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talismanic magick

To: alt.magick.tyagi,alt.magick.moderated,alt.magick,alt.magick.folk,alt.lucky.w,alt.magick.pagan,alt.pagan,alt.satanism
From: (nagasiva)
Subject: Talismanic Magick
Date: 17 Nov 1996 01:10:36 -0800

49960924 AA1  Hail Satan!

Talismanic Magick -- Some Beginning Ideas

	I was asked to provide some ideas for beginning magick and
	figured that a talismanic spell might be the easiest thing
	to begin with that will yield a product and observable result.
	there are of course spells utilizing candles and other tools 
	that are of similar effectiveness for a beginner, and these 
	can be considered in comparison with the below.


	darkened room, single candle flame, on a portentious day such
	as a full or dark moon.  burn some incense.  dress in something
	you feel inspired about spiritually or really like the loose
	and artistic feel about.  be uninterrupted by phones or other
	people.  maybe some low volume music of intensity which suits
	the spell you wish to cast (our example is that of bringing 
	money, and perhaps the second side of Dark Side of the Moon 
	(PFloyd) will work nicely -- you could even construct a tape
	of songs related to the spell effects). :>


	get a necklace or some other article which can be worn fairly
	unobtrusively or carried in your pocket.  wash it or wipe it
	off in preparation.  get some method of drawing or inscribing
	upon it, whether or not this will be seen -- a pen, pencil; if
	something which can be scratched, then something metal which
	will do the trick.  consider if you wish to use a particularly
	powerful inscription substance for this -- your own sexual 
	fluids are very good, your blood or your kin's (menstrual?) 
	blood, blood from an animal (I recommend against pets, 
	something like a mouse or bird is ok, though really we have
	quite a lot of animal-killing going on already), or some other 
	more unusual and/or noxious material (your own phlegm is not 
	too bad either :>).  also have a bowl of saltwater on the 
	working surface (floor, tabletop, etc.).  


	sit comfortably near your ritual area.  close your eyes and
	quiet your mind as best you are able.  have the incense 
	burning and the candlelight already in place, and have all
	your working implements as mentioned above set out for your
	usage.  sit comfortably for a few minutes and watch your
	breathing, not forcing anything, just watching.  this is a
	time to relax and prepare for the magical spell.


	rise or come aware slowly and begin the music, low, in the 
	background.  attempt to focus very strongly upon the moment 
	and what is happening around you.  the one-pointedness of 
	your will is what will bring your spell to fruition as it 
	enhances the object which lies before you.  consider the 
	object.  we'll say that it is a necklace with a pendant.  
	dip object (all of it, or if paper or some other dissolutory 
	item just part of it, or smear instead) in the saltwater.  
	concentrate on removing unwanted 'energy' from the item, 
	like erasing a computer disk.  you will be eliminating stray 
	connections to other purposes which could be associated to 
	the object either by you or as part of its structure.

	next pass the object through the incense you are burning
	and perhaps throught the candle-flame.  concentrate on
	preparing the object to receive your imprint or seal.
	this is the rough equivalent of initializing or
	formatting a computer disk.  you are preparing it for
	the reception of your inscription.  

	if you wish, compose some sort of vocalized 'spell' to 
	communicate these activities.  this can be lyrical, you 
	could sing along to the song(s) you have prepared for 
	the work, or you can compose them spontaneously, speaking 
	out loud about what is happening or what you are about to do.

	then set the object down and take a number of deep long
	breaths, not holding them, just building up a battery
	of what is called 'chi' or 'prana' within your body in
	preparation for the spell itself.  when you a ready, 
	again take up the object and begin the inscription.  
	it should be a symbol or sentence which signifies the 
	thrust of the spell itself.  in the case of drawing
	money, you might use green ink and inscribe a dollar 
	sign, for example.  or you might draw gold coins on
	the pendant, or write "the more time passes the richer
	I become", or whatever symbolizes the effect you would
	like to have.  make it somewhat simple, something which 
	you will remember (due to its form, structure or rhyme)
	and yet something which incorporates the desired effect.

	in the example of drawing money you might also fold up
	the object in a large bill of some sort after the 
	working, associating a definite connection with the 
	goal of the spell.  you could do this for a brief period
	or suspend the rite at this point and conclude later,
	say beginning on the first day of the dark moon, suspend,
	and then conclude on the last day, as she begins to wax
	once more.

	once the inscription is complete, hold the item in your
	hands and imagine waves of power coursing down your arms,
	into the object.  imagination is the most important part
	of magick, and visualization exercises can assist you in
	your magical skill.  breathe deeply and communicate to the
	talisman the goal you wish it to have.  in our example,
	you could hold the necklace and/or pendant and imagine
	more and more money piling atop it, the power flowing into
	the talisman as a directive, giving it instructions on
	how to perform (attracting money).


	after this is complete, put the object on or place it in
	a safe place that you will remember it so that you can
	either carry it with you or put it near your person.  in
	the example of a necklace, wear it as often as possible.

	extinguish the candle (a particular one used for spells
	is often desirable), the incense (again, if you only use
	this stick for spells it may be better overall), and 
	generally clean up the working area.  

	once again close your eyes and imagine the power within 
	you body, whether it is overabundant, if you feel drained, 
	etc.  if the former, imagine it flowing into the ground, 
	like an electrical circuit grounding out.  if you feel 
	drained, take a few deep breaths and regenerate that 
	low-ebb, watching until you have again achieve equilibrium.
	stop the music, turn on the lights, and have a look around 
	at what you have done.  


	watch the effect your talisman has upon your life. if you
	feel it necessary, do several spells to enhance the power
	of the talisman, adding more and more power to it.  often
	repetition is a very important thing for spells, and 
	repeating a charging of the object a number of times (not
	necessarily redoing the erase/initializing) can make a 
	difference in its potency.

	there are many ways to construct talismans.  there are old 
	traditions which incorporate particular symbols and tools 
	(e.g. hermetic, wiccan).  there are modern traditions which 
	include attention to spontaneity, unusual working implements, 
	and disruption of normal waking consciousness (chaos).  you 
	can create your own system or use another's.  

	take the time to note (on paper or just in your mind after 
	the fact) what worked for you and what didn't.  use this 
	information in the fabrication of the next spell.  compare 
	notes with other people who are doing ritual magick (as in 
	alt.magick, for example, or in email).  see what they say 
	about how they work and what they like.  

	be aware that there are many who think there is only One 
	Correct Way to do magical spells, and that for them this 
	may well be true.  you may even find that this is true for 
	you!  know that there are, however, mages who do not feel 
	this way, and that the timing and consciousness of the 
	magician may factor into what is most effective.  context 
	and the power of your working tools (those designated 
	especially for spells or even for particular rituals) 
	can also affect the outcome of your magick.

additional references for more ideas	

(c) 1996 t. nagasiva
see  and  call: 408/2-666-SLUG!!!
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