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FRPG-Based Demon Summoning Dangerous in Real World

To: alt.magick.tyagi,alt.magick,,alt.christnet.christianlife,alt.christnet.demonology,
From: nocTifer 
Subject: FRPG-Based Demon Summoning Dangerous in Real World (HPotter Satanism?)
Date: Mon, 15 Mar 2004 08:24:39 GMT

50040314 vii om Hail Satan!

"selina" :
#> Hi. I'm Selina and I have a question. I heard that Harry Potter story
#> books/movies are demonic. Is it true? Any prove or evidence?

"Rubystars" :
# They're fictional. 

quite so.

# I can't confirm this but I heard one rumor that the
# writer is an agnostic.

I didn't notice any mention of Rowling's religious background
in the Time article I quoted elsewhere (6/23/2003).

# If someone is weak in their faith and reading fictional 
# stories about magic is going to do them harm, then yes, 
# by all means stay away from those books, as well as many 
# Disney movies and all other fantasy books.

one might keep much scripture from children for this reason 
too. it often has fabulous legendary individuals doing 
supernatural things.

# ...I've played various RPGs and read various fantasy 
# books and I think they're harmless as long as you don't 
# do things like take them into the real world and try to 
# summon demons, or whatever.

according to most demonologists and magicians who are
interested in the subject, role-playing games are not
usually a very good source for technology on summoning
demons. that said, there may be some good sources just
as "Alchemy Companion" has some interesting things on
said arcane topic which supplement for Fantasy RPGames.

some occultists like Paul Hume have written for the
RPG publishers creating inspiring material that can be
seen as a model in how magic might function within the
world of the role-playing game (different than our own),
and it is obvious that he is reflecting on stereotypes
and sci-fi fantasy characters and objects which he's
encountered in such works (e.g. "The Grimoire", by 
FASA Corporation, 1990). 

at least systems like AD&D have spell components,
material and verbal, and reflect off of the methods
of magic practice throughout the world. some of the
RPG systems are complex and *admirable* in their
integrity and imaginativeness. they are often more
interesting and satisfy a particular cosmological 
aesthetic which ordinary occult authors lack.

Harry Potter books don't have formulae for things
like potions, let alone summoning spells. there are
cantrips and magical objects (like the Maurader's
Map) which do fabulous things, but we're not really
told how such things might be created.

the usual FRPG material on demon summoning doesn't
go into intricate detail and usually supplies some
alternative cosmology beyond the ordinary with
which the player must comprehend and work within,
the methods presumably incompatible with Terran
activities unless they can be shown to overlap or
coincide by symbolism, etc.

searching at on "demon summoning" I
find only 22 entries for this phrase, the first of
which mentions methods is an FRPG book and the first
occult reference is a 2003 encyclopedia by JMGreer:

	The New Encyclopedia of the Occult 
	by John Michael Greer (Paperback - November 2003) 
	whose excerpt deals with the demon-summoning in
	the Faust literary tradition (probably no actual
	instructions in how to summon specific demons in
	this reference).

and interestingly enough this was one of the results:

	Harry Potter's World: Multidisciplinary Critical Perspectives 
	by Elizabeth E. Heilman (Editor) (Hardcover - January 2003) 

and clicking on related texts in this set of 22 (symbolic?)
were another half dozen maybe 8-10 books on the Potter books
doing critical analysis, some of which were definitely 
considering whether there was anything nefarious, demonic
or satanic in the content.
blessed beast!

boboroshi at-sign Satanic Outreach Director
Church of Euthanasia:
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