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To: alt.magick From: t3dy@aol.commingle (sned the bold) Subject: Re: 3 wishes granting incantation Date: 03 Jun 2003 00:22:02 GMT >does somebody knows the incantation of granting 3 wishes ? why not just write your own? include a few symbolic images like desert, genie, buried treasure, lamp found on a seashore, king solomon, etc. maybe include some sort of prayer to allah like "no strength but yours" or mohammed "peace be on him" that sorta thing. the other thing is to do an "examination of conscience" in which you investigate your desires and analyze the problem of what you want and how you might obtain it, via natural or supernatural means. most of the wish granting literature deals with getting the language of the wish right. dealing with pleasure granting spirits is like contract law: you don't want to leave any loopholes. don't do the incantation until you are sure you have the language right. once you have got "what you want" solid in your mind, then ask for it. perhaps you shall receive. -Sned The Bold "gonna give you every inch of my love, what a whole lotta love" -led zeppelin
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