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Question about sexual fluids and magick.

To: alt.magick
From: catherine yronwode 
Subject: Re: Question about sexual fluids and magick.
Date: Wed, 11 Jun 2003 22:24:26 GMT

[M] wrote:
> (mystic musk) wrote in message news:<>...
> > hello group,
> >   i have been a practicing buddhist for a while now and i am
> > starting to turn my interests toward the occult and sex magick, 
> > however, there is a lot i dont know. is the use and ingestion of 
> > sexual fluids, including menstrual blood, considered to be strong
> >  magick?
> I think so, yes.  However, it is not necessary.  Sometimes the need to
> practice safe sex outweighs any potential benefits of fluid exchange.

Of course, ingesting one's own sexual fluids is safe. :-)
But [M] is right -- there is no reason to engage in unsafe magic.

> It is important to remember that though the fluids themselves may have
> some sort of power, using them is powerful because of what they
> represent.  You can use the fluids in other ways besides ingestion,
> such as anointing a sigil (symbol) or totem (object) or candle.

Practitioners of natural magic, such as myself, consider
sexual fluids to be not only powerful in their own right,
and not only a representation, but also a specific magical
link to the person from whose body they came. This is true
for urine, sweat, hairs, skin scrapings, etc. 

> > which occult
> > practices place importance on these techniques and what would be some
> > suggested reading reguarding sex magick and magick in general? are
> > aleister crowleys books a good place to start and how powerful is the
> > magick he teaches in his books and does he teach the importance of
> > sex magick? any information that any of you would like to give this
> > beginner would be greatly appreciated.
> There are lots of places to start reading about this stuff, and BTD
> already listed several.  It would be good to first or also study your
> body and sexuality and practice very basic skills.  For example,
> practice focusing on a particular intent while getting off and then
> forgetting it at the moment of orgasm.  Much of the books on sex
> magick deal with how to create an image of your intent and how to
> focus on it, along with various theories about how and why sex magick
> works.
> More important, imnsho, is the following.  Practice becoming aroused
> and not acting on it and directing the energy towards other creative
> outlets.  Practice non-attachment to sex (in other words, if you meet
> someone and have sex, examine how the sexual act changes your
> interaction with them and your expectations of them and attempt to
> treat them as you would treat someone you are not sexual with.  Or, if
> you want to have sex with someone, practice treating them as if you
> don't want to have a physical relationship).
> The point is to be able to isolate the various sex related variables
> that unconsciously influence you.  If one can't distinguish between
> sex, love, affection, attraction, frustration, insecurity, fear,
> dependency, jealousy, and a whole assortment of other
> emotions/motivations, then I don't believe one can have much success
> using sex magick.  It is an emotional form of magick, to work well one
> must have a clear and honest relationship with his or her emotions.
> In essence, sex magick is about using the energy generated by one's
> sexuality to achieve a particular intent.  This can be the energy
> released during orgasm, the energy created during a sexual encounter
> that is redirected to something other than orgasm, or the energy that
> is sparked by the mere potential for sex, by a non-physically
> manifested sexual connection.  The key is to stop thinking of orgasm,
> or even sexual contact at all, as a goal, and instead to treat arousal
> itself as the goal.  Sexual arousal provides an unlimited supply of
> energy that can be perpetuated indefinitely and only requires thought
> as input.

In addition to Aleister Crowley and Austin Osman Spare, you
might want to investigate the theories of Paschal Beverly
Randolph. The above three practiced orgasmic sex magic. 

Then there is also Alice Bunker Stockham, who advocated
non-orgasmic sex magic. 

I don't know what links BTD gave, but here are a few at my
site that may contain useful information: They all contain
links to further pages on the subject as well.

The Use of Body Fluids in Hoodoo Folk Magic Magic

Paschal Beverly Randolph and the Anseriatic Mysteries

Alice Bunker Stockham and Karezza

Sex Magic Compared to Sex Religion

Sacred Sex Site Index

cat yronwode

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