a cache of usenet and other text files pertaining
to occult, mystical, and spiritual subjects.


The Great Net Spellbook

Subject: The Great Net Spellbook

	[originally downloaded in from  


Arousal (Enchantment)


Range:  0

Components:  V, S, M

Duration:  1 turn + 1 round per level

Casting Time:  1

Area of Effect:  Creature touched

Saving Throw:  Negates

Author:  Mario R. Borelli 

This spell creates a state of extreme horniness in the affected

creature, including both biological and physiological effects,

although said horniness is not directed towards anyone or

anything in particular. The reverse of this spell, disinterest,

completely snuffs out any lust the recipient might be feeling.

The material component for this spell is a sprig of mistletoe.

Blank (Illusion/Phantasm)

Range:  0

Components:  V, S

Duration:  1 hour per level

Casting Time:  1

Area of Effect:  Book touched

Saving Throw:  None

Author:  Thomas Weigel 

This cantrip covers the print on the pages of a book and

replaces it with the illusion of blank pages. For the blank

pages to be convincing, the pages in the book must be seen by

the caster during the casting, otherwise the blank pages might

not match up with the real ones. Also, individual pages may not

be blanked. This is an all or nothing spell. The caster

concentrates on blankness while passing her left hand over the

book and muttering the proper words. Katrine developed this one,

to her master's chagrin, while she was still an apprentice.

Boil Water (Evocation)

Range:  1 foot

Components:  V, S

Duration:  Permanent

Casting Time:  1 minute

Area of Effect:  One container

Saving Throw:  None

Author:  Unknown

With this cantrip, the wizard can heat the water (or water-based

liquid) in a container of up to a quart to boiling. The wizard

must concentrate on the container during the entire casting. The

cantrip is used mainly by herbalists, who use it to create

poultices and draughts quickly.

Buggery (Conjuration/Summoning, Illusion/Phantasm)

Range:  30 feet

Components:  V, S

Duration:  Instantaneous

Casting Time:  1

Area of Effect:  Special

Saving Throw:  Negates

Author:  Jim Vassilakos 

The wizard creates a number of small bugs equal to his level. In

the illusionist's case, these bugs are only illusionary, but

with the conjurer, they are real. If they are made to appear

within the pockets (or open orifice) of an individual, a saving

throw versus spell may apply to negate the cantrip's effects.

Clean [1] (Alteration)

Range:  0

Components:  V

Duration:  Instantaneous

Casting Time:  1

Area of Effect:  10x10x10 foot pile of cloth touched

Saving Throw:  None

Author:  Thomas Weigel 

This spell removes all small particles from most cloths

instantly. All that is required is that the caster touch the

pile of cloths and mutter the short verbal component.

Compass (Divination)

Range:  0

Components:  V, M

Duration:  1d6 seconds

Casting Time:  4

Area of Effect:  Special

Saving Throw:  None

Author:  Unknown

This cantrip causes a glowing arrow to appear in the cupped palm

of the wizard. It is a light green in colour, and wavers around

in the general direction of north. The spell will work

underground, as well as at sea, and is not affected by a

lodestone, but it is only exactly right about 25% of the time

and may sometimes be completely off (10% chance). The material

component is a sliver of iron.

Contraception (Abjuration)

Range:  0

Components:  S, M

Duration:  Instantaneous

Casting Time:  1

Area of Effect:  Person touched

Saving Throw:  None

Author:  Mario R. Borelli 

An alternative to the sterility cantrip for DMs that don't like

100% protection, this cantrip significantly decreases the

probability of fertilization following coitus. The cantrip is

cast after any sexual activity. In some cases this may not be

lawful, and in some may not be considered good. The cantrip is

also not entirely perfect, offering only 95% certainty,

according to the following table:

  D100 Roll    Result

    01-96      no fertilization

     97        one zygote

     98        two zygotes (possibly identical)

     99        1d6 zygotes

     00        both partners pregnant (magic gone awry)

The material component for this spell is a red cape or a red

riding hood.

Count (Divination)

Range:  0

Components:  V, S

Duration:  Permanent

Casting Time:  1 minute

Area of Effect:  1-yard per level cube touched

Saving Throw:  None

Author:  Unknown

Count verbally announces the number of objects in the specified

area (with a minimum of one cube yard), like grains of sand or

pieces of silver. Count can count 10level+1 things, i.e., a

1st-level wizard can count 100 things, a 2nd-level one 1000

things, a 3rd-level one 10,000 things, and so on.

Delay Orgasm (Alteration)

Range:  10 yards

Components:  V, S

Duration:  1 round per level

Casting Time:  1

Area of Effect:  One creature

Saving Throw:  Negates

Author:  Mike Parasich 

This cantrip delays any orgasm by one round per level of the

caster. Thus, if the TTC (see The Net Carnal Knowledge Guide)

indicates an orgasm, it doesn't go into effect until +1 round

per level.


Range:  10 feet

Components:  V, S

Duration:  2d6 seconds

Casting Time:  1

Area of Effect:  One person

Saving Throw:  Negates

Author:  Jim Vassilakos 

This spell causes the recipient to emit a loud, raunchy,

obnoxiously odoriferous fart for 2d6 seconds. The victim must

make a Dexterity check to avoid distraction.

Ferment Grape (Evocation)

Range:  0

Components:  S

Duration:  Permanent

Casting Time:  1

Area of Effect:  One grape

Saving Throw:  None

Author:  Ronald Jones (Greymoon) 

By use of this spell an apprentice can convert the contents of

a grape into fermented wine. It will not change the skin of the

grape, so it will keep its shape. This spell is mostly used by

apprentices tired of the same old food from teachers who do not

approve of alcohol, but it could also be good in an emergency

for use against alcohol-sensitive monsters.

Firefinger (Evocation)

Range:  0

Components:  V, M

Duration:  Instantaneous

Casting Time:  1

Area of Effect:  The wizard's finger

Saving Throw:  None

Author:  Unknown

When cast, the firefinger cantrip causes flame to spurt several

inches from the wizard's outstretched finger. Combustibles will

be ignited by the flame if they are dry. The material component

is pitch, which must be rubbed on the finger prior to casting.

Impersonation (Illusion)

Range:  0

Components:  V, S, M

Duration:  1 round

Casting Time:  1

Area of Effect:  The caster

Saving Throw:  None

Author:  Unknown

This cantrip allows the wizard to impersonate any speaker with

nearly perfect ability. The wizard can only speak in languages

he knows, and must possess a small item recently in close

proximity to the original speaker (for example, an article of

clothing). The wizard's audience will probably be greatly amused

if they can see who is speaking, or completely fooled if not.

The material component is a mirror, which is consumed in the


Invisible Scribe (Conjuration/Summoning)

Range:  3 feet

Components:  V, S, M

Duration:  Concentration

Casting Time:  4

Area of Effect:  Special

Saving Throw:  None

Author:  Unknown

By casting this cantrip, the wizard brings into existence a

field of force able to write on normal materials with a quill

pen. The wizard must sit quietly for the duration of the

writing, and simply speaks what is to be written. The invisible

scribe writes in a handwriting vaguely like the wizard's in any

language the wizard knows how to read. It is fairly slow. The

material component for the spell is ink, which is consumed in

the casting.

Jamye's Appearing Ink (Alteration)


Range:  0

Components:  V

Duration:  Special

Casting Time:  1

Area of Effect:  Special

Saving Throw:  None

Author:  D.J. McCarthy 

This cantrip turns a small amount of ink (up to one pint) into

water. The ink remains clear and colourless until it dries, at

which time it reverts to its normal state. The reverse, Jamye's

disappearing ink, turns up to a pint of water into an inky

liquid that evaporates like water, leaving no trace when it


Katrine's Mirth (Illusion/Phantasm)

Range:  20 yards

Components:  S

Duration:  Instantaneous

Casting Time:  1

Area of Effect:  100 yards

Saving Throw:  None

Author:  Thomas Weigel 

This cantrip causes a high-pitched, girlish giggle to come into

existence somewhere within 20 yards of the caster. The caster

controls where it will sound. It only lasts for a second or two,

and requires the caster to point at the location.

Katrine's Quick Makeover (Conjuration/Summoning)


Range:  0

Components:  V, S, M

Duration:  Instantaneous

Casting Time:  1

Area of Effect:  Person touched

Saving Throw:  None

Author:  Thomas Weigel 

This spell arranges the target's hair, cleans the face and skin,

applies some minimal amounts of make-up, sprays the target with

any desired perfumes, fixes the target's clothing or minor bits

of apparel, etc. The spell cannot dress the target. The caster

must have all the objects needed to perform these operations on

hand (make-up, perfumes, bits of apparel, etc.) and must mime

the initial actions desired while muttering the appropriate

arcane words. It doesn't have to be a great mime, however. Upon

casting the spell, the desired objects begin flying around the

target and fixing her up. This spell applies equally well to

males as to females, and can be reversed to muss the target up

(Katrine's quick muss). For either use, the target must be


Know Quality (Divination)

Range:  0

Components:  S, M

Duration:  Permanent

Casting Time:  1

Area of Effect:  Equivalent of one bottle or less

Saving Throw:  None

Author:  Ronald Jones (Greymoon) 

By casting this spell, an apprentice or wizard is able to tell

what quality of wine or champagne he is drinking. This spell

will let the caster know by quickly flashing a colour, on the

surface of the drink, corresponding to the level of quality. It

will also warn of possible spoilage (but not of poison). The

colour black means poor or bad quality. Blue means good or

average quality. A light blue means very good and white means

excellent. If the flash is black and red, the wine is spoilt.

This spell was developed by apprentices who were tired of

getting poor-quality wines for dinner. They also didn't want to

keep being ripped off in pubs. The material component for this

spell is a white feather.

Know Sexual Preference (Divination)


Range:  10 yards

Components:  V, S

Duration:  1 round per level

Casting Time:  1

Area of Effect:  One creature per 2 rounds

Saving Throw:  Negates

Author:  Morgan Blackheart of the Chaotic Realm

This cantrip enables the wizard to read the aura of a creature.

The caster must remain stationary and concentrate on the subject

for two full rounds. A creature is allowed a saving throw versus

spell and, if successful, the caster learns nothing about the

particular creature from the casting. Certain magical devices

negate this cantrip.

The reverse, undetectable sexual alignment, conceals the sexual

preference of a creature for 24 hours - even from a know sexual

preference cantrip.

Know Vintage (Divination)

Range:  0

Components:  S, M

Duration:  Permanent

Casting Time:  1

Area of Effect:  Equivalent of one bottle or less

Saving Throw:  None

Author:  Ronald Jones (Greymoon) 

By use of this spell, an apprentice or wizard is able to tell

the vintage (year) of one siingle bottle of wine or champagne.

It is also possible to tell, with a 10% chance of failure, the

vineyard or winery where the wine came from. This spell is very

useful for those who are not sure about a particular bottle of

wine. A small drop of wine from the bottle is necessary to cast

the spell.

Mend (Alteration)

Range:  0

Components:  V

Duration:  Instantaneous

Casting Time:  1

Area of Effect:  Piece of cloth touched

Saving Throw:  None

Author:  Thomas Weigel 

This spell rejoins parted fabric, whether it was torn, cut,

ripped, or shredded. It does not affect leather, nor will it

affect a tear that has been subsequently altered significantly

(sewn to something else, or hemmed). The caster must touch the

cloth pieces while muttering arcane words.

Mini Missile (Evocation)

Range:  1 yard + 1 yard per 3 levels

Components:  S

Duration:  Instantaneous

Casting Time:  1

Area of Effect:  Special

Saving Throw:  Special

Author:  Max Becherer 

This cantrip is a weaker version of magic missile. Casting

generates one missile plus one per level. Each is sufficient to

kill creatures typically affected by an exterminate cantrip;

i.e., those that normally have zero hit points. Ten mini

missiles will inflict 1 point of damage if a saving throw versus

spell is failed.

Mordenkainen's Lubrication (Conjuration)

Range:  1 foot

Components:  V, S

Duration:  10 minutes per level

Casting Time:  1

Area of Effect:  10x3-inch area

Saving Throw:  None

Author:  The Carnal Knowledge Guide 

This cantrip covers an organic surface with a slippery layer of

a greasy nature. Rumour has it that the area of effect was

barely enough for Mordenkainen's purposes.

Mount (Conjuration/Summoning)

Range:  10 yards

Components:  V, S

Duration:  2 hours per level

Casting Time:  1 turn

Area of Effect:  Special

Saving Throw:  None

Author:  The Carnal Knowledge Guide 

By means of this cantrip, the caster conjures a very attractive

person of the opposite sex to serve him or her. The person

serves willingly and well, but at the expiration of the cantrip

duration it disappears, returning to its own place. The mount

does not come with any gear or clothes. It can't do anything but

perform basic sexual acts.

This cantrip was created by conjurer apprentices to practice

their art. It is only a cantrip because the conjured being only

serves one purpose (a fun purpose, but not a practical purpose).

Narek's Shears (Alteration)


Range:  0

Components:  V, S

Duration:  Concentration

Casting Time:  2

Area of Effect:  One target

Saving Throw:  Negates

Author:  Narek

Narek's shears causes hair, fur, or fur-like growth on the

target to shorten by up to an inch, possibly causing it to

disappear. Its effect on nearly bare skin is to completely

prevent growth for 2 days. The reverse of this spell, augmented

hairiness, causes hair or fur to thicken and lengthen by up to

two inches. This increase is permanent until the hair is trimmed

or cut. Neither form affects rugs, furs, or any other hair or

fur not on a living body. Unwilling targets get a saving throw

versus spell.

Narin's Mask (Illusion)

Range:  0

Components:  V, M

Duration:  10 minutes

Casting Time:  3

Area of Effect:  The caster

Saving Throw:  Special

Author:  Narin

This spell causes others to not see the details of the wizard's

face. Anyone paying attention to the wizard is entitled to a

saving throw versus spell. If the saving throw succeeds, they

realise that they cannot discern some detail in the wizard's

face; careful attention will then negate the spell. A dispel

illusion will cancel the spell entirely. The material component

of this spell is a blindfold.

Notice (Enchantment/Charm)

Range:  0

Components:  V

Duration:  Concentration

Casting Time:  1 round

Area of Effect:  The caster

Saving Throw:  None

Author:  Unknown

With this cantrip, the wizard can put himself into a trance-like

state in which he is highly aware of the details of his

surroundings. For the duration of the trance, the wizard is at

+2 perception (or +4 if there is something particular he is

looking for), but cannot take any actions. Also, he loses any

Dexterity bonus to Armour Class and takes a further -2 penalty,

and is likely to ignore most attempts at communicating with him.

The wizard can break the trance at any time, and can do so in

response to a remark he "didn't hear", an impending attack, or

whatever - it is assumed that his subconscious will snap him out

if really necessary.

Pillow Talk (Alteration)

Range:  10 feet

Components:  V, S

Duration:  1 turn per level

Casting Time:  1

Area of Effect:  One pillow

Saving Throw:  None

Author:  Morgan Blackheart of the Chaotic Realm

When this cantrip is cast, the wizard imbues the chosen pillow

with an enchanted mouth. The mouthed pillow will only speak

about sexual topics. The wizard at casting time has the option

to decide the level of vulgarity. The level varies from perverse

smut to intellectual discussions on sexual techniques.

Pitch (Evocation)

Range:  0

Components:  V

Duration:  2 rounds

Casting Time:  1

Area of Effect:  The caster

Saving Throw:  None

Author:  Martin Ott 

This cantrip sounds a perfectly-tuned note from out of nowhere.

The note is centred on the wizard, and can be heard from a

distance of 20 feet. Things that block normal noise (walls,

curtains, silence, 15-foot radius, etc.) block this as well.

This spell is useful for tuning instruments "by ear", or with

the help of a tune cantrip. It is also slightly disturbing to

those around the wizard, as any single note would be if held out

for two rounds.

To cast this cantrip, the bard must speak out loud the name of

the note he wishes to hear, such as "middle C", "B flat", or

"quarter-step above the first F sharp above high C".

Protection from Sun (Abjuration)


Range:  0

Components:  V, M

Duration:  3 hours + 1 hour per level

Casting Time:  2

Area of Effect:  Person touched

Saving Throw:  None

Author:  Unknown

This cantrip protects the target from suffering sunburn even

under very adverse conditions. It does not protect against sun

stroke, snow-blindness, or heat exhaustion. The reverse of the

spell, tan, allows the target to get a nice tan by staying in

the sun for only an hour or so in any clime and on all but the

cloudiest days. The material component is a small amount of

coconut milk, which the wizard must rub on a patch of bare skin.

Remove (Alteration)

Range:  0

Components:  V, S

Duration:  Permanent

Casting Time:  1 minute

Area of Effect:  1-yard per level cube touched

Saving Throw:  None

Author:  Unknown

Like sort, remove can remove a number of things from a pile of

things. The objects removed are not gone, but placed on a pile

adjacent to the original pile. This cantrip has the same

restrictions and capacities as sort (q.v.).

Restore (Alteration)

Range:  0

Components:  V

Duration:  Instantaneous

Casting Time:  1

Area of Effect:  Piece of clothing touched

Saving Throw:  None

Author:  Thomas Weigel 

This spell regenerates worn out cloth, returning it to its

original strength and texture. Faded jeans, for example, would

unfade. Any holes in the cloth must be fixed first, however, for

it will not fix anything worse than wear and rubbing. The caster

must touch the article of clothing while muttering the

appropriate words.

Sanh's Harmless Ray of Light (Evocation)

Range:  6 yards + 1 yard per level

Components:  V, S

Duration:  One second

Casting Time:  1

Area of Effect:  One creature

Saving Throw:  Special

Author:  Max Becherer 

When cast, a ray of light is emitted from the wizard's index

finger, lasting about a second. The colour is up to the wizard

(sunlight cannot be duplicated, as the ray is monochromatic,

like a laser). If aimed at a creature, a saving throw versus

spell is required. If the saving throw succeeds, the ray missed.

If it fails, the ray hits, inflicting no damage.

Only a critical failure (1) can result in any ill effect. In

that case, the victim was struck in the eyes, and is dazzled for

1d6 tenths of a round (-2 on all rolls). Of course, if the

creature in question is blind, or immune to such attacks, there

is no effect. At the DM's option, creatures particularly

sensitive to light may be dazzled for a longer period of time.

Note: while the spell is magical, the light generated is not,

and therefore is not subject to magic resistance.

Scratch (Illusion/Phantasm)

Range:  10 feet

Components:  V, S

Duration:  Instantaneous

Casting Time:  1

Area of Effect:  One creature

Saving Throw:  Negates

Author:  Jim Vassilakos 

The victim of this cantrip will experience an annoying itch on

some portion of his body and must save versus spell or

involuntarily attempt to scratch the itch.

Sexual Attraction (Enchantment/Charm)


Range:  10 feet

Components:  V, S

Duration:  30 minutes per level

Casting Time:  1

Area of Effect:  One person

Saving Throw:  None

Author:  The Carnal Knowledge Guide 

This cantrip causes the recipient to gain a +1 modifier to

Charisma for every three levels of the wizard with respect to

having sex. Thus, this spell won't affect any other aspects of

Charisma: only sex. Most wizards cast the cantrip on their

partner, so the partner is more desirable, thus making it easier

for the wizard to perform. The reverse of this cantrip is sexual

disgust. The modifier is -1 for every three levels of the wizard

rather than +1.

Shoo (Abjuration)

Range:  0

Components:  V, S

Duration:  1 hour per level

Casting Time:  1

Area of Effect:  30-foot radius

Saving Throw:  None

Author:  Jim Vassilakos 

This spell allows the wizard to "shoo" away annoying bugs and

small pests.

Silvadel's Magic Feather (Enchantment)

Range:  10 feet

Components:  V, S, M

Duration:  Concentration

Casting Time:  1

Area of Effect:  One feather

Saving Throw:  None

Author:  Silvadel

This spell simply allows the wizard to control a feather. This

is very useful for writing things secretly, or for tickling

someone. It is related to the unseen servant spell. The material

component for this spell is a feather. It lasts until

concentration is broken.

Slap (Illusion/Phantasm)

Range:  10 feet

Components:  V, S

Duration:  Instantaneous

Casting Time:  1

Area of Effect:  One creature

Saving Throw:  Negates

Author:  Jim Vassilakos 

The victim of this spell feels a forceful slap across the cheek.

Creatures must save versus spell or lose concentration and be

distracted for one round, dazed by the blow.

Sobriety (Alteration)


Range:  0

Components:  V, S, M

Duration:  Special

Casting Time:  2

Area of Effect:  Person touched

Saving Throw:  Negates

Author:  Unknown

Casting this cantrip removes all effects of alcohol from the

wizard or any one other person he touches. It also instantly

cures hangovers. The material component is a fresh lemon, whose

juice must be squeezed on the wizard's fingers before the

casting. Unwilling targets are granted a saving throw versus

spell. The duration of this cantrip is permanent, until the

subject gets drunk again. If the spell is cast on the wizard

himself, a saving throw at -5 is required, since concentration

is very difficult.

The reverse cantrip, drunkenness, makes the wizard or his chosen

target drunk for about an hour with no hangover. The wizard must

wave his hand before the chosen targets eyes for the spell to

take effect. The material component is a sip of alcoholic drink.

Sort (Alteration)

Range:  0

Components:  V, S

Duration:  Permanent

Casting Time:  1 minute

Area of Effect:  1-yard per level cube touched

Saving Throw:  None

Author:  Unknown

This cantrip separates the specified amount of any mixture of

dry materials: salt and pepper, for example, or gold, platinum,

and bronze. The cantrip does not affect living things, and

cannot be used to separate materials bound together, i.e.,

mortar, plaster or stone.

Sparks (Evocation)

Range:  1d4 feet

Components:  S

Duration:  Instantaneous

Casting Time:  1

Area of Effect:  A few square feet

Saving Throw:  Special

Author:  Max Becherer 

When this cantrip is cast, a shower of sparks sprays forth from

the wizard's hand. These sparks are harmless unless cast in the

presence of highly flammable or explosive substances.

Creatures particularly susceptible to fire damage, such as

trolls, may, at the DM's option, suffer a point or two of damage

from the sparks. Such injury can be avoided with a successful

saving throw versus breath weapon at +4.

Stepping Stones (Evocation)

Range:  0

Components:  V, S

Duration:  1 round per 4 levels

Casting Time:  1

Area of Effect:  Four spheres, 1-foot diameter each

Saving Throw:  None

Author:  Unknown

This cantrip creates 4 spheres of force of approximately 1 foot

in diameter. They can be placed anywhere within 20 feet of each

other, and last approximately 1 round per 4 levels of the

wizard. Combat of just about any sort will destroy these very

useful discs, so they are not useful in combat. Furthermore,

these disks cannot inflict any damage to anything, since they

are made by a cantrip.

Sterility (Abjuration)

Range:  10 feet

Components:  V, S

Duration:  30 minutes per level

Casting Time:  1

Area of Effect:  One person

Saving Throw:  None

Author:  The Carnal Knowledge Guide 

This cantrip is the wizards' form of birth control. It is 100%

accurate and can be performed on anybody who consents to it

prior to sexual activity. Priests have high level spells to

accomplish this, but only wizards have such a simplistic form of

birth control.

Stone (Conjuration/Summoning)

Range:  20 feet

Components:  V, S

Duration:  Instantaneous

Casting Time:  3

Area of Effect:  One pebble

Saving Throw:  Special

Author:  Max Becherer 

This cantrip conjures up a small pebble in any desired location

within 20 feet of the wizard. The verbal component is a short

phrase describing the desired location ("in John's shoe", for

example). If the pebble is to affect another creature in any

way, as in the above example, a saving throw is permitted to

resist the spell.

Styrman's Luminous Eyes (Alteration)

Range:  0

Components:  S

Duration:  1 round

Casting Time:  1

Area of Effect:  The caster

Saving Throw:  None

Author:  Styrman 

This cantrip causes the caster's eyes to become luminous (not a

light source worth a damn, but pretty impressive).

Taster's Choice (Illusion/Phantasm)

Range:  30 feet

Components:  V, S

Duration:  1 round per level

Casting Time:  1

Area of Effect:  One creature

Saving Throw:  Negates

Author:  Jim Vassilakos 

Under the influence of this cantrip, an individual eating will

taste whatever taste is desired.

Tune (Alteration)


Range:  0

Components:  V or M

Duration:  Instantaneous

Casting Time:  1

Area of Effect:  5-foot radius sphere

Saving Throw:  None

Author:  Martin Ott 

With this cantrip, the bard can bring one note of an instrument

in tune with either a hummed note, the equivalent note played by

a second instrument (in which case the component of the spell is

that other instrument, which is obviously not consumed in the

casting; what good would that do?), or the result of a preceding

pitch cantrip (q.v.). The one note will end up perfectly in tune

with the reference note. As many instruments as are in the area

of effect can be brought into tune at once.

A well-tuned instrument (with two or more tuned notes) has the

effect of making the bard's songs more melodious and enjoyable;

this has the game effects of reducing the saving throws of

hostile creatures versus the bard's mood-altering story telling

by 1, as well as making the bard's morale-boosting song affect

the listeners for an additional 50% longer (i.e., one-and-a-half

rounds per level) than it usually does.

Too many notes perfectly tuned on an instrument, however, will

have a negative effect on other bards in the area, who will

realise that the tuned instrument has been magically tampered

with to sound so perfect. For each note above one that the

instrument has been tuned, the hostile bard personally gets a +1

to his saving throw versus the playing bard's influencing

reactions effects.

Although the tuning is instantaneous, the effects of the cantrip

last for a while. In perfect conditions (humidity on the low

side, comfortable temperature, no rough handling), the

instrument will stay tuned for a week. In less than perfect

conditions (typical adventuring abuse, for example), the

instrument will have to be re-tuned every day. If the instrument

is taken apart for storage, such as flutes or other woodwinds

are, the instrument will have to be re-tuned every time it is


The reverse of this cantrip, untune, causes one note of the

specified instrument to become horribly out of tune. It also has

the side effect of turning the wizard's hands a brilliant red

for one turn after the cantrip is cast, unfortunately.

Tweak (Illusion/Phantasm)

Range:  10 feet

Components:  V, S

Duration:  Instantaneous

Casting Time:  1

Area of Effect:  One creature

Saving Throw:  Special

Author:  Jim Vassilakos 

This cantrip causes the victim to feel the sensation of being

tweaked by an unseen forefinger and thumb. The portion of the

body being tweaked must be seen by the wizard and be uncovered

by armour. The wizard must either save versus spell or make an

Intelligence check (whichever is more difficult) to avoid losing

concentration. Other intelligent, small and medium sized

creatures must make the same saving throw or check, or be

distracted for one round. The wizard must make a tweaking motion

with his hand in order to affect the spell.

Umbrella (Abjuration)

Range:  0

Components:  V, S

Duration:  1 hour per level

Casting Time:  1

Area of Effect:  The caster

Saving Throw:  None

Author:  Unknown

As with all cantrips, this one can be very useful, but not very

powerful. It manifests itself as a field of force that resembles

an umbrella. It lasts for up to one hour per level of the wizard

at most, but if the concentration of the wizard is broken for

more than one round, it will fade away. It actually does have

some form and is "worth" 6 HP, but only magical weapons will

affect it.

Unbutton (Alteration)


Range:  10 feet

Components:  V, S

Duration:  Instantaneous

Casting Time:  1

Area of Effect:  One object

Saving Throw:  None

Author:  Morgan Blackheart of the Chaotic Realm

By means of this cantrip, the caster can magically cause the

object of the magic to unbutton itself. The reverse, button,

buttons an object. A stronger spell in the works is power word,


Untie (Alteration)


Range:  10 feet

Components:  V, S

Duration:  Instantaneous

Casting Time:  1

Area of Effect:  One object

Saving Throw:  None

Author:  Morgan Blackheart of the Chaotic Realm

By means of this cantrip, the caster can magically cause the

object of the magic - thread, string, cord, rope - to untie

itself. The reverse, tie, ties an object. A stronger spell in

the works is power word, disrobe.

Vision (Alteration)

Range:  0

Components:  V, S

Duration:  1 turn

Casting Time:  1

Area of Effect:  The caster

Saving Throw:  None

Author:  Unknown

This cantrip allows the wizard to see things in the distance up

to three times better for the duration of this spell. It also

allows him to see things more clearly as they appear to be only

one third of the distance away. It does, however, cause some

problems when trying to see things close-up. The spell's

duration may be ended at any time.

Wash (Invocation/Evocation)

Range:  0

Components:  V, S

Duration:  Instantaneous

Casting Time:  1

Area of Effect:  One 10x10x10 foot cube

Saving Throw:  None

Author:  Thomas Weigel 

This spell removes dirt from all smooth surfaces in the area of

effect. This includes skin, dishes, and stone walls, but not

wood (unless highly polished), a dirt floor, etc. The caster

sweeps her arm in a wide arc while muttering the arcane phrase.

Wet Dream (Illusion, Invocation)

Range:  Special

Components:  V, M

Duration:  Special

Casting Time:  1 round

Area of Effect:  One person

Saving Throw:  None

Author:  Mario R. Borelli 

This cantrip consists of a whispered word to another individual,

who will not remember hearing the word, but who will experience

a dream erotic enough to produce orgasm the next time that

person falls asleep. The material component is a feather tinged

with blood.

	Table of Contents:

	Cantrips (Zero-Level)

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