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[ the art of talismanic magick]

From: catherine yronwode 
Newsgroups: alt.occult.methods
Subject: [Fwd: Re: the art of talismanic magick]
Date: Wed, 01 Nov 2000 18:36:42 GMT

dread_not wrote:


> Time is important when performing this.  Venus should be in it's own house,
> or at least in exaltation and the same follows for mercury. The houses are:
> venus:
> 2nd house-own house  *best
> 7th house-own house   *best
> 12th house-exaltation  *good
> 6th house-fall                *fair
> Mercury:
> 3rd house-own house  *best
> 6th house-exaltation   *good
> 12th house-fall              *fair

One of the simplification introduced by modern astrology has been an
identification of the signs with the mundane houses, e.g. Aries=1st house,
Taurus = 2nd house, etc.  This appears to be, at least partially, the source of
the above chart, thus as Taurus = 2nd house and Venus rules Taurus, thus the 2nd
house is Venus' house.

Unfortunately this is an example of the rampant cannibalisation of traditional
astrology.  Venus rules Taurus & Libra, is exalted in Pisces and has her fall in
Virgo.  She joyeth in the 5th house because it is the house of pleasure and
games.  Mercury rules Gemini and Virgo, is exalted in Virgo and has his fall in
Pisces.  He joyeth in the 1st house as it represents the head and memory.  This
system and these particular characteristics have been used for at least 2,000
years.  Modern astrologers are largely ignorant of the true tradition and
compound their ignorance by misapplying traditional terms and changing
traditional definitions.

Finally, using a single astrological factor (even if correctly applied) simply
won't get you as good results as you would doing a full traditional astrological
analysis which takes into consideration, houses & house rulers, aspects, the
full range of essential dignities (rulership, exaltation, triplicity, term and
face) fixed stars, Arabic parts, natural planetary rulerships, moon phase,
planetary hour, antiscions, etc.

Those interested in traditional astrological magic and talisman can check out my
site:  & the next issue of Mountain Astrologer which
has an article of mine on the astrological and talismanic magic of Cornelius
Agrippa and Marsilio Ficino.

Christopher Warnock, Esq.
for Renaissance Horary & Electional Astrology
& Magical Timing
Renaissance Astrology Website

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From: catherine yronwode 
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Newsgroups: alt.occult.methods
Subject: [Fwd: Re: the art of talismanic magick]
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~From: Christopher Warnock 
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~Newsgroups: alt.paranormal.spells.hexes.magic
~Subject: Re: the art of talismanic magick
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~Xref: alt.paranormal.spells.hexes.magic:26283

I disagree that it's not necessary to observe the exact time and date of the
making of the talisman.  The desire for simplicity is the problem.  That's why
astrology is in such a debased state.  Traditional astrology is not easy and
simple, yet it  is an important part of talismanic magic.  As Agrippa says,
"Every natural virtue doth work things far more wonderful when it is not only
compounded of a natural proportion but also is informed by a choice observation
of the celestials opportune to this..." Three Books of Occult Philosophy, Bk II,
Chap. XXIX.

I'm not doing anything other than relating what the traditional sources say with
the addition of my personal experience which has been that the details of the
construction of the talisman are less important than careful attention to

But, hey if it's too much effort, why not take the easy fun way?  That's the
modern, New Age  way.  It's also why this sort of magic is so weak.

Christopher Warnock, Esq.
for Renaissance Horary & Electional Astrology
& Magical Timing
Renaissance Astrology Website

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