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Pitting Crowley against W. Somerset Maugham

To: alt.magick
From: Joseph 
Subject: Re: Pitting Crowley against W. Somerset Maugham (was: Re: Book for Tarot Divination
Date: Sat, 09 Nov 2002 05:01:57 GMT

catherine yronwode wrote:

> Joseph wrote:
> >
> > catherine yronwode wrote:
> > > My recollection is that the book had an image of a tower on the
> > > cover and the title was something like "The House Not Built By
> > > Hands" or some reference to that Biblical phrase. It may have been
> > > by -- or edited by, or "presented by" -- Dennis Wheatley, or it
> may
> > > have been part of the short-lived Xanadu Books imprint (which
> > > brought out Talbiot Mundy's "Secret of Ahbor Valley" and E. R.
> > > Eddison's "The Worm Ouroboros").
> > >
> > > Anybody know what i'm talking about here? Poke? Satyr? Joel? Paul?
> > > Josh?
> >
> > "The Magician" by Somerst Maughm? (not sure of spelling of name)
> That does not ring a bell. I will check it out, though. Thanks.
> cat

it was published prior to Crowley's (death 1908 iirc), in it Maugham
casts crowley as "oliver haddo" an evil magician doing all the typical
stuff evil magicians do, enslaving innocent virgins, raising the dead,
consorting with satan etc. etc. and the hero, whose name i forget, has
to over come haddo, by doing battle with the satanic hosts at haddos
command and save his sister or girlfriend, i forget which, but which,
either way, is a metaphor for the struggle between good and evil, it is
today not considered one of Maughams better works, even somewhat
embarrassing to the author of "of human bondage", and offended more than
a few people of his set by his liberal use of the foiables of those he
knew and socialized with,  its circulation is primarily limited crowley
aficionados these days.

according to one review of the book crowley wrote he (crowley) claimed
to be amused by the characterization of himself by an aspiring writer of
his own social circle (according to crowley maugham turned to popular
fiction out of a failure to comprehend the mystical, though this is
probly hubris on Crowley's part  as maugham studied medicine but was not
happy as a doctor and turned to writing for self fulfilment), the style
of the writing in general and his only real criticism was  what he
claimed were vast stretches of the book lifted in their entirety
(descriptions of rituals mostly, some thoughts on the mystical path
iirc) from his own writings with out any attribution as such.

there is a an interesting history of the book and the w. somerset
maugham/crowley connection/inspiration at:

there is a paper back edition with a typically lurid cover showing a
bald crowley like figure looming  behind an obviously freaked out,
scantily clad female in a pose reminiscent of Munch's "the scream".

Joseph ( The probability for an event which can happen in two
indistinguishable ways is the sum of the probability for each way
considered separately) Count de Money.

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