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To: alt.magick.tyagi,alt.magick,alt.magick.folk,alt.pagan,alt.satanism,talk.religion.misc,alt.pagan.magick
From: (nocTifer)
Subject: Goeteia/Goetia/Geotia/Geoty (was Re Goetia)
Date: 23 Aug 1997 11:30:37 -0700

49970806 aa2 Hail Satan!

peace be upon you, my kin.

"R. Brzustowicz"  quotes the Oxford English Dictionary:
# goety ('g&schwa.UItI). Obs. exc. arch. Also 7 goetie, (6 erron. geocie, 8
# geoty). [ad. Gr. gamma-omicron-eta-tau-epsilon-iota-alpha- (f.
# gamma-omicron-eta-tau--, gamma-omicron-eta-sigma- sorcerer, wizard, app.
# f. gamma-omicron-alpha-epsilon-iota-nu- to wail, cry, cf. quot. 1610),
# through med.L. goetia or Fr. goetie.] Witchcraft or magic performed by the
# ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
# invocation and employment of evil spirits; necromancy.
#   The erroneous forms geocie, geoticke, etc. in this word and its cognates
# either proceeded from or suggested a mistaken etymological association
# with GEO-.

I think that the traditional *and* confused usages are implicative and 
significant (anti-cthonic), despite any apparent decentralized locale 
with respect to term-usage (veering from the Latin/Greek in root).

#   1569 J. SANFORD tr. Agrippa's Van. Artes 57 b, The partes of ceremoniall
# Magicke be Geocie, and Theurgie. 1610 HEALEY St. Aug. Citie of God (1620)
# 353 Goety worketh vpon the dead by inuocation, so called of the noyse that
# the practisers hereof make about graues. 1681 HALLYWELL Melampron. vii.
# 51 Porphyry and some others did distinguish these two sorts [of Magic], so
# ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
# as to condemn indeed the grosser, which they called Magic, or Goety.
# ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
# 1730-6 BAILEY (folio), Geoty, geotick magick. 1751 BP. LAVINGTON Enthus.
# Methodists & Papists (1754) II. iii. 190 In the Academy of Salamanca they
# taught both Theurgy and Goety in the Publick Schools. 1855 E. SMEDLEY
# Occult Sci. 237 All that is properly called `goety' or the `black magic'
# of the middle ages.

Crowley liked to relate the 'black magic' of al-khemi to the soil of the
upper region of Egypt, which was black of color.


#> Oxford Englis Dictionary

#> f. gamma-omicron-alpha-epsilon-iota-nu- to wail, cry, cf. quot. 1610),
#>                                          ^^^^^^^^^^^^

[preferred anonymity]:
# Now *this* is interesting.  Bad magicians *wail*.  Very evocative (no pun
# intended!)  -- the "goes" is the person who screams out nonsense, while
# the "theurge", presumably, does something else.

perhaps not nonsense.  it might be something to do with the pain of evoking
the 'wrong' beings and suffering at this endeavor.  possibly more likely it
relates to the howls and crys of the underworld (esp. in relation to 'black
magic') or those of the wilderness.  the mention by R. Brzustowicz of
noisemakers and whatnot is also important, and there is the mention of 
"the noyse that the practisers hereof make about graues."

[ps -- Crowley characterized the djinn at times as 'howling jinn']

#> through med.L. goetia or Fr. goetie.

# The Greek is prior to either of these, of course.  In my original response
# to nocTifer I was referring to Greek sources, such as Porphyry (who is
# quoted by an English author later on in the dictionary definition that you
# reproduced here).  The bulk of the etymology for the English word "goety"
# just takes us back to the Greek and Latin in the first place;  what I was
# interested in was the original sense of the Greek word, which seems to be
# "wail, cry".  Cool.

what was the context of the Latin and Greek usage?  any relation to magick
or religion in any sense?   'goetic' by the OED appears to be a predominantly
condemnatory characterization on the part of the religious.  does anyone
know from where the spirits of the Lemegeton are derived?  I haven't ever
seen sourcing on these and most do not appear to relate to pre-Christian
gods or spirits from what I can tell.

thanks for the consortium on this topic.

blessed beast!
nocTifer:  ---
TOKUS-COE Office: 408/2-666-SLUG --- Mother Church (CoE)

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