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High and Low Magic

To: alt.magick.tyagi,alt.magick,alt.pagan.magick,alt.magick.ethics
From: (nagasiva yronwode)
Subject: Re: High and Low Magic
Date: Mon, 05 Jun 2000 04:54:18 GMT

50000604 IVom
>I always thought that the difference in High and Low magick was a
>matter of use.  As in, High magick would seem to have a stronger basis
>in theory and low magick has a stronger basis in application.  Sort of
>like the difference between a mechanic and a physicist.  The mechanic
>works with the same forces and materials as the physicist would, but
>the mechanics grounding is in the evolution of the applied.  The
>physicist also works with the applied but only in the sense that it is
>required to achieve lab results that in turn elucidate on further
>possibilities in theory.  No matter how I look at the different
>individuals who practice magick, the dichotomy appears to be the same.
>They both work within the same framework, only different starting
>places and different ends make the difference so.  Not that the
>difference is necessary, only that it is a natural for people to
>differentiate between the two paths because of their apparent

this is a lovely hypothesis. I've noticed that low magicians (those
who work toward mundane ends) tend to proceed by the principle 
'whatever works' whereas the high magicians (mystical ends) more 
often want to know WHY something works (presumably so that it can 
be integrated into a wider practical application (using the same 
technic later). thus the emphasis on Magical Records amongst the
Hermetic (high) mages and witches.
-- ; ; 
emailed replies may be posted; cc replies if response desired

From: Satsuki Yatoji 
Newsgroups: alt.magick.tyagi,alt.magick,alt.pagan.magick,alt.magick.ethics
Subject: Re: High and Low Magic
Date: Sun, 11 Jun 2000 04:23:16 GMT
Organization: Hologram Nation
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Xref: alt.magick.tyagi:23489 alt.magick:197161 alt.pagan.magick:22569 alt.magick.ethics:7628

From what I've read, the difference isn't the purpose, but the means.
Low magic is earthy, visceral and more simply-set-up, where high magic
is precise, involved and seemingly higher in the feeling of it
(vibration?). Like the difference between a fireside drumming session
and involved techno music...Both are beautiful in their own way, and
people have a preference for one or the other, but one isn't 'better'.

Just my opinion/experience though. :)

-Blessed are the cracked, for they will let in the light.-

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Before you buy.

From: Jeremy McKenzie 
Newsgroups: alt.magick.tyagi,alt.magick,alt.pagan.magick,alt.magick.ethics
Subject: Re: High and Low Magic
Date: Sun, 11 Jun 2000 06:28:31 -0400
Organization: Rogers Cantel Inc.
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Xref: alt.magick.tyagi:23493 alt.magick:197195 alt.pagan.magick:22573 alt.magick.ethics:7629

I've always understood the difference between High and Low magic as
being similar to the difference between so-called "left brain" and
"right brain" modes of thinking, respectively. High magic is more
formula oriented and mathematical, whereas Low magic is more intuitive
and primal. It's been said that High magic developed in cities, which
were usually on hills and Low magic developed on farms, which were
usually in valleys. From what I've seen, in general, High magic has it's
roots in monotheistic religions and Low magic in polytheistic religions.
There is a huge amount of overlap and I'm not trying to pigeon-hole
anyone. I agree that neither type is inherently better than the other.
Ideally, (IMHO) both types of magical approaches should be taken into
account when planning out a ritual, and then lean more towards whatever
type of magic that you feel most inclined towards.

Satsuki Yatoji wrote:
> From what I've read, the difference isn't the purpose, but the means.
> Low magic is earthy, visceral and more simply-set-up, where high magic
> is precise, involved and seemingly higher in the feeling of it
> (vibration?). Like the difference between a fireside drumming session
> and involved techno music...Both are beautiful in their own way, and
> people have a preference for one or the other, but one isn't 'better'.
> Just my opinion/experience though. :)
> --
> -Blessed are the cracked, for they will let in the light.-
> Sent via
> Before you buy.

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