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To: alt.magick.tyagi,alt.magick,alt.pagan.magick,alt.lucky.w,alt.witchcraft From: (nagasiva yronwode) Subject: Faith and Spellworking (was a question on faith.....) Date: Fri, 27 Oct 2000 03:16:01 GMT 50001026 Vom > one of the key ingredients of spell work is the faith that what you > are doing will manifest a result[,] right? perhaps not. some believe that all you have to have is enough interest in doing the rote practical activities included in the formula of the spell. faith is unnecessary, according to this line of thought. > how can one manifest faith who has in the past consistently been > disappointed despite their faith?... proceeding from the premise that spell-success is indeed faith-based, and that you are not completely DISBELIEVING in the efficacy of spells because you presume them to be shams, some ways to encourage your own faith include: * realize the basis of your faith (e.g. in religion) and how this factors into your magical activities. this can lead you to understand how you are a technician for your god. * observe the successes of those who claim to be succeeding in their spells. become convinced of the efficacy of the method and intent of the spell-workers involved. this can lead you to understand how your personal faith effects magic. > so back to the question: how does one push the "i believe" button? from the foundation? observation of the cosmos and the effect that belief has on it. > how can one get the faith to KNOW the ritual will work? through self-convincing: being converted by believers, justifying it to yourself enough that you become fervent, infusing yourself in a world which allows many things to be possible, etc. nagasiva -- FREE HOODOO CATALOGUE! send street address to: ; ; ; emailed replies may be posted; cc replies if response desired
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