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To: alt.paranormal.spells.hexes.magic,alt.magick,alt.magick.tyagi,alt.pagan.magick,, From: (nagasiva) Subject: Fireballs and Lightning Bolts (was pyromancy & electromancy) Date: 16 Jun 1998 15:53:52 -0700 49980616 aa3 Hail Satan! (Ben Smith): >can someone please tell me the how to cast and throw fireballs and >lightning bolts. I have been researching this and so far have come up >with nothing. If you know please tell me > >P.S. None of that DragonLance stuff either I swear that I didn't find these in DragonLance. both of these spells appear to be classed in 'Elemental' and/or 'Missile' categories, are typically cast out of the palm of the hand and reach a designated range. some grimoires ascribe the lightning to the element of Air while others associate it with Light or Electricity in classes of their own. none of the texts that I have describe any verbal or somatic portions to the spells, presumably leaving that to the mage or figuring that you will have acquired this more secretive information from an authority such as your master/instructor/guide. in both cases the spells are described as powerful, require experience in order to cast, and are accompanied by hefty cautions lest the mage damage hir compatriots in the heat or shock of the moment rather than merely affecting hir adversaries. practicing in very open areas would appear to be an important prerequisite to actual battle-use. ====================================================================== FIREBALLS 3rd Level Spell; Evocation; range 10 yards + 10 yards/level; the spellbook doesn't specify the verbal or somatic components; requires a tiny ball of bat guano and sulphur; instantaneous duration; takes about 6 seconds to cast; affects an area of 20 foot radius from blast; save cuts dam in 1/2 (from the mage named Gygax) ------------------------------------------------------------- requires 5 Force 8 units, 3 Prime units (under the name 'Ball of Abysmal Flame'); victims suffer four Health Levels; seems pretty powerful -- "even victims who survive will suffer third-degree burns"; kinetic energy manipulation to cause a huge temp increase; (from the mage named Weick) ------------------------------------------------------------- Essence Spells: Fire Law: Level 8; a 1' ball of flame shot from the caster's palm, 100' range affecting a 10' radius blast area (from the mages Charlton, Fenlon and Amthor) ------------------------------------------------------------- requires the ability to cast the spells Create Fire and Shape Fire; the mage can put 1-3 energy points into the spell, increasing the effect of it upon the target; making a staff or rod that will store and fire the spell requires the implantin of a ruby worth at least $400 and costs 800 pts to create (from the mage Jackson) =================================================================== LIGHTNING BOLTS 3rd Level; Evocation; range 40 yards + 10 yards/level; the spellbook doesn't specify the verbal or somatic components; requires a bit of fur and an amber, crystal or glass rod; instantaneous duration; takes about 6 seconds to cast; affects either a forked bolt 10 feet wide and 40 feet long or a single bolt 5 feet wide and 80 feet long; caution, can rebound; save cuts dam in 1/2 (from the mage named Gygax) -------------------------------------------------------------- requires 3 Force units, 2 Prime unites (under the name 'Pulse of Electro-Stream'); victims suffer two Health Levels *per success of the effect*; well-grounded targets may reduce damage; a bit more variability for this spell than the fireball. (from the mage named Weick) -------------------------------------------------------------- Essence Spells: Light Law: Level 2; a bolt of intense, charged light is shot from the palm of the caster to a range of 100' (from the mages Charlton, Fenlon and Amthor) ------------------------------------------------------------- the mage needs to know at least six other Air-based spells; can have unpredictable effects, taking conductivity and material types into account; can be used to short out electronic equipment; accurate at longer ranges than a Fireball; 1-3 pts put into the spell for 1d-1 dam; takes 1-3 seconds to cast as the charge builds; lightning rods/staves take 800 pts to create, $1200 value platinum adornments to effect the creation of the item; the bolt is fired from either end (from the mage Jackson) =================================================================== EOF -- (emailed replies may be posted); 408/2-666-SLUG cc me replies;;
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