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JEverall: TOPY History

To: alt.magick.tyagi,alt.magick,alt.magick.chaos,talk.religion.misc,talk.religion.newage,,
From: (nagasiva)
Subject: JEverall: TOPY History (GPO+)
Date: 13 Sep 1997 13:18:01 -0700

[from (John Everall)]

 Porridge's comments refer specifically to the departure of Geff
Rushton(John Balance) & Peter Christopherson from Psychic TV. Both claimed
they left because they didn't like the direction P-Orridge was taking.
P-Orridge regarded this as slanderous and claimed he had tapes proving that
they were expelled, rather than leaving of their own accord. Perhaps he was
miffed that PTV lost its way creatively after the above-mentioned formed
the group, Coil; an infinitely more interesting project than his own(IMO).
To give P-Orridge some credit I think as a member of Coum Transmissions he
made a significant contribution to contemporary performance art, and I
would also regard Throbbing Gristle as one of the most significant
avant-garde musical groups of the late 20th C.

Also there is a great deal to be said for the theory that P-Orridge was
playing a game with the temple, seeing how people would respond to being
told that they would have to wear the same uniform, have the same haircut,
pierce their genitals,etc. P-Orridge's interest in the 'control' systems
employed by Manson, Jim Jones, et al. does indicate that conducting such an
experiment was part of the original intention behind the Temple - or
perhaps his ego was simply out of control!! Whatever, even if there were
originally any good intentions, it has all gone the same way as Chaos
Magick(a supposedly open-ended system which *appears* to have engendered a
paradoxically limited modus operandi among its adherents).

 In conclusion, I suppose I should state that, as a fifteen year old
schoolboy, P-Orridge's Throbbing Gristle project inspired me musically, and
also led me to explore the world of Burroughs, Gysin, Jarman, etc,etc. But
I think post-TG, Orridge lost the plot somewhat.

Regards, John Everall.

"Man's the only species neurotic enough to need a purpose in life".

Reginald Iolanthe Perrin.
(emailed replies may be posted);join the AMT syncretism!!;call: 408/2-666-SLUG!
see; "Clement of Rome taught that God rules the world
with a right and a left hand, the right being Christ, the left Satan." - CGJung

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