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Pagan Kabbalah?

To: alt.magick,alt.pagan,alt.religion.wicca,soc.religion.paganism
From: (John R. Snead)
Subject: Re: Pagan Kabbalah?
Date: Fri, 20 Feb 1998 23:16:04 CST wrote:
: Does anyone know where I can find Paganized versions of Kabbalistic rites such
: as the LBRP? I know the Alexandrians did extensive work in this regard, but
: have no idea where to find it. Any help will be greatly appreciated. BB! -- JC

Here's one I wrote up a few years ago, it works well for me.  Comments



The Wiccan LBRP


1) Sit facing East and do the relaxation ritual:

Relaxation ritual:

Sit in a chair or one the floor, with your arms at your sides and neither
your arms nor your legs crossed.  Rest your feet together and flat on the
floor.  Visualize a ball of cool soothing energy rising out of the floor,
up your feet and legs.  With each breath you take the ball rises further
up your body.  Everywhere it passes is left soothed, cleansed, and
relaxed.  When the ball reaches the base of your neck have it stop.  Then
direct it down one arm until it travels just past the fingertips.  From
there it travels back up the same arm, across your shoulders, and down
the other arm.  After the ball is back at the base of you neck have it go
up into the center of your head, expand outward until it fully surrounds
your head.  Then, as you breathe in have it contract back to the size of
a walnut, travel down your spine, and come to rest slightly below your
navel, where it should diffuse out into your body.  The exercise should
take between 5 and 10 minutes, and will get faster with practice.


2) Stand in the center of your circle.  Visualize yourself growing larger
and larger, growing larger than the universe, until you come to a ball of
light above your head.  The ball is small but brilliant, it is The
Divine.  Bring it down to the point of your finger/dagger.  Point the
finger/dagger at your forehead and intone: SKY

3) Bring finger/dagger and the light down your body, until your hand is
at your groin, and the finger/dagger is pointing to the ground and
intone: TO EARTH Visualize a pillar of light running down your body, and
down into the earth.

4) Bring the blade you your right shoulder, the light goes from the
center of your body out to the right, past your right shoulder, extending
out into the universe.  Focus on this light and intone: ALL

5) Move the blade horizontally to your left shoulder, the light now
extends to the left, unto infinity.  Focus on this light and intone: IS

6) Clasp your hands as if praying, dagger point up.  Visualize within
your chest, at the point covered by your hands a golden glow. Intone:


1) Go left around your alter until you are in front of it, facing East.
Draw the banishing pentagram made of blue fire.

2) Inhale through your nose, feel the energy of the universe flow into
your nose and body, and down, out of your feet, and into the earth.  As
you inhale put your hands up by your ears, as fists, with index fingers
pointing forward.

3) Step forward with your left foot, bring your hands down so they point
at the exact center of the pentagram.  As you do this, exhale and feel
the energy come back up your body.  Intone: SPIRITS OF AIR

4)  Bring your hands back up to your ears, and your left foot back.  Put
your left hand down by your side and point to the center of the pentacle
with your blade.  Now trace a line in the air from the center of the
pentacle as you turn 90 degrees deosil.  (turn to the South) As your
trace the line with your blade visualize white light emanating from the
end of the blade.  Repeat 1-3, Intone:   SPIRITS OF FIRE

5) Turn to the West, repeat 1-3, Intone: SPIRITS OF WATER

6) Turn to the North and repeat, Intone: SPIRITS OF EARTH

7) Complete the circle by connecting the white line from North back to
East.  Then, again moving clockwise, move back behind the alter.

8) Now visualize the brilliant white circle expanding up and own to form
a sphere of brilliant white all around you, with electric blue pentacles
at the quarters


1) Spread your arms straight out to your sides, so that you form a cross.
Hold your blade point up.  Feel the energy flowing through you and making
you a brilliant cross of light at the center of the universe.

2) Visualize Rhiannon of the birds before you, feel a breeze from this
direction.  Intone: BEFORE ME, RHI-ANN-ON  (any 4 other protective,
elementally associated, god names will work here)

3) Visualize Mannanan of the waters behind you, hear the waterfall behind
you.  Intone: BEHIND ME, MANNAN-AN

4) Visualize Brigid of the fiery forge on your right, feel the heat of
her forge.  Intone: ON MY RIGHT HAND, BRI-GID

5) Visualize Herne the Hunter in his green-wood to your left.  Intone: AND

6) Move your left foot out to your left and visualize another beautiful
blue pentacle around you, outlining your body. Intone:  FOR AROUND ME

7) Visualize a six rayed solar disk within you, where your heart is.

V) Repeat part II 1) Stand in the center of your circle.  Visualize
yourself growing larger and larger, growing larger than the universe,
until you come to a ball of light above your head.  The ball is small but
brilliant, it is The Divine.  Bring it down to the point of your
finger/dagger.  Point the finger/dagger at your forehead and intone: SKY

2) Bring finger/dagger and the light down your body, until your hand is
at your groin, and the finger/dagger is pointing to the ground and
intone: TO EARTH Visualize a pillar of light running down your body, and
down into the earth.

3) Bring the blade you your right shoulder, the light goes from the
center of your body out to the right, past your right shoulder, extending
out into the universe.  Focus on this light and intone: ALL

4) Move the blade horizontally to your left shoulder, the light now
extends to the left, unto infinity.  Focus on this light and intone: IS

5) Clasp your hands as if praying, dagger point up.  Visualize within
your chest, at the point covered by your hands a golden glow. Intone:

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