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Ma'aseh Merkabah Ritual

To: alt.magick
From: (B Heidrick)
Subject: Re: Ma'aseh Merkabah Ritual
Date: 02 Sep 2001 11:01:59 GMT

93 Nextgen,

>For those who are not familiar with this ritual, it can be
>read in its entirety @
>entitled by the O.T.O as Ritual Aleph.

Actually, O.T.O. didn't title it "Ritual Aleph".  I wrote the thing under that
name many years before I joined OTO.  The site you provide in the link quoted
above is to a text version of my "Magick and Qabalah #1", which contains the
ritual.  this link will also reach the ritual, without the other matter and
properly formated with the Hebrew text:

the home page for that site is at:

Ritual Aleph is not, strictly speaking, a Merkabah ritual.  It's more of an
adaptation using Merkabah material and other things, addressed to somewhat the
same purpose.  Here's the intro paragraph to the item:

"In the modern ritual presented below, the Golden Dawn pantheon has been taken
together with surviving Hekhaloth fragments to reconstruct an ancient method
for crossing the Abyss."

93 93/93
Bill Heidrick

Lines: 44
From: (B Heidrick)
Newsgroups: alt.magick
Date: 03 Sep 2001 11:24:29 GMT
Organization: AOL
Subject: Re: Ma'aseh Merkabah Ritual
Message-ID: <>
Xref: alt.magick:260333

93 Jason,

>I had no idea that coincidence would
>attract the authority on the matter;

Well, at least the perpetrator.  :-)

>clarify the correct technique of vibrating the Divine Names, if
>they are to be employed;

In Golden Dawn and Crowley style, take a deep breath per word or phrase to be
vibrated.  Then extend the utterance of the word or phrase through the
exhalation of that breath, much in the style of extending words in song. 
Usually a continuous tone is included in the utterance, with the pronounciation
of the word or phrase modulating over that.  Sometimes more elaborate methods
are used, such as delivering each letter with a particular tone (e.g. Case's
attributions of the 12-tone scale to the Hebrew letters) -- but I find that

>what extent does the
>positioning of the Original Throne Archangels suggest in practice? I
>am more Eastern in my approach and do not have adaquete experience
>with L.B.R.P.

It's somewhat of a compound association in the LBRP, with variations based on
geography and intent or on the "magical world" of the ritual.  The Archangels
are associated to the elements by one of the two attributions listed in Braha's
_Calendarium Naturalae Magicae ...._.  Given that start, everything depends on
the association of the elements to the quarters.  The most common usage in the
G.'.D.'. LBRP is to the prevailing winds typically found on a western exposure
to a large body of water in the northern hemisphere.  (Thus, Water to the West,
Fire to the South etc.)  This would vary in different places.   For astral
working, the G.'.D.'. recommended association to the Cardinal elemental  signs
of the Zodiac -- which could rotate during the year, if you wanted to consider
that.  The whole of this  part of the ritual is taken from a Jewish night
prayer (found in the Birnbaum Siddur on page 852 -- Hebrew on p. 851): "In the
name of the Lord God of Israel, may Michael be at my right hand, and Gabriel at
my left; before me Uriel; behind me Raphael; and above my head the divine
presence." -- which, of course, gives a different orientation.

93 93/93
Bill Heidrick

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