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Willow's Magic

To: alt.magick,alt.xyzzy,alt.paranormal.spells.hexes.magic,alt.witchcraft,alt.lucky.w,
From: (LuckyHoodoo92)
Subject: Willow's Magic(was Infinite Power)
Date: 05 Jun 2002 00:26:34 GMT

>so which episodes would *you* recommend for infinite power education?

Spoiler Space

In the episode titled "Something Blue", Willow performs a spell called "My will
be done".  Afterwards when she doesn't notice any immediate difference, feels
that her spell didn't work.  In reality it worked way better than she could
ever imagine.  She fought with Giles and in the process said "you just don't
see", or something to that effect, and he slowly started to go blind.  She got
into an argument with Xander and called him a "demon-magnet" and from that time
on any demon in the area was drawn to him and tried to kill him.  She got into
a fight with Buffy over Spike and said sarcasticly, "Well if you like him so
much then why don't you just marry him" and *poof* Buffy and Spike the bad
vampire fell in love and started to plan their wedding.  All this occured
without Willow's knowledge.  Because of the chaos Willow inspired, the Demon
D'Hoffryn kidnapped her and took her to a Hell dimension and offered to turn
her into an immortal Vengance Demon, thinking she did the those things on
purpose because she was angry with her friends. It was only then that Willow
learned that what she had done.  She declined the offer of becoming a demon and
returned to earth and undid the spell.  Moral of the story:  With infinite
power comes infinite responsiblity.

Now, if you are looking for some Kick-Ass heavy Black Magic, then you should
have seen the last three episodes of the past season.  Willow goes completely
Evil!!!  Tara, Willow's Lover, is killed by a stray bullet fired by Warren. 
Warren and his gang "the nerds" have been trying to do away with Buffy all
season long and finaly Warren decides to be practical about it and shoots her. 
One of the bullets shoots through the bedroom window of Willow's room where
Tara is standing.  There is a spray of blood on Willow's shirt and Tara says
"you have....all over your shir.." and dies.  Willow summons the God Osiris to
bring Tara back from the dead.  He tells her no since she has died a natural
death, natural meaning that she didn't die by occult means.  Willow wigs out
and goes evil.  She raids the local occult store called "The Magic Box" and
uses her power to gather up all the black magic books in the store.  She
plunges her hands into them like they were buckets of water and sucks the words
out of them.  The words, diagrams, and pictures in the book snake up her arms
toward her head.  A satanic pentagram ends up going to her forhead and turns
her eyes and hair pitch black. Willow is ready for reveng against Warren.
I'm not gonna tell you what she does to him but she coldly says "Bored Now" as
he begs for his life.  In the next episode Willow's power increases and so does
the death toll.  She turns against all the people that she loved and tries to
kill them.  The climax ends when Willow tries to destroy the world to end what
she deems "the suffering and pain of existance".  

Gotta see t.v. for sure.  Better catch the re-runs if you didn't see it the
first time.


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