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Elemental Magick

To: alt.magick
From: (Fenwick Rysen)
Subject: Re: Elemental Magick
Date: 28 Jun 1997 21:25:23 GMT

lo eskis i

Quoth Liquidburns (
> Does anyone know anything about elemental magick?


I suppose this question is actually a petition for information...
Well, the very basics:  There are four elements, of Fire, Air, Water, and
Earth (with the fifth element being spirit, void, god, brahman, love, or
whatever it is that you decide to call it).

The best way to learn to wirk with the elements is to expose yourself to
them.  If you want to learn about fire, make a big fire and get as close
to it as you can.  Picture yourself as the fire, see what it feels like.

If you want to understand water, go throw yourself in an ocean (or if
you're not near one a lake or river will suffice) and see what it feels
like.  Be one with the element.

For earth, go walking barefoot in a local park, feel the earth, sense its

For Air, wear little clothing and expose your body to the wind, letting it
whip through your hair.

As you practice all this, when you meditatie, picture breathing in that
element through your mouth and through your pores as you take each breath.
Let it fill you, infusing you with its essence.

Once you've got all of this down, figure out what you want to do with it.
Lots of skill may allow you to calm or raise both wind and water, to sense
the energies of powerpoints on the earth with ease, and to push a fire in
a given direction or reduce it to embers or allow it to rise up from
embers.  Not that any of this is easy, mind you.  Expect to spend 10-20
years to be able to do any great feats if any at all.  The first things
you'll notice is eprhaps an ability to make candleflames dance around a

And as with all magick, don't let other people tell you what to believe or
do, and this includes the words that I've just written.  To thine own self
be true.

In Life, Love, and Laughter
  o  |   --Fenwick Rysen             -- C H A O S         M A T R I X --
| ___ |      "The only prevalent characteristic of chaotes is their
    /         ability  to confuse you  beyond all hope of  rescue."
   |                                            ---Mathias Karlsson

Path: Supernews69!!!!!!!!!!mlynch
From: (michael lynch)
Newsgroups: alt.magick
Subject: Re: Elemental Magick
Date: Tue, 01 Jul 1997 13:39:38 -0500
Organization: mitre corp.
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References: <5oph9n$> <5p3vg3$8pe$>
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Xref: Supernews69 alt.magick:106470

In article <5p3vg3$8pe$>, (Fenwick
Rysen) wrote:

> lo eskis i
> Quoth Liquidburns (
> > Does anyone know anything about elemental magick?

  If you want to learn about fire, make a big fire and get as close
> to it as you can.  Picture yourself as the fire, see what it feels like.
> If you want to understand water, go throw yourself in an ocean (or if
> you're not near one a lake or river will suffice) and see what it feels
> like.  Be one with the element.
> For earth, go walking barefoot in a local park, feel the earth, sense its
> energies.
> For Air, wear little clothing and expose your body to the wind, letting it
> whip through your hair.
> As you practice all this, when you meditatie, picture breathing in that
> element through your mouth and through your pores as you take each breath.
> Let it fill you, infusing you with its essence.

A word of caution: This has been paraphrased (or could have been) from
Franz Bardon's "Initiation Into Hermetics". His warnings have been
truncated. Do not invoke the 'feeling' of the element endlessly. Start
slowly and stop well before things get overwhelming. This is especially
important when working with Fire, but can be applied to any and all of the
elements. I recommend anyone who would work with elemental energy to look
into Bardon. His is a quirky system in some respects, but it is sound and
it works. Most will not have the will to work through all the exercises in
order, but they will reward you if you do. Make no mistake. any magical
system worth the paper it's printed on or the air with which it is breathed
into your ear is *work*.  You must do it personally and it ought to take a
measure of time. "Quickie" or multiple initiations are useless and can be
valued inversely with their cost. 
Nuff ranting! Those with ears to hear will hear. The rest will....learn.

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