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Willow, Magic, and Satanism

To: alt.magick.tyagi,alt.magick,alt.paranormal.spells.hexes.magic,alt.witchcraft,alt.satanism,
From: (CoE's SOD!)
Subject: Willow, Magic, and Satanism (was Infinite Power)
Date: Wed, 05 Jun 2002 01:25:49 GMT

50020604 VI Hail Satan!

bobo (CoE's SOD):
>> so which episodes would *you* recommend for infinite power education? (LuckyHoodoo92):
> Spoiler Space

watch out, frank discussion of plotlines and magic-weaving below!

> ...performs a spell called "My will be done".  

where'd she get it? by whom was it written?

> ...She declined the offer of becoming a demon and
> returned to earth and undid the spell.  

what did the spell include, exactly? how was it constructed?
how was it 'undone'?

> Moral of the story:  With infinite power comes infinite responsiblity.

we don't need no stinking morals. 

the metaphysics and magical physics of this fictional series is
intriguing, comparable to a role-playing game or popular novel.
what they include from the world outside Buffy-universe, etc., 
their symbolism, what they imply, etc., are indeed important
to consider. sometimes authors of fiction introduce principles
of magic or religion which are at odds with practical actuality,
and, outside films and books otherwise, 'infinite power' is indeed
a meaningless objective. one might seek power endlessly, rather.

> ...Willow summons the God Osiris to bring Tara back from the dead.  

any special summoner qualifications or methods used?

> ...She raids the local occult store called "The Magic Box" and
> uses her power to gather up all the black magic books in the store.  

where did she get this power? did they call them 'black magic
books' or was it something particular to power or antagonism?

> She plunges her hands into them like they were buckets of water 
> and sucks the words out of them.  The words, diagrams, and pictures 
> in the book snake up her arms toward her head.  A satanic pentagram 
> ends up going to her forhead and turns
> her eyes and hair pitch black....

point-down pentagram => without morality? 
or is the killing 'mere vengeance' and therefore 'satanic'?
> Willow is ready for revenge against Warren.

but why can Willow do these things when so many others in the world
cannot? is there some explanation of her role (e.g. like "Slayer" or 
"Watcher" or something) or ability (proximity to Slayer/Watcher, etc.)?
is she a mutant like in comicbooklands?

boboroshi : SOD of the CoE
b                        g
 o                      r
  b                    o
   o                  .
    r                e
     o              c
      s            i
       h          v
        i        r
         @      e
          s    s
           a  n

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From: catherine yronwode 
Organization: Lucky Mojo Curio Co. 
X-Mailer: Mozilla 3.01-C-MACOS8 (Macintosh; I; PPC)
MIME-Version: 1.0
Newsgroups: alt.magick.tyagi,alt.magick,alt.paranormal.spells.hexes.magic,alt.witchcraft,alt.satanism,
Subject: Re: Willow, Magic, and Satanism (was Infinite Power)
References:  <> 
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Date: Wed, 05 Jun 2002 02:07:49 GMT
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NNTP-Posting-Date: Tue, 04 Jun 2002 19:07:49 PDT
Xref: alt.magick.tyagi:32886 alt.magick:304204 alt.paranormal.spells.hexes.magic:34116 alt.witchcraft:42299 alt.satanism:207315

CoE's SOD! wrote:
> bobo (CoE's SOD):
> >> so which episodes would *you* recommend for infinite power 
> >> education?
> (LuckyHoodoo92):
> > Spoiler Space
> watch out, frank discussion of plotlines and magic-weaving below!

Aw, heck, i just posted that siva doesn't like spoilers! He is so
unpredictable :-) 

More comments below...

> >.
> >.
> >.
> >.
> >.
> >.
> >.
> >.
> > ...performs a spell called "My will be done".
> where'd she get it? by whom was it written?

So far, from what i have seen of Buffy, people don't so much create
spells as learn them from BOOKS, and the authors are shrouded in
mystery. This is a Medieval European take on magic, needless to say, and
thus in keeping with the ethno-cultural background of the characters and

> > ...She declined the offer of becoming a demon and
> > returned to earth and undid the spell.
> what did the spell include, exactly? how was it constructed?
> how was it 'undone'?
> > Moral of the story:  With infinite power comes infinite responsiblity.
> we don't need no stinking morals.

It's a paraphrase from Spider-Man -- and as such is entirely apropos, as
Josh Wedon is a total comics fan. 
> the metaphysics and magical physics of this fictional series is
> intriguing, comparable to a role-playing game or popular novel.
> what they include from the world outside Buffy-universe, etc.,
> their symbolism, what they imply, etc., are indeed important
> to consider. sometimes authors of fiction introduce principles
> of magic or religion which are at odds with practical actuality,
> and, outside films and books otherwise, 'infinite power' is indeed
> a meaningless objective. one might seek power endlessly, rather.

Yeah, but this is the whole Phoenix storyline replayed, from Marvel's
X-Men, so of course it is playing out in terms of "infinite" power. 

> > ...Willow summons the God Osiris to bring Tara back from the dead.
> any special summoner qualifications or methods used?
> > ...She raids the local occult store called "The Magic Box" and
> > uses her power to gather up all the black magic books in the 
> > store.
> where did she get this power? did they call them 'black magic
> books' or was it something particular to power or antagonism?
> > She plunges her hands into them like they were buckets of water
> > and sucks the words out of them.  The words, diagrams, and 
> > pictures  in the book snake up her arms toward her head.  A 
> > satanic  pentagram ends up going to her forhead and turns
> > her eyes and hair pitch black....
> point-down pentagram => without morality?
> or is the killing 'mere vengeance' and therefore 'satanic'?
> > Willow is ready for revenge against Warren.
> but why can Willow do these things when so many others in the world
> cannot? is there some explanation of her role (e.g. like "Slayer" or
> "Watcher" or something) or ability (proximity to Slayer/Watcher, 
> etc.)? is she a mutant like in comicbooklands?

Good question -- does she have a platonic role, like Buffy does as
"slayer" -- or is power like hers protrayed as something existential
that anyone could accomplish?
cat yronwode 

Hoodoo in Theory and Practice --

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