a cache of usenet and other text files pertaining
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Compiling Tantra REF List

To: alt.magick.tantra,alt.magick.tyagi,alt.magick,alt.religion.hindu,,alt.religion.buddhism.tibetan,talk.religion.buddhism,alt.religion.sexuality,
From: (tyaginator)
Subject: Compiling Tantra REF List (LONG)(Was Re: Tantra Book List)
Date: 2 Jan 1996 10:23:33 -0800

49960102 [followups set to 2 newsgroups: alt.magick.tantra/alt.magick.tyagi] (Cyronwode):

|I have been getting e-mail requests for books on tantra ...

I wish people would speak openly about this rather than defaulting to email.
Ms. Yronwode is not an alt.magick.tantra Moderator, though she is very 
helpful.  Also, I'm cross-posting this to relaed Usenet forums for 
additional input prior to the fabrication of a REFerence file for 
alt.magick FAQ on tantra and esoteric sexuality.  

I recommend that you consider the following newsgroups when you want 
information on something other than Newage or Eclectic Tantra (e.g. 
Hindu/Buddhist) (these will be added under 'USE' below):

Tantric/Sex Magick/Taoist Sexual Alchemy Discussion
alt.magick.tyagi (general magick/mysticism forum)
alt.magick.tantra (focussed studies as above)

Hindu Tantra
alt.religion.hindu (general Hinduism, including Vama Marga) (general yoga, including tantric yoga)

Buddhist Tantra
talk.religion.buddhism (general Buddhism forum, including Vajrayana)
alt.religion.buddhism (general, as above)
alt.religion.buddhism.tibetan (Vajrayana Discussion)

More General/Sexual Discussion 
alt.religion.sexuality (intersection subject, including tantra) (discussions of sexuality and mastery of such)

I think to pretend that these forums don't exist will only lead to the
further fractionation of tantric studies, and since I associate the
term 'tantra' with *weaving*, I'm something of a stickler about this
Xposting and multi-forum participation stuff. ;>

Here's the rest of what I've collected.  I'm going to coalesce this
into a REF file for the alt.magick FAQ as I said above, and will repost 
it to alt.magick.tantra occasionally and as the queries arise.  If 
someone asks you in private email, then you'll be able to either send 
them what I make (I don't advise it), forward them the REF's URL, or 
tell them to post to the relevant NEWSGROUP/FORUM so as to generate 
additional data (see how that works?  *don't tell them to come to me*
as I'm not interested in 1-1 email distributions, thanks).


WWW (Society for Human Sexuality)


Usenet Archive


  subj://(leave blank)
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But you wanted books....

|...Charles and Carolyn Muir's book, "Tantra,"

|First, it's a pretty nice book. Second, it is not all that detailed and it
|goes farther into self-help work-book style phychotherapy than i think a
|book on tantra must needs go (that's strictly my opinion and not a
|condemnation of self-help work-book  style therapy). Third, the layout,
|design, and illustrations are charming. Fourth, i take great exception to
|the Muirs' smarmy affection for "G-Spot ejaculation" in women, but i will
|hold my tongue on this subject in the interests of group harmony.  Fifth,
|their "nurturing meditation" technique (or whatever they call it) is
|wonderful and will help many people. 

Nice review, if disjoint.  Good start.  I've been collecting bibliographies
for these subjects for some time and have a list I include below.

|[will] someone post the titles of some other books on tantra, with their 
|opinions on same? 

Here you go:

_Tantra spirituality & Sex_, by Bhaghwan Shree Rajneesh, 
published by Rajneesh Foundation International, Rajneeshpuram, Oregon 97741

That book helped me to understand the kind of energy transfer that
I was made lots of sense, and didn't prescribe
strict ritual practices.  (highy recommended!)


Me & The Orgone
by Orson Bean
intro by A.S. Neill
New York, St. Martin's Press (c)1971

Orgone, Reich & Eros: Wilhelm Reich's Theory of
by W. Edward Mann
New York, Simon & Schuster (c)1973

Selected Writings; An Introduction To Orgonomy
by Wilhelm Reich
New York, Noonday Press (c)1961

Some Sense About Wilhelm Reich
by Leo Raditsa
New York, Philosophical Library (c)1978

Wilhelm Reich & Orgonomy
by Ola Raknes
New York, St. Martin's Press (c)1970

Wilhelm Reich Vs. The USA
by Jerome Greenfield
New York, Norton (c)1974

by Wilhelm Reich
New York, Vintage Books (c)1972

unknown source

Here is a list of books from "The Occult Sourcebook" from the section on
sex magic:


Gordon Wellesley : "Sex and the Occult", Souvenir, London,1973.
        Contains general background to the idea of sex as a magical force, ...

Benjamin Walker: "Sex and the Supernatural", MacDonald, London, 1970.
        Another interesting general introduction to the field, which includes
material on a wide range of traditions.

Francis King: "Sexuality, Magic and Perversion", Spearman, London, 1971.
        The best general study of magic and sexuality, both traditional,
historical, and contemporary.  Covers a range from primitive fertility
cults, to the knights templar and Aleister Crowley, and contemporary American

John Symonds: "The Magic of Aleister Crowley", Muller, London, 1958.
John Symonds: (ed.) "The Magical Record of the Beast 666", London, 
Duckworth, 1972.
        Both of these books cover Crowley and his sexual magic.

Kenneth Grant: "The Magical Revival", Muller, London, 1972.
        A survey of from a distincly Crowleyan viewpoint, this includes
very interesting and significant material on Crowley, Austin Spare,
Dion Fortune, and witchcraft.

Louis Culling: "A Manual of Sex Magic", Llewwllyn, St. Paul, 1971.
        Deriving from the traditions of the OTO, the GBG in the USA has 
it's principles summerized in this book.
The classic works on the tantric tradition are those by 'Arthur Avalon'
(Sir John Woodroffe), which include: "The Great Liberation", (1952);
"Principles of Tarntra", (1955); "The Serpent Power", (1958) - all
published by Garesh, Madras.

Agehananda Bharati: "The Tantric Tradition", Rider, London, 1965.
        A more recent study of Tantra.   Roy "gseven" Corey

Try _Sexual Secrets_. Although some on this group have an aversion 
to it, and it has new age moments, it is a good primer in this area. Also, 
it has an _invaluable_ bibliography.
Sean Jeffers Mc Nair

If you want to read about it, a good basic is Alan Watt's _Nature: Man and
Woman_ for historical stuff.

Another one (out of print I think) is _Tantric Sex_, by Robert K. Moffett.

If you are looking to experience it and try structured techniques, there
are many books out there.  Here is a list of all those I know about:

_The Art of Sexual Ecstasy: The Path of Sacred Sexuality for Westerners_,
by Margo Anand, J.P. Tarcher.

_Beating Tantra at its Own Game: Spiritual Sexuality_, by Arthur Lytle,
New Falcon Press.

_Cultivating Female Sexual Energy: Healing Love through the Tao_,
by Mantak Chia and Maneewan Chia, Healing Tao Center.

_Ecstasy Through Tantra_, by Dr. John Mumford, Llewellyn Publications.

_Ecstatic Ritual: Practical Sex Magic_, by Brandy Williams, Prism (UK).

_The Encyclopedia of Erotic Wisdom: A Reference Guide to the Symbolism,
Techniques, Rituals, Sacred Texts, Anatomy, and History of Sexuality_,
by Rufus Camphausen, Inner Traditions.

_The Erotic Impulse: Honoring the Sensual Self_, by David Steinburg,
J.P. Tarcher.

_Esoteric Philosophy of Love and Marriage/Problem of Purity_,
Dion Fortune, Aquarian Press (UK).

_Introduction to Tantra: A Vision of Totality_, by Lama Thubten Yeshe,
Wisdom Publications.

_Jewel in the Lotus: The Sexual Path to Higher Consciousness_,
by S. Saraswati and B. Avinasha, Kriya Jyoti Tantra Society,
633 Post St., Suite 647, San Francisco, CA, 94109.

_Loving the Goddess Within: Sex Magick for Women_, by Nan Hawthorne,
Delphi Press.

_The Path of the Mystic Lover: Journeys in Song and Magic with India's
Tantric Troubadours_, by Bhaskar Bhattacharyya, Destiny Books.

_Secrets of the German Sex Magicians: A Practical Handbook for Men and
Women_, by Frater U.: D.:, Llewellyn Publications.

_Sex Magick_, by Louis Culling, Llewellyn Publications.

_Sex, Pleasure and Power: How to Emerge Spiritually without Going Nuts_,
by Jan Kennedy, Cosmoenergetics Publishing.

_Sexual Energy Ecstasy: A Practical Guide to Lovemaking Secrets of the
East and West_, by David & Ellen Ramsdale, Peak Skill Publishing.

_Sexual Secrets: The Alchemy of Ecstasy_, by Nik Douglas & Penny Slinger,
Destiny Books.

_Tantra: The Way of Action - A Practical Guide to its Teachings and
Techniques_, by Francis King, Destiny Books.

_Tantric Sex_, by E. J. and Cybel Gold, Peak Skill Publishing.

_Tantric Yoga: The Royal Path to Enlightenment_, by Gavin & Yvonne Frost,
Samuel Weiser.

_The Tao of Love and Sex: The Ancient Chinese Way to Ecstasy_,
by Jolan Chang, Arkana (UK).

_Taoists Secrets of Love: Cultivating Male Sexual Energy_,
by Mantak Chia and Michael Winn, Aurora Press.

_Tibetan Arts of Love_, by Gedun Chopel, Snow Lion Publications.

_The Yoga of Power: Tantra, Shakti, and the Secret Way_,
by Julius Evola, Inner Traditions.

Reviews anyone?

As you can see, I was the one who came up with many of the texts 
nearing the subject area we are discussing, but I did no reviews.  Many of
these were in my library or bibliographies contained in books there.

In general a massive compilation of texts is not something I'm really
interested in putting together, though I think it would be wise to
have at least *5* texts each offered concerning the various *types* of
tantra (Buddhist, of which I have few listed above, Hindu, Newage,
Popular, or others(?)).  My preference is to include a few of these
(the most acclaimed within the alt.magick.tantra newsgroup) as
'Additional Studies'.

Yours in networking,


PS, Catherine, didn't I post a 'REF' list previously?  Darned if
I can find it in my files.  Ah well.  If you come across that,
please forward to me and I'll integrate it along with the rest of
the substantive responses I receive from this posting.
CC public responses to email (I may respond publically to any email I receive).
* READ alt.magick.tyagi : * TRY

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