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Astrological Magick FAQ

From: jake 
Subject: Astrological Magick FAQ
Date: Thu, 14 Oct 1999 03:36:10 +0100

Introductory note:

The information below briefly summarises a huge amount of magical
research. This introduction similarly summarises the state of studies in
the field.

This is an under explored area of magick with a long and influential
history, but contemporary research is almost restricted to that
presented here. For more than a century it has scarcely been explored
save by a few pioneers, and then neglected by their successors.

Mathers astrological researches died out very early in Britain and
America and were thus unavailable by the time Israel Regardie collated
the material used by the Stella Matutina. This strand of work may have
persisted longer in the Antipodean Lodges of the GD - but aside from
some trace evidence in print remain little publicised and unpublished. 

The known material of the Fraternitas Saturni on these lines is
interesting though obscure and over specialised. It does not approach
the sophistication of the research presented in outline here, and has
probably not been added to since pre-war days. With these minor
exceptions, there is next to no research into this area, or even an
understanding of how it differs from more well known methods, in
contemporary occultism.

Magical Modus Operandi is not discussed here since there are many
variant methods. How these are wedded to the timing methods outlined is
best left to the individual and will be demanding enough. In addition
the timing methods described here require knowledge of the technical
vocabulary of astrology to understand, and  personal expertise in basic
astrology to operate. A great deal of older occult material will be
clarified by this approach, so there are many immediate, and many longer
term gains involved as well as technical problems to surmount.

               ~ * ~      ~ * ~    ~ * ~

Further reading:

Horary and Electional Astrology manuals are handy reference guides for
further research, 'Horary Astrology' by Anthony Louis is a very handy
compendium. For more general astrological techniques Rheinhold Ebertins
'Combination of Stellar Influences' is an important modern approach,
while the works of Alan Leo are also recommended.

 For astrological magick previous to the Occult Revival see Agrippa's
'Three Books of Occult Philosophy', or the 'Picatrix' (no English

For additional information regarding the research summarised here see
the lines in the sig-line below or 'The Equinox - British Journal of
Thelema' Volume 7, numbers 1 to 8, and it's predecessor 'The New Equinox
- British Journal of Magick' Volume 5 and 6.

                                                  Jake Stratton-Kent

The Reconstructed Principles of Magical Astrology.

' least one group of "Thelemic Astrologers" engaged upon the task
of establishing a method of optimising the factors "infinite & unknown",
by the astrological timing of magickal acts.

Initially faced with a bewildering array of rules and interpretations
from the fields of Horary and Electional Astrology, a basic "modus
operandi" quickly emerged, and has now been in use for over two decades
with remarkable results.

1. Firstly, it should be understood that major aspects yield the
greatest power. The Sun-Venus, Sun-Jupiter, and Sun-Mercury conjunctions
are to be celebrated as feasts, i.e. whenever they occur. Apart from
these, it is wise to peruse the ephemeris for at least a month ahead,
noting any major aspects with a view to possible magickal events
commensurate with the astrological configuration.

For example, a Moon-Venus conjunction may be used for attracting a
desired person. Sun-Jupiter trines can yield favours from those in
authority, a Mars-Pluto opposition SHOULD be a neat time to wipe out
your enemies, but the consequences of fucking that one up are a little
more severe!

2. Having matched the "Primary Significators" and their configuration
with the aim, the magickal act may be timed more effectively by careful
positioning of the house cusps. Planets are strongest when angular,
weakest when cadent. Placing the Primary Significators on the angles and
any contra-indicatory planets cadent is as sure a way as any of at least
achieving a result, although there are indications that aspects which do
not perfect before the planets change sign are ineffective.

3. At this point, the chart is examined for radicality by horary rules.
The Ascendant must be in neither the first nor the last three degrees of
a sign; neither the Moon nor Ascendant must be in the Via Combusta; the
Moon must not be Void of Course and Saturn should not be in the
Ascendant unless she be a Primary Significator.

4. The aspect or configuration must still be applying to perfection at
the proposed time, which may necessitate moving the event [back] a day
and restarting the process. Otherwise, if the chart is found to be
radical, and the Moon's last aspect before changing sign be favourable
to the end, the chart may now be fine-tuned according to the following
and other considerations, but without altering the basic elements as
outlined above.

5. It may be that there appears some similarity between the chart and
the natal of the magician or the object. If so it may be accentuated by
placing this point in a position of prominence - the Midheaven or
Ascendant perhaps.

6. The Part of Fortune - or Pars Fortuna. [The position of] Fortuna
(gematria value 93) is calculated by the formula:- 

It is a curious entity, and has been well enough researched in recent
years to form the basis of a future article.

In the space available, suffice it to say that its Graal formula
enhances the initiate's ability to invoke the planetary forces.

7. The Dragon's Head and tail are phenomena used to evoke the planetary
forces - to inflame the masses etc.

8. Finally, a word about retrograde planets. Results have indicated that
magickal acts timed with retrograde significators merely pile up goody
points with the gods, until the planet reassumes direct motion. This can
be used with effect as a series of workings with a given retrograde

Having selected the moment whose astrological qualities match a given
magickal desire, any method of charging the moment (leaving a "stain" on
the THE ALTAR = 93 = TIME) may be used, be it ritual, ecstatic,
shamanistic, or tantric; if it be commensurate with the Stars and Thy
                                                   Trevor Langford


The Gnostic Alchemical Church  of Typhon-Christ

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