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To: alt.magick,alt.magick.tyagi,alt.paranormal.spells.hexes.magic,alt.witchcraft,alt.lucky.w From: (Lee Thompson-Herbert) Subject: Re: Casting Spells Date: 12 Mar 2002 03:36:17 -0800 In article <2Hfj8.113$>, Tomwrote: [...] >Now, how many "ancient spells" are written down that are not rituals? How many of those "ancient" spells and rituals actually are ancient? Most of the material ritual magicians work with are at most 200 years old. And if it was lifted from the Freemasons, it might be as old as 250 years. Most of the ancient rituals were _made up_ by folks who didn't think their work would be respected if it didn't have the patina of age all over it. There are plenty of spells that don't have any ritual to them. You take the ingredients and components, you do something specific with them, done. They work because the ingredients are assumed to have inherent powers, not because the _ritual_ charges them up. Ah, forget it. This is the same stupid set of arguments that you dips throw around every couple months...if not more often. Nothing that anyone says is likely to sway _any_ of the participants. -- Lee M.Thompson-Herbert KoX 1995, SP4 Head Muso, White Rats Morris Member, Knights of Xenu (1995). Chaos Monger and Jill of All Trades. "A head-on collision between Morticia Adams and Martha Stewart"
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