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To: alt.magick.tyagi,alt.paranormal.spells.hexes.magic,alt.pagan.magick,alt.magick,alt.tarot,alt.occult.methods From: nagasivaSubject: Acquisition Spells and Augury Date: Sun, 16 Feb 2003 23:25:48 GMT 50030217 VII Hail Satan! Happy Lunatix! (whatnext) writes to some magic and wiccan newsgroups: > Its me whatnext. hi whatnext!!! > Haven't I been posting good topic posts? I'm sorry I don't know. > So don't I deserve a straight answer? yes you deserve one. > Have you run across ANY spells, demons, angels, gods, etc. > that can help one acquire mind altering drugs on any > astral/reality plane whatsoever? the only of which I'm aware is the physical plane/reality. beyond that we're talking about something fictional, like from "Snowcrash" (a fabulous transmission in which the drug takes cybereal dimensions) or its like (see the book). in magical history there are countless spells and agents who will work with you to acquire what you like depending on your alliance with them and proper usage of method. > Maybe a sigil or the construction of a sigil would be facilitated through the terminological and other symbolic associations tied into the sorcerous substances you are seeking. this is truly limited only by your own artistic ability and imagination in association with the developments of society that might facilitate your work. > talisman or now you're talking about something more concrete and may be able to fashion something not only symbolically majestic but complex and powerful. a sigil or pattern is ultimately a conceptual lattice given form by the mage (who will be of variable skill in manipulating it), but a talisman may be GIVEN AWAY, SOLD, OR OTHERWISE ACQUIRED by the mage. i.e. it may be gifte/traded/sold. > fabled gnostic ring.... these are harder to come by. the fabled is usually either snatched up and long missing (relics, for example, are typically concealed in sacred structures), or it never existed as such to begin with (e.g. the Shroud of Turin, which, despite having been confirmed not possibly that of the Christian Messiah, has become the focus of those maintain it was the impression/image of the Headmaster for the demolished Knights Templar (on Friday the 13th, Jacques de Molay et al!). if they are *actual* magical objects they will usually be integrated into dominating societal traditions, destroyed by competitive cults, or lost to the ignorance of scholars/novices. > buried deep in some mayan catacombs? Anything you got > I can use. there's a vast difference between the kind of magical object you last mentioned and the first two (which, unless the fabrication of a master hirself, will only prove as powerful as she who fashioned it). not only that, being sure of its intended purpose become more difficult when not acquired in response to a direct request of the sort you've issued. effectively, in a usenet newsgroup (all other things being equal and the posters knowing nothing about one another), you are asking for assistance in a public park, thereby enlisting all manner of response in terms of skill and expertise in the construction of that for which you seek. > (please don't give me that stuff about how I'm > supposed to use my legwill to acquire money to walk > over to the drug dealer, etc.) this would seem to indicate that you have a somewhat unreasonable notion of what magic includes. if you're looking for the mysterious appearance of gifts, then your chances of success may decrease measurably, in part due to the nature of the Art and in part because you're severely limiting the vectors through which volition might serve your interests. Crowley's work on magic touches on this somewhat (particularly in his brief mentions of measuring success in "Moonchild" and Part Three of "Book Four": 'Magick in Theory and Practice' -- see text of the same name online or in print). > Here is a divination on my question: queen c r, 9w r presuming a powerful deck and/or a skilled tarot oracle: QUEEN OF CUPS REVERSED consulting Crowley (because he was so interested in Sorcery): insincere person; cynic, intranquil with the motivation of disrupting or derailing communications; everything passing through the person signified "is refracted and distorted"; "her characteristics depend mostly upon the influences which affect her"; the signified is buffetted about by forces not of her doing and making, possibly also inciting a desire to manipulate and attract the attention of others [quotes from book of thoth] 9 WANDS REVERSED (star of Khaoz? ;>) 'Strength'-inverted (weakness); 'Change is Stability'-inverted (change is disruption); weak change turned back upon itself; domain the number of dreams/intoxication (9) this seems to indicate that whoever is signified by the Queen (the poster?) is deceptive to get attention, ensorcelled by addiction, and manipulative in communications. based on this result I'd have to know more about the layout and if its cards' position implied anything in relation to this query: > Have you run across ANY spells, demons, angels, > gods, etc. that can help one acquire mind > altering drugs on any astral/reality plane > whatsoever? but combined with the rejection of physical involvement in the results this may indicate poor motivation for the query. nagasiva
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