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To: alt.magick.tyagi,alt.magick,alt.witchcraft,alt.lucky.w,alt.paranormal.spells.hexes.magic,alt.pagan.magick From: "Patti Ryon"Subject: Re: Expiration Date on Spells? (was How do you make ...) Date: Sat, 15 Jun 2002 20:44:54 GMT "blackman99" wrote in message news:HueN8.11462$ > 50020610 VII > > "This space for Rant" : > > ... write down what you do!! Lol, I didn't and I am now scrambling > > to remember because All workings have an expiry date! It expired > > and It hit's you like a 2x4 when it does. > > really?? is this anything like Love Spells always "backfiring"? > what happens when a spell "runs past its expiration date"? > do we have to build one of those in, or can we safely omit it? > > blackman99 Spells can be worked one of several ways so far as dealing with expiration. I tend to use weaving analogies and hope that this does not bother anyone. 1. You tie the spell off to yourself so that it pulls all of its energy from you. In this way, it is sustained by you and will not unweave until you let it go or someone else undoes it. 2. You tie the spell to an external energy source. In this way, it is sustained but pulls nothing from you. It will remain until unwoven. 3. You tie the spell off and let it decay naturally, which, depending on the spell will take anywhen from hours to months. 4. You tie the spell off leaving a line to yourself so that it trips an alarm when it starts to decay or is being unwoven. In this way you can choose to sustain it or let it go. I hope that this is helpful. "Energy moves. Life adapts. This we call Power. And that was the first mistake...." -Patti
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