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To: alt.lucky.w From: "John M. Hansen"Subject: Re: European Folk Spell Styles ( Date: Sat, 2 Sep 2000 21:41:58 -0400 The difference between 'High' or ceremonial magic, and 'Low' or natural magic came into place long before the 17th century. The magic of the Ceremonialist was always based on their literacy, which was not common among the common man much less poor folks in the country. The living conditions of the peasantry in Europe before the enlightenment was somewhat worse than that of the same class of people in third world nations, such as India, today. On the other hand,m the nobles and 'perfumed people,' lived at about the same standard that they do today, never missing a meal, and having all possible creature comforts. It was from the supposedly 'better' magic of the nobles and literate class that most modern ceremonial magic had been taken. Of course, this magic, involving a lot of spoken words, usually read out of a book, was considered to be powerful becaue it was so admired by the common man. The fact that it did not work, or only rarely worked, bothered no one. Ceremonial magic is an excellent way to convince yourself that you are accomplishing something as you enter into a state of self delusion and ego expansion. Folk magic, like Hoodoo, is an excellent way to accomplish what ever it is that you you want to do. Regards, John M Hansen
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