a cache of usenet and other text files pertaining
to occult, mystical, and spiritual subjects.


The Great Net Spellbook

Subject: The Great Net Spellbook

	[originally downloaded in from]

	Table of Contents:

	Cantrips (Zero-Level)





                                Sixth Edition

                            Compiled and edited by

                               Boudewijn Wayers


As I promised over a year ago, I am now - finally! - posting the

Great Net Spellbook, currently at its sixth edition. This version has a

lot of new spells, compared to the fifth edition of the Spellbook.

Almost all spells were edited by me to make them somewhat more legible


spells contained lines that did not fit on one line, while others

contianed much speeling missteaks). Please, read this prologue

completely before continuing to read on. It contains an introduction to

the Great Net Spellbook.

Copyrights and Other Legal Stuff

Note that a lot of the spells contained in the Great Net Spellbook have

been copyrighted by their respective authors. Starting this edition,

these authors - when known - have been mentioned along with the spells

they contributed. Permission has been granted by these authors to copy

the spells for your personal use. Also, you may freely distribute copies

of their work, so long as you do not prevent others from doing the same,

and no commercial or barter considerations are obtained in exchange for

such copies.

When you distribute these spells, you must distribute them in whole,

unchanged. Specifially, this file containing the copyright conditions,

and the names of the editors must be included. Make sure that you

distribute the entire package the way you have received it yourself. You

may not claim these spells as having originated from yourself.

Once in a while, the Great Net Spellbook will be updated. Because of the

large amount of work this involves, and the few spare time we all have,

this will normally take quite a while. For example, it took me about two

years to finish the sixth edition after I published the fifth edition.

Note, however, that since the fifth edition, the entire layout has been

changed, so these two years of work have not been in vain. I have never

committed myself to a publishing date, and my successor (see the

epilogue for more information) will not likely commit himself to a date

either. Please, be gentle with him: don't rush him. Only the fact that

he has taken much of the attention off ny back over the last half year

or so has provided me with the time needed to finish this sixth edition.

Whenever he thinks he has accumulated enough new spells to warrant a

next edition, there will be a subsequent one, and it will be posted, and

most probably put on various ftp and www sites.

Another remark about copyrights: the spellbook has been checked as

thoroughly as possible not to contain any spells that have been

published in any official TSR publication before. The fifth edition of

the Great Net Spellbook appeared to contain no less than six of these

copyrighted spells, which have been duly removed. If we want to retain

our own copyrights, we must respect those of others.

D&D, Dungeons & Dragons, AD&D, Advanced Dungeons & Dragons, TSR,

Dragonlance, Greyhawk and probably lots of other words used here are

either registered or non-registered trademarks owned by TSR, Inc. They

are used in this work without permission, but this should not be

regarded as an attempt to challenge their rights.

Note that this work can and should not be used without TSR's excellent

Player's Handbook and Dungeon Master's Guide, which have inspired a

whole generation of roleplayers. Let me quote a passage from the

Player's Handbook, which says:

      "The AD&D game is continually evolving - each player and each DM

      adds his own touch to the whole. No list of special thanks can

      be complete without recognizing the most important comtributors

      of all - the millions of players who, over the years, have made

      the AD&D game what it is today."

Let's all cooperate to make the game even greater! See below, under

contributors, for an attempt to thank at least a few of the millions

mentioned above.Other Net Resources

This edition of the Great Net Spellbook now includes all spells from the

Net Carnal Knowledge Guide and the Net Guide to Alcohol, both edited by

Reid Bluebaugh , and all spells from the first

edition of the Net Dark Sun Resource Book, edited by John Martz

. Note that this means that you will sometimes have

to refer to these sources to look up terms. Some spells that were

written for the Dark Sun world might have to be adjusted when used on

another world. This is, of course, up to individual DMs.

Note further that spells from the Tome of Mighty Magic (another Internet

resource, not the TSR book) have not been included in this edition. One

reason for this is that all these spells were lacking most second-

edition terms and were often too high or low level, the other reason was

that its copyright status is uncertain. Anyway, the Tome of Mighty Magic

can easily be used on its own, if necessary.


Many thanks to Jim Lewallen  and Michael

Lerner , who respectively accumulated and posted

the starting lot of these spells. When they started out, they were going

to put each author's name next to each spell. Then they started getting

two or more copies of the same spell, and decided to just put their

names in one big list. Unfortunately, this meant that when I took over,

I was unable to trace most of the spells back to their original authors.

The following people have contributed to the Great Net Spellbook, but I

have been unable to link them to any specific spell. Still, I would like

to thank them for posting or e-mailing their spells (there must probably

be some people whose names are missing even here: my apologies to them


Name Unknown                              

Name Unknown                              

Name Unknown                              

Name Unknown                              

Howard Abrams                             

Per Beremark                              

Gregory R. Block                          

Gary Brewerton                            

John Deachman                             NO net access any more

Ted Dreibelbis                            Address unknown

Geoffrey Edward Fagan                     

Jamie Ford                                

Matthew Goldman                           

Richard Griffith                          

Rob Holden                                

Geoffrey Hopcraft                         

Charles K. Hughes                         

Craig A. Jensen                           

Paul D. Jones (Illithid)                  

Matt King (Archmage)                      

Christopher M. Knuth                      

David Krikorian                           

Jim Lewallen                              

Chua Hak Lien                             

Allan Longley                             

John Murray                               

Rob McNeur                                

Doug Newcomb (Grimbor)                    

Bill Noland                               

Louis Norton                              

Michael Owen                              

The Jade Piper                            

Stephen P. Potter (Sh'r'ldana)


Matt Presley                              

Liam Russell Eric Quin                    

Sean A. Reith                             


Daniel L. Rouk                            

Allen S. Rout                             

Ronald P. Sater                           

Donald A. Shaffer                         

Mark Steiglitz                            

Elf Sternberg                             

Nathaniel Tagg                            

Marcus M. Trevino                         

Jim Valdesalice                           

Jim Vilandre                              NO net access any more

Russell Wallace                           

Lei Wang                                  

Jamye Worthington                         

Ed Zeamba                                 

Special thanks should go to Glen Barnett , who

didn't contribute any spells, but instead sent me some 60 kByte of

constructive criticism, which has proven very helpful in my editing


On some ftp-sites, you might find some of these spells as they have

originally appeared, including the name of the one who posted them

first. Lots of spells have been e-mailed to me directly, and won't be

found on the ftp-sites, except for in this or another edition of the

Great Net Spellbook. Note that where you found this collection of

spells, you should also find a file containing all spells in their

original form, if I could trace it back.

Editor's Notes

After receiving these spells, I read them all, edited them to get a

uniform format, and to make them more legible. Also, note that, starting

the fifth edition, I did a lot of editing, and not only in a lot of

obvious cases of spelling errors.

Especially, from the fifth edition on, I have tried to remove all traces

that were left over from first edition AD&D, and to change everything to

second edition terms and format. Should you find any remains of or

references to the first edition, please send the editor e-mail saying

so, so it can be corrected in a subsequent edition.

Note that - even though they aren't in the second edition - I did retain

the cantrips. There are also some 10th-level spells, which have been

introduced into second edition AD&D in the Dragon Kings book (Dark Sun


Where no level was indicated, I just guessed what level the spell was to

be in. Furthermore, in those many cases where either school, range, area

of effect, or anything the like were missing, I just used my own

brilliant mind and made them up.


   *  All references to gender have been

      generalized, where the text allowed for this

      (I have removed all references to "her" and

      "she" for uniformity reasons, since "he"

      can, in English, refer to both men and


   *  Hopefully, all first-edition notations, most

      notably the "segments" and the infamous

      "yards"-notation have been removed.

   *  The use of capitals is as uniform as I could

      manage in the little time I have (if you

      notice, for example, any capitalized names

      of spells, or spells that have not been

      italicized, please drop me a line).

   *  All spelling has been and will be changed to

      British English, not American English (at

      least, according to my speller).

   *  Talking about spelling: everything should

      have been spell-checked. If you still notice

      any errors, again, please don't hesitate to

      write the editor.

   *  The use of abbrevations has been made more

      uniform; have a look at the standards I try

      to keep to get an impression how exactly.

   *  I've tried to uniformise the references to

      foot/feet etc.

Terminology Used, often Confused

Note that the Player's Handbook clearly mentions that if a spell does

not mention otherwise, its range is always limited to the wizard's

sight, next to any other restrictions. Furthermore, when there is a

reference to a person, what is meant is any bipedal human, demihuman, or

humanoid of man-size or smaller, such as dwarves, elves, gnolls,

halflings, and kobolds. Only intelligent undead should be considered


I have used the following two notations when naming spells: II and [2].

Let me explain why I make this distinction. When a spell is named, for

example, magic bolt [2], the [2] indicates that this is a spell of about

the same strength of an already existing spell of the same name. The

corresponding [1] spell can be found in either the Great Net Spellbook

or in an official TSR publication. In the latter case, the original

spell obviously has no [1] to its name. Spells that were almost exact

copies of existing spells have not been included. When a spell is

labeled magic bolt II, the II indicates that this is greater-strength

version of an alreadly existing spell. Again, if the original spell was

from an official publication, the original won't have a I attached. Note

that most of these spells just increase the range, damage, or something

like that, and thus aren't very interesting. Sometimes, however, one of

these spells is really original. Since I don't want to be a judge on

which spells to include and which to exclude, I have decided not to

remove any spells at all.

A Final Remark

Dungeon Masters, you should be sure to check these spells before

introducing them into your campaign (preferrably before even showing

them to your players), and make sure they are right for the way you run

your campaign. Some are awfully powerful (if not munchkin-like) but

others could use a little more kick, that is for you to decide. If you

find that some spells seem far too powerful as given, but you don't have

time to adjust the range, duration, area of effect, material components

and the spell effects as carefully as you would like, you might consider

just increasing the level of the spell, to be more in accord with spells

of similar power. Similarly, you may want to reduce the level of other

spells. Don't let your players talk you into introducing a spell at too

low a level.

Boudewijn Wayers, Keeper of the Great Net Spellbook and the Great Net


March, 1995.

	Table of Contents:

	Cantrips (Zero-Level)

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