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To: alt.magick.tyagi,alt.religion.wicca,alt.pagan.magick,alt.magick From: 333Subject: Re: Power and Spellcasting Date: Tue, 04 Nov 2003 08:49:55 GMT 50031103 viii om -- guessing as to attributions, apologies for any errors Figinn the bold: #>#>#>#> ...power is given to those least likely to misuse it. Brett the critic: #>#># What a quaint notion. as I said, it has a lot of staying power. there are hordes of socially-orthodox mystical mages who believe it without doubt. its repetition as by Figinn here is a promulgation of its meme, though he doesn't wish to sustain a defense of it. the best defense is some transcendental 'you-cannot-know-the-cosmic-God- but-it-is-in-charge-of-us-and-I-have-special-insight' ploy. #>#># And so very wrong, without even going into the word "given". in terms of sociopolitical power this is not wrong at all, though the occasional exception crops up. sociological mages dwell in the same power-given mentality, typically. this is why there are orders and vows of secrecy, reputations on the line, etc. Figinn the less-bold: #>#> And how do you know this? Tom: #># Because morality (which is what distinguishes between #># "use" and "misuse") doesn't matter to any #># demonstrable power. oh yeah, throw in the 'demonstrable' portion. that lets most of the fantasyland inferred, believed, and whole-hog-swallowed gods that are behind magical powers right out! ;> #>#> In hindsight however, I should have better phrased my #>#> response to say that the greatest power is *achieved* #>#> by those least likely to misuse it. this is usually the justification for mages who puff up in arrogance, have problems with personal integrity, and are generally over-achievers in their own minds: "I *earned* my wings, bucko! Straighten up and fly right [/agree with me, submit to my will, do as I say, etc.] or you'll be sorry [the cosmic power will undo you]!" #># Yes, that's better. It clarifies just how value-laden #># and subjective your claim really is. Who decides what #># power is "greatest"? You do, of course. Who decides #># who has achieved this "greatest power"? You do, of course. #># Nice and tidy bit of self-flattery. the cosmic God (rough equivalent of the speaker) does that. the whole thing rests on cosmological presuppositions which, as you have perceptively pinned to the floor, are not really demonstrable in any overt fashion. that mages pretend that its reality is a foregone conclusion is their undoing. that they thereafter presume themselves moral *because* they are powerful is an effective duplication of 'Might Makes Right' but without all the fancy-schmancy bits about love and compassion that some (PoMo?) mages prefer. religious make this kind of claim all the time, and it is in part what drives the value of the story of Job: detaching the position of the religious with respect to the cosmic God from position in the material realm. many religious don't want that. they'd rather pretend that they are in the Power Seat and that this Seat was *earned* by good behaviour (when in fact most know that they are themselves fraudulent occupiers of the throne). apparently Figinn the less-and-less bold: #>$ Is there necessarily an ethical component in magick? theurgy tends to include it. it is not necessary, no. #>$ ...however to fully understand the ethical components #>$ of magick, we must fully understand *what* is considered #>$ ethical, what is *not* considered ethical and *who* gets #>$ to decide. In such a scenario, ethics can no longer be #>$ judged as subjective. There would be one "etched in #>$ stone" set of morals for all of humanity. That may #>$ indeed be the case and I have written much about such #>$ an idea. what, Ten Commandments? who decides would seem to tweak the identification of the ethical, indeed. amongst theurges the usual adherence is to the divinity. whether that divinity provides the ethics on stone tablets, or calls 'em a Rede, or leaves some kind of vague set of doctrines ('karma', 'bushido', 'thelema', 'agape', etc.) for the faithful to figure out for themselves and abide or betray with cosmic repercussions, seems to depend on human imaginations. Dze: #> ...the buzz-word "given" referring to "power"(s), that's how theurges typically think. talk to Sufis and they will go all goofy about magic as if there are tight controls and major hurdles and it's all the One God's doing anyways so don't worry much about these faux siddhis that aren't our objective anyways (to earn the favour of the One God and be His Best Boy). same is true of yogis and the siddhis that I just mentioned. to an extent, Crowley was playing with that in his writing and his system (putting 'Magick' on *top* of Yoga as an inversion). #> as if Figinn being [was?] completely oblivious to the #> responsibility of earning said power(s) through the #> fruits of one's own contemplative and or magical labor. no, 'given' implies sucking up to some cosmic power, and that is what theurges usually promote as part of some vast ordinational conformity-scheme whereby power is distributed or at least controlled to *their* specifications, which is what Tom seems to have been commenting on. you can see this from inside and it looks pretty secure, or you can see it from the outside and it looks pretty arrogant, unfounded, and generally undemonstrable (as is the cosmic God). [I have a demonstration against the *intellectual* cosmic God that involves the failure to make our year 360 days, but we'll let that one go.] #> Tom and I both picked-up Figinn's apparent struggle within #> him(her)self concerning issues of moral superiority and #> inferiority. it did appear that way, though she felt it necessary to equivocate and backpeddle rather than attempting to support the over-reach. a magic-metaphysics that would allow for hir initial claim would be one somewhat sociological, in which the community dictates the power and the ethics. some anthropologists go for this kind of explanation of magic (it has to become known before it will be effective). Figinn: # I have no struggle concerning issues of moral # superiority and inferiority. then who gives power? where does it come from if it isn't handed out by cosmic Gods? is there a scarcity model of power, or is it free for the taking? why bother with the "earning" bit? what faux "achievements" will you invent to support the edifice you're constructing as you back out? # ...I never even claimed that there *is* an ethical # component in magick (and by extension everything else) # ... even though I acknowledged the possibility. Figinn: "...power is given to those least likely to misuse it." the term 'misuse' is strikingly ethical in its implication. Tom mentioned that above. you apparently didn't mean what you said. that's ok with me. if you don't snipe too much more I may do even more to shore up your argument. #> ...others' ethical systems somehow or another shaping, #> suppressing or interfering with his(her) own ethics (or #> lack thereof); as if to say the very thoughts of others #> dictate his(her) own realities -- and willingly so. fluctuating ethical systems probably aren't that unusual, especially if they aren't made real until they are tested. people just hide them well. if strictly conceptual, (the 'what would you do if...?' scenarios), one may always be the Kristos in one's universe and never abandon the Proper Authority. given some alternatives in one's vicinity (e.g. those who seize power for their own projects, have no ethics, or generally trespass beyond the norm of society's dictates), some warp is bound to occur in the impressionable, inexperienced, or shallow. focussing attention on them because of it may set a hurdle in their education, since the issue immediately becomes *their* integrity, consistency, and ego, rather than the point they were attempting to put forward. one might criticize Crowley for this error, inasmuch as he failed (as so many egotists do) to admit his most egregious errors, pretended that they didn't occur, and left a smattering of differentiated expression in his wake. were he to have just fessed up as to his self-discovered ineptness (the dearth of such profession a testimony to his lack of introspection; where it obtains, a jewel in his proverbial spiritual crown), then we might be able to do more than demonstrate his spiritual inferiority and magical failure (something many Thelemic theurges will not admit). re: #> "'etched in stone' set of morals for all of humanity." this is a philosophic issue, generic. such ethics/morals are idealized or argued all the time, though their 'etching' directly implies some cosmic authority. an example which does not require such etching is Utilitarianism, however weak it may be to defend as necessary. at least one may thereafter set one's store in genetic predispositions of one's species. # may indeed be the case. I have written and thought # much on the subject and am undecided to this point. as has been pointed out, you sounded pretty decided (even in your qualified whole from which I helpfully excerpted), and this is why you're getting heat for it (because people don't like it). that you foment personal squables *after* the attention is drawn to your person only makes the matter worse. no amount of "//end of thread"s will allow you the last word. take heart in the knowledge that you started the thread by your expansive and popular contention. I admire you for it. :> 333
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