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Ceremonial Magick Webstore [Expanded]

To: alt.magick,alt.magick.marketplace
From: catherine yronwode 
Subject: Re: Ceremonial Magick Webstore [Expanded]
Date: Sun, 02 Sep 2001 21:48:57 GMT

Gnome d Plume wrote:
> On 01 Sep 2001 04:47:57 GMT, (StarofNuit) wrote:
> > Greetings!
> >
> > HermeticKa, the Ceremonial Magick Webstore, has expanded, offering 
> > many new ceremonial and magickal items to fulfill the diverse needs 
> > of our customers.
> >
> > The URL for HermeticKa is:
> >
> >
> >
> > HermeticKa offers Ceremonial Robes, Abra-Melin Oil and Incense, 
> > Temple Banners, Temple Pillars, Altar Cloths, Wands, Swords, Athames 
> > and Daggers, Chalices, Pantacles and Patens, the Stele of Revealing, 
> > Candles, Ritual Oils and Incense, Crowns, Jewelry, Temple Ornaments, 
> > Divination Tools, Magickal Books, and more!
> >
> > In Service to Nuit,
> > Soror A.D.N.
> > 93 93/93
> *******Some of this material seems to be good, but I want to make one
> criticism: your magical swords are (IMO) inappropriate for either
> Western or Eastern magick. The sword you show is basically a Ninja Ken
> or Ninja-to. Ninjas didn't romance their swords. It was not intended
> for ceremonial purposes, either in Japan or anywhere else (except
> perhaps in a Ninja clan rite, and then someone's venerable family
> katana {samurai sword}  would probably have been used.)
>  If you cannot obtain a Solomonic sword (from the Greater Key of
> Solomon) there are some other choices you could offer: the Chinese
> straight, double-edged so-called "Tia-Chi" ceremonial sword is
> excellent for both Eastern and Western temple work---and they are
> available at reasonable prices. Also Masonic Templar swords are good,
> and available, although more expensive ---but please, no Ninja Kens.
> The Ninjas never considered their swords more than a weapon and a
> tool. They are straight bladed, but only sharpened on one edge. They
> are not designed, or appropriate, for ritual work. *******
> Good Magick!
> (Good Ninpo too)
> Gnome d Plume
> G.D., O.T.O., O.T.A., and
> Togakure Ryu Ninjutsu

Ah, Poke, i see by Re's post (to which i am not responding) that you
have been charged with "dogmatism" in the matter of ritual tools.

Now,  as you know, i advocate the widest range of adaptibility and
flexibility in terms of ritual tools, but i believe that in this case
what you are on point and Re is simply trolling for trash. 

From previous correspondence with you in the alt.magick newsgroup, i
know that you have no "dogmatic" objection to imporvised tools. For
example, the fact that nagasiva -- as he has mentioned repeatedly --
uses a standard-issue machete as his sword, never has evoked a word of
objection from you. However, were nagasiva to offer machetes for sale
falsely labelled as "traditional Mexican ceremonial swords," you might
well have criticized him. 

This message from HermetiKa was a published advertisement for what the
seller claims are authentic ceremonial ritual and magical tools. The
items advertised therefore should come from ceremonial and magickal
traditions, or they are falsely advertised. 

I think your response, under those circumstances, was measured and
highly cordial. Ninja swords are not ceremonial swords by intent or
manufacture or tradition -- and so you let the proprietor know in the
kindest way that HermetiKa should not claim they are ceremoinial or
ritual swords merely in order to sell them to the public. 

cat yronwode 

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