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Sexual Magic

To: alt.magick.tantra
From: "Luis Castillo" 
Subject: Re: Sexual Magic
Date: Sun, 5 Mar 2000 23:55:11 -0000

tyaginator wrote in message <89uv5s$>...
>"Luis Castillo"  writes:
>>(extracted from "The Perfect Matrymony" by Samael Aun Weor)
>could you provide publishing and pagination information on the text you
>have quoted? thanks.

ISBN 1-881219-003
Book The Perfect Matrimony
Author:Samael Aun Weor
Chapter 9 pag 97
Published by Universal Christian Gnostic Movement of the USA

> (tyaginator)
>>The work entitled, "Logos Mantram Magic" by Master Dr. Arnold Krumm Heller
>>is a true jewel of occult wisdom. The Great Master completes the work
>>the following: "In ancient times there was a school of mysteries in wich a
>>ring appeared with the engraved image of Iris and Serapis united by a
>>snake", and Dr. Krumm Heller adds: "Everything that I have said in this
>>is synthesized here". In the eight lesson of the Zodiac Course, he wrotte
>>paragraph that scandalized many know-it-alls:
>>"Instead of coitus that reaches orgasm, devote yourselves to sweet
>>loving phrases and delicate strokes, constantly keeping the mind off  of
>>animal sexuality, maintaining the purest spirituality, as if the act were
>>true religious ceremony.
>>Nevertheless, the man can and should introduce the penis into and manitain
>>it in the vulva so that the two are overtaken by a divine sensation full
>>pleasure that can last entire hours, withdrawing when nearing spasm to
>>ejaculation the semen, and in this way they will have all the more desire
>>caress each other.
>>This can be repetead as many times as you wish without ever tiring on the
>>contrary, this is the magic key to daily rejuvenation, keeping the body
>>healthy and prolonging life with this constant magnetization, since it is
>>the source of health.
>>We know that in ordinary magnetism, the magnetizer comunicates fluids to
>>subject, and if the first has developed those forces, it can cure the
>>second.......The transmision of magnetic fluids is usually made by way of
>>the hands or the eyes, but it must be said that there is no more powerful
>>conductor, a thousand times more powerful and superior to the rest, than
>>penis and the vulva, as receptive orgarns.
>>If many people practice this, strenght and succes will spread around them
>>and will be enjoyed by all those who have business or social contact with
>>them. But in the act of divine, sublime magnetization that we are
>>to both the man and woman reciprocate this magnetization, each one of them
>>being a musical instrument  that when played, throws off sounds that
>>mysterious and sweet harmonies. The chords of this instrument are spread
>>thorought the body, the lips and fingers being the principle players. To
>>extent that absoluty purity presides over the act, we become magicians in
>>this supreme moment."
>>(extracted from "The Perfect Matrymony" by Samael Aun Weor)
> ;
> ;
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