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Evocation of the 72 Goetic Demons

To: alt.magick
From: "Kwaw" 
Subject: Evocation of the 72 Goetic Demons (or how astrology leads to Satanism)
Date: Sun, 6 May 2001 16:09:05 +0100

Axel Harvey  wrote in message
> Hey, did you know that an interest in astrology leads to necromancy and
> other Satanic practices, and is a multi-billion dollar business..
>(according that is to the centre for bible studies)

Well, as an amateur astrologer myself I would just hate to let them down.

As we all know
the 72 Goetic (Goetia = Greek term for witchcraft) demons have rule through
the govenment of the 36 astrological decans. Each decan has two rulers, one
who rules by
day and one by night.

The notorious 'satanic' symbol the pentagram is of course a symbol for the
planet Venus, for if you mark her synodic periods on a map of the heavens
you will discover the figure of a pentagram is plotted.  Venus anciently had
two aspects, as morning star or evening star. In one Venus is symbolized by
the upright pentagram and is called The Queen of Heaven, in the other Venus
is symbolised by the averse pentagram or Goat Star and called King of the
Four Quarters. To invoke either one simply face towards Venus or the Mirror
of Venus as appropriate, and draw the pentagram in a clockwise fashion from
the uppermost point (for the Queen) or lowest point (for the King) and call
upon them in whatever words you can best devise (remembering of course that
the Spirit and Spirits are entranced and entrapped through and within
patterns in sound as in images. The most atrocious rhyming doggeral is
therefore usually more effective than the most eloquent prose).

If you wish to call upon one of the Demon Princes of the decans it is
advisable to protect yourself within a circle which you should inscribe
around you with the knife of art. At each quarter you should place an
elementary shield. At the east a pentagram of fire, which is drawn upright
in a clockwise fashion from the lowest right point and at its centre place
the symbol for leo. In the south the pentgram of earth drawn from the lowest
left hand point with the symbol of taurus. In the west, air, upper left hand
point, aquarius. In the North, water, upper right hand point, scorpio.

circle of course represents the zodiac, and the elemental attributions are
accordingly Aries/East/Fire; Capricorn/South/Earth; Libra/West/Air;
Cancer/North/Water. The symbols of the fixed signs are used partly because
they represent the most 'stable' form of each element. Also because if the
pentagram is inscribed on a wheel of the heavens then the points to which
each element is attributed fall in Scorpio, Leo, Taurus and Aquarius.  By
happy 'accident' the elements flow along the lines of the pentagram in order
of 'density' Spirit/Fire/Air/Water/Earth.

There is of course a great many
more esoteric reasons behind the symbolism which for reasons of space and
time I won't go into here. But speaking of which the circle and four
quarters are themselves symbolic of Time and Space and together make up five
aspects which connects them with the pentagram and the God and Goddess, the
Queen of Heaven and the King of the Four Quarters. They represent in fact
the manifestation of the God and Goddess on a lower plane and hence after
the invocation of the King and Queen the making of the circle and the four
shields is one of the steps in 'calling down' their presence; to witness,
empower, or celebrate according to the nature of the rite.

For the purpose of evoking one of the demon princes of the 36 decans you
will of course have placed the triangle of manifestation outside the circle
in the east. Within the triangle will be the crystal stone or magick mirror
in which the demon will appear. The mirror is charged with the invoking
hexagram of the decans planetary ruler. You may call upon them by addressing
them as 'Demon Prince of the Nth Decan' or by the names given in the Goetia
(understanding of course that they are themselves 'titles' and not names of
individual spirits as such). The Goetic demon associated with each decan can
be found in 777.
The rite should of course be timed so that the appropriate decan is rising
on the ascendant. Sunrise, sunset, noon or midnight are traditionall
favourites as the veil of spirit is more easily rendered at points of
'crossing'. Planetary Days and Hours could also be used by those who have
wit to understand their astrological basis.

After the license to depart the pentagrams and circle should be 'undrawn' in
reverse order, widdershins.

An alternative experiment to the evoking of the Demon Prince is to go
exploring the astral regions of the decan. The procedure is much the same
excepting the mirror should be in the circle with you and not the triangle
of manifestation (or use the 'mind's eye and do away with the mirror
altogether). Visualise the ancient and traditional magical image of the
decan upon the mirror and then place yourself within it. Some 'modern'
witches prefer to use the tarot cards associated with each decan rather than
the traditional images (youngsters eh? Think they know everything!). The
magical image of each decan and the tarot attributions I can give in a
follow up post if anyone is interested.

To think It all started with Linda Goodman's Sun Signs!

Lines: 37
From: (STEVEJM15)
Newsgroups: alt.magick
Date: 08 May 2001 20:14:22 GMT
References: <>
Organization: AOL,
Subject: Re: Evocation of the 72 Goetic Demons (or how astrology leads to Satanism)
Message-ID: <>
Xref: alt.magick:242775

>t obviously started a long time before Linda Goodman,

A facetious comment related to my first paragraph.

> but this is
>an excellent post. 

Thank you

>The Venus pentagram analogy is accurate in more ways than
>you may suspect, which tends to justify the Astaroth=Astarte Goetia

The 'Queen of Heaven' and 'King of the Four Quarters' references are both to be
found in the Babylonian Venus Tablets. Ishtar, Astoroth, Astarte connection I
believe to be fairly convincing.

>Originally there were 72 Egyptian gods of the quinances,
>some good, some evil. 

Interesting. I don't know about this. Any references I could look up? Medieval
or Egyption the common conection is the zodiac. And the decan division is as
you know  Egyptian in origin. The names of the demons however are traceable but
few to Egyptian dieties, but in the main to captors or enemies of the Jewish
peoples, as of the Babylonians or Caananites for example. Though there are
later interpolations. Furfur for example in my experience has definite Celtic
appearance (not that my subjective experience counts as fact). There maybe an
etymological connection between Furfur and the Celtic FithFath (pronaounced
FeeFah) the lying spirits and the spirit of Lies? The English words Fibber and

While the Picatrix and grimoires of the Solomic cycle are obviously of medieval
origin, I believe they draw upon more ancient sources that probably returned to
the west following the dispersion of the citizens of Harran in the 12th
century, overlaid with a judeo-christian interpretation.


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