
>> "Awake, oh Tim!  Awake and serve me, your god and master.  Obey and
>> you shall have life!"
>> You should have a brief charge composed, instructing the beastie to go
>> out and work your will to win this girl.  Recite it now.  Then say,
>> "Tim, go forth!" and blow out the candle.  Place the figure and candle
>> in an opaque bag, and banish.
>> Put them away in a safe place.  
>> From now on, whenever you feel longing for this girl again, say "Tim,
>> go forth" and turn your mind to other things.  Let the beastie do its
>> work.  If you are alone, cover your eyes with both hands and picture
>> it floating before you.  As you say, "Tim, go forth!" fling your hands
>> from your eyes and visualize Tim turning and flying away to do your
>> bidding.
>> To keep your servitor in good working order, take the figure and
>> candle out of the bag one a week, light the candle, and summon it by
>> saying "Tim, come forth".  Feed it some semen and/or blood, repeat the
>> charge, and send it forth again by blowing out the candle.  Place
>> stuff back in bag, and put away for another week.
>> If you come across things that remind you of her, put them in the bag.
>> When the candle has burned down, the servitor is dead.  Say, "sleep
>> well, oh Tim; for we are awake."  Scratch out the heart and do a full
>> banishing.

entirety included for reposting and cuz I like it and want to archive it.
now the discussion about it starts. ;>

Archibald Worthington-Smythe :
> should do a full banishing first as well as last, 

banishing is only valuable for those with inferiority complexes, those
who have problems working with the vast number of spirits available and 
unable to stomach sharing psychic space. it's about on the level of the 
camper who, first thing, sets up a bug-zapper in a forest along the trail.

if you've got these problems it is far better to establish your very own
temple and install some kind of 'keep out' sigils or signs, letting the
various spirits know that they are not wanted until and unless called.
otherwise I suspect it comes off as 'black magic' (coercive!) to spirits.

> and wanking will only deplete your magickal force, where any, so 
> give that a big miss. 

you've had no luck with sex magic, eh? different strokes, so to speak.

> Sacrifice a dove instead, or in your case a goat.

and you were talking about *their* 'black magic'? heh.

> Btw, who is "tim"? Are you going to run off to the Goetia for a
> suitable demon for this working?

Tim is the name for the purposes of the spell that the magician has
given to their servitor. it should be substituted for a name which
has a greater significance to the spellcaster.

> You could just pull out all the stops and carve an Abramelin Square
> (you figure out which one) into your forearm, that would "work".

I don't think it has the same character. better for some ceremonialists
to proceed along these lines, perhaps, but not all of us are obsessed
with pseudo-Jewish ascetic grimoires and substitute "QBL"s.

> Yes, I *am* being sarcastic, I have to point this out or morons will
> try and do this kind of insane shit.

and then more morons come along and comment on it as if theirs was the
be-all and end-all of magical tradition. it happens. sarcasm can convey
your emotional reaction, but it may not assist those who are inquiring.
it just tends to shut down meaningful conversation and lead *away* from
a consideration of magic. my working theory is that this is the design 
of the religious Masters who put forth the dogma. those who are fully-
programmed into self-limitation and fear will carry it forth and disrupt
the magico-religious practices of others, while the originators of these
lies will continue doing what they always have (magic of their preference).

> In any case you are taking a h-bomb to a walnut.

are they, or have you over-estimated the impact of minor magical spells?
consider that not everyone integrates their magic into their mysticism,
not everyone considers the cosmos to be composed in quite the same way
as you do, and there is no apparent gradation transcending culture --
your ascription of the spell as an "h-bomb" merely gives us an impression
of how this looks to you (an over-exertion with energies better spent
doing something else, though you haven't really said what yet).

for example, it isn't a Love-Me-Or-Die Spell. that's a stronger variant.
> What's wrong with an honest communication of your feelings? 

nothing. but it isn't magic, which is the topic of this forum. ;>

> ...If you carry on as above, you will get worse than a merely 
> bruised ego, but I can see what matters most to you. You wankers 
> are all the same.

here you exit the enterprise of considerate or even testy communication
in favour of juvenile slams (do *all* Hermetic mages have personal
issues surrounding the subject of masturbatory magic? perhaps this is
another indication of pseudo-Christian and pseudo-Gnostic programming).
we 'wankers' are, indeed, all the same to you.

> ...if you go tell the object of your desire, and she/he rejects you, 
> you will be fortified for next time. Courage is something you get 
> *after* you are brave, not before.

take it to or
the subject is magic. if you can't contribute to it, rather than spewing
your hand-wringing humms and haws, then lurk for a while until you can.
thank you very much for reposting the spell, however, as it is invaluable
to a study of the actual practice of magic.

a       B
g      l         b
a     e        e
s    s       a
i   s      s
v  e     t
a d    !

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