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The BrotherHood Of Darkness

[from ]

Subject: The BrotherHood Of Darkness
   The Black Coffin` Death spell
   Prior to midnight on the dark of the Moon,burn some Black
   Arts Incense to summons the dark forces for about a half
   hour before the ritual.
   Use no invocation for this working and do everything by
   the light of a single black candle that has been Annointed
   with Black Arts oil.
   By dim lights and silence you summon the quiet of the grave.
   As the evil hour strikes everything must be ready to
   proceed:Fashion a coffin by hand of warm black wax from a melted
   candle.Fashion also by hand from the same a small doll to
   represent thy victim and lay in the coffin.Scribe the victims
   name on a piece of parchment in black ink and lay it into the
   coffin next to the doll.
   Insert several large pins into the body of the doll with thy
   silent curse for this victim as each pin enters the body of the
   Sprinkle the coffin and the doll with Black Musk powder and
   meditate on the harm thou wouldst inflict on the victim.
   When the candle has burnt to a stub(the one you annointed),put it
   out and repair to the victims dwelling.Sprinkle more Black Must
   powder around the doorstep and sit the coffin on in.Place the
   burned out stubb next to the coffin and draw an"XX"(just the
   X`s)with some of the Black Arts Oil on the door.Throw a few
   pinches of the Black Mus Powder onto the oil on the door so that
   it sticks and shows the"XX"Maintain strick silence about thy work
   and never acknowledge the existance of the victim.
   Warning Spell
   Blood turn black and flesh turn Blue,
   I will curse you if you force me too.
   By the left hand and the unclean food,
   I`ll curse your eyes,I`ll curse your lies.
   I`ll call down the plague of flies.
   Blood go black and flesh go blue
   evil for me and back to you
   My soul clean and yours on fire
   Your fucked with a witch you get burned lier
   There has been unfairness done to me
   I summon the elements
   I envoke them
   I conjure them to do my bidding
   The four watchtowers whall lay their eyes and minds
   there shall be fear and guilt and bad blood
   there shall be submission and no pitty
   I point threefold law against thee
   against thee it shall be pointed
   three fold, a hundred fold is the cost of my anger and pain
   Thee shall be blinded by fear
   blinded by pane
   blinded by me
   cursed by me
   So mote it be!
   This curse shall be layed upon the victim while burning an image
   of the victim wax sigil,photograph,drawing, anything
   in the flame of a consercrated black candle
   Binding Spell
   Come yeas harm is made
   Queen of Heaven,Queen of Hell
   Horned Hunter Of the night
   Lend your power unto the spell
   And work are will by magick rite
   By all the power of land and sea
   By all the might of moon and sure
   I call the earth to bind my spell
   Air to speed it well
   Bright as fire shall it grow
   Deep as tide of water flow
   Count the elements for fold
   In the fith the spell shall hold
   Spell to bring Spirits....
   Sit in a circle....
   West chant: Obey these words of power
   East chant:Watchers of the threshold
   watchers of the gate
   North chant:Unbar the gaurded door
   South chant:Obey this command of this
   servant of power
   Chant this three times....
   The spell will bring the Spirits
   of the world to you to serve as guide
   Revenge Spell
   AS I command it so shall it be
   I now seek revenge on thee,
   Leave me be,(Revenges name)
   And be gone from my mist.
   You to me no longer exsist.
   By the power of three times
   three you will feel my agoney
   Feel what you have put me through
   This is punishment I give to you.
   This is the image of my would be victim
   if I hang from a single thread
   in a place that no one else can see
   it will bring fear into the heart of him who shall harm me
   it will bring fear into the heart of him who would harm me
   He will be binded by fear from harming me further
   he will be binded by fear from harming me at all
   I will tie a knot into the thread when I wish to secure the fear
   until I break it
   So mote it be


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