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Client Information and Spellcrafting

To: alt.magick.tyagi,alt.magick,alt.pagan.magick,alt.occult.methods,alt.paranormal.spells.hexes.magic,alt.witchcraft
From: blackman99 
Subject: Client Information and Spellcrafting
Date: Sun, 21 Sep 2003 21:14:19 GMT

50030921 viii fall equinox

# ...I am an attorney. 
# The majority of my practice focuses around criminal
# defense and family law (custody, child support,
# divorce, etc.). Although I would not never use magic
# on behalf of my clients, 

even if they *wanted* you to? why not combine practices?
you could more easily facilitate the use of Beef Tongue
Spells, know where to drop the spittle of the Little John
to Chew in the courtroom, and probably know whose car is
the Judge's at your favourite haunts (powders or oils?).
you would be the person to most benefit your clients.

# I have had quite a few confess to me that they do. 
# This may range from all the christian family members 
# of the defendant engaging in a "pyramid of prayer" 
# for their loved one to Aunt-so-and-so going to see 
# her root woman for a floor wash or what have you.... 

do you ever agree to be part of those things, such as
group prayer, or allowing them to powder your papers?

# You are right that we do not know you or your
# circumstances, but your refusal, rightly or wrongly,
# to provide that information, makes it more difficult
# for us to assist you. 

it isn't really prohibitive. it just means that the spells
can't be tweaked potently in favour of the client involved.

# ...There are literally thousands of love spells and
# rituals out there. Don't ask us to pick one for you,
# because it has to come from a system that resonates
# with you. 

is that how it works? resonating with the client makes
the spell work better? or resonating with the magician?
what happens when there is no or negative resonance?
can powerful magicians use techniques which are at
cross-resonance with them and succeed despite this?
is this resonance on account of any training?

# ...Specify what the problem is....

insufficient success was the stated problem. what was
not said was what spells, when, and by whom they were 
attempted. details on the duration of the breakup and
societal volitional conditions would also be helpful
(who all is involved in the situation, what will have
to be done to change the relationship status, etc.).

I'm not offering to solve the problem here, just pointing
out the kinds of things which should be discussed between
a rootworker, mage-for-hire, or whatever, and the client
as I understand it, gleaned by exposure to witches.

blessed beast!
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