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Divination with Geomancy and Liber 963

To: alt.magick,alt.divination
From: (Andralphus)
Subject: Divination with Geomancy and Liber 963
Date: 11 Nov 2002 08:28:20 -0800

I've been toying around with this recently. It goes roughly as 

Cast two geomantic figures, and determine the astrological signs 
attributed to both.

Turn to the chapter of Liber 963 attributed to the first sign. Or if 
the first figure is Caput Draconis, start over; or Cauda Draconis, 
end the divination.

Next, select the verse attributed to the second sign.

The resulting verse should then be interpreted as a glyph of the 
magician's relationship with his Holy Guardian Angel.

Obvious drawbacks:

First, there's the problem of the Sol verse in every chapter. 
I've 'solved' this by arbitrarily attributing Cauda and Caput 
Draconis to it.

Second, the system tends to over-yield Leo and Cancer, which have two 
figures each attributed to them.

From: (Andralphus)
Newsgroups: alt.magick,alt.divination
Subject: Re: Divination with Geomancy and Liber 963
Date: 11 Nov 2002 20:21:29 -0800
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NNTP-Posting-Date: 12 Nov 2002 04:21:29 GMT
Xref: alt.magick:324557 alt.divination:20698

Some more things I've noticed.

The geomantic figures represent terrestrial forces acting under 
astrological influences, and thus the dealings of the earth with the 
heavens and the heavens with the earth. 

Therefore the first figure can be taken as the magician aspiring to 
the Angel above him, and the second as the Angel making himself 
manifest to the magician below him. (Cf. the Holy Hexagram)

In other words the two figures can be used as a key to interpret the
versicle, the first one clarifying the attitude of the magician to 
his HGA, the second, vice versa.

Moreover, the total number of possible results is 12 chapters * 13 
verses = 156.

156 = Babalon = Kaos (i.e. the Beast) 

The geomantic system is over-weighted towards Leo and Cancer.

Leo = Atu XI = Lust = Babalon and the Beast conjoined.

Cancer = Atu VII = The Chariot = the bearer of Babalon's cup with the
blood of the Saints.

In other words, both are symbols of the Great Work completed.  418!

Cancer also shows up in the commentary on the Star Sapphire.


156 = 36 + 120

Liber 36 = The Star Sapphire.

120 = Mem-Lamed-Yod-Mem = "Prophetic sayings, or decrees: 'His days
shall be'; hence Abra-Melin." (Andralphus) wrote in message news:...
> I've been toying around with this recently. It goes roughly as 
> follows:
> Cast two geomantic figures, and determine the astrological signs 
> attributed to both.
> Turn to the chapter of Liber 963 attributed to the first sign. Or if 
> the first figure is Caput Draconis, start over; or Cauda Draconis, 
> end the divination.
> Next, select the verse attributed to the second sign.
> The resulting verse should then be interpreted as a glyph of the 
> magician's relationship with his Holy Guardian Angel.
> Obvious drawbacks:
> First, there's the problem of the Sol verse in every chapter. 
> I've 'solved' this by arbitrarily attributing Cauda and Caput 
> Draconis to it.
> Second, the system tends to over-yield Leo and Cancer, which have two 
> figures each attributed to them.

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