a cache of usenet and other text files pertaining
to occult, mystical, and spiritual subjects.


Divination Web Help

Subject: Divination Web Help

Help - A Directory Based on Mastery and Need

         [text] - Text enclosed in [ ]'s is optional.  
       	      The [ ]'s are never typed in as part of the command.

          - Information parameter for a command.  
              The < >'s and what's in them are never typed in as 
               part of the command.  It is meant as a generic.
       	      Mastery Level          	       Command to Type
        	* Begin				'help begin'
        	* Communicate           	'help commun'
        	* Build				'help build'
        	* Command               	'help command'
        	* Program			'help program'
        	* Master			'help master'
        See also 'news introduction'.                      

Beginner Help - Setting up Your Character
        Three main settings are required for a start in Divweb.
        The fourth, Communication, is at the next mastery Level.

        * Set up your character
        Type '@desc me = ' where  is what you look like
        in the realm of Divination Web.  Do not use hard returns.  Type
        no more than a few lines of text.  Try to be imaginative and

        Type '@set me = sex:' where  is your physical gender
        in Divination Web.  Typically people choose one which is 
        meaningful to the game, such as 'male', 'female', 'neuter'
        or 'unassigned'.

        Type 'whereok on' so others may locate you, and '@doing me='
        where  is what you'd like to show up on the 'WHO' screen.
        To learn about Perception and Movement, type 'help begin2'.
Beginner Help - Perception and Movement
        * Perception
        Divination Web has a largely visual command-structure.  One 
        perceives the world by typing 'look' or just 'l'.  In this way 
        you'll see the room in which you stand.  Followed by an 
        Objectname within your Room, it shows you that Object.  
        Example: type 'l me'.  If you followed the instructions in
        'help begin' you will see what you look like in Divination Web.

        * Movement
        To move about, simply look for the 'Obvious exits' list within 
        the room you stand.  It will have things like 'Epidauros (ep)'. 
        You can type 'go Epidauros', simply 'Epidauros', or you can just 
        type the abbreviation shown in the (parens) 'ep'.  Many exits 
        also have hidden abbreviations which work just as well.  Typing 
        'epi' would probably work too.
        You're ready for the next step.  Type 'help communication'.
 	There are several communication-types to be found in this Muck: 
 	'say' (abbreviated with a quotation mark), 'emote' (abbreviated 
 	with a colon), page, and mail.

 	First example:
 	You (Mr.Magick) type:
 	 "When I turned the Prince to a frog, he croaked.

	Others in your Room see:
 	 Mr.Magick says, "When I turned the Prince to a frog, he croaked."

 	You see:
 	 You say, "When I turned the Prince to a frog, he croaked."

 	For more examples, see: communication2.
 	Second example:
 	You (Ms.Wizardress) type:
 	 :flicks her wrist and lightning sizzles your socks.

 	Everyone in your Room sees:
 	 Ms.Wizardress flicks her wrist and lightning sizzles your socks.

 	Third example:
 	You (Fabula.ful) type:
 	 p judy = How did you get into the Void?

 	You see:
 	 Your message has been sent.

 	Judy sees:
 	 Fabula.ful pages: "How did you get into the Void?"

 	Also see: mail, page.
Builder Help

        Email or page xiwangmu or Shawn for a Builder-bit, (see 
        'news management').  Beginning quota is 50 Coins.  Come and
 	let us know when you need more.  See 'info new-web-prop' for
 	more information about our (lack of) Building Policy. 

       	Once an area is opened to the public it is subject to the
 	whim of the DivWeb Managers, who may make changes according
 	to their tastes.
       	See also the divweb-builders Yahoolist!
Command Indices

	There are three indices for commands:
       	 	Index1 contains Regular Commands
        	Index2 contains @Commands
        	Index3 contains Flags and Topics

	Type 'help ' in order to access these lists.

Programmer Help
       	Programming ability (called 'Mucking', enabled by a 
       	'Mucker-bit') is dispensed by Shawn. Send him page #mail 
	or email (see 'news management').
       	The general language for programming is called 'MUF' and is 
       	a Forth-derivative.  Files concerning this may be obtained 
       	from Hollyfeld at:

       	It might be considered helpful to type 'info' to see with 
	what (massive) files one may spam one's screen (be prepared).
       	There is also another programming language available for
       	other projects, and this is called 'MPI'.  To see more
       	information on this, type 'mpi' and use the command to
       	explore from there.  You may also find files in the 'info'
       	and ftp file site mentioned above.
        See also: 'help Mucker'.
More Help - Things to Explore if You've Mastered the Basics 

       	*       PropDirs - see 'help propdirs'.
       	*       Linking/Meta-links - see 'help action2'.
       	*       MPI - type 'mpi'.
       	*       Zombies - type 'help zombies'.
       	*       Mucking - see 'help mucker'.

       	And if you're still looking for things to do,
       	contact the management.  We've got a help staff
       	that would benefit from your volunteered time.

	CAPITALIZED fragments are acceptable abbreviations.

 	detail        	drop		edetail		edit		
 	emote 		Examine		get 		give        	
 	go		gripe 		Help		home		
 	interests       Inventory 	Kill		Look		
 	mail 		man 		move         	News		
 	notices 	outputprefix 	outputsuffix	Page 		
 	put		QUIT		Read 		rmdetail	
 	Rob        	SAy 		score 		take		
 	throw		where        	whereok 	WHO
	CAPITALIZED fragments are acceptable abbreviations.

 	Technical @Commands
 	@chlock	 @chown    @conlock   @contents  @doing    @entrances  
	@find    @force    @lock      @owned     @password @propset  
	@set	 @stats    @sweep     @TELEport  @trace    @unlock	
 	Building and Linking @Commands
 	@action  @attach     @create   @DESCribe   @dig	   @drop
	@fail    @IDESCribe  @link     @name       @odrop  @ofail
 	@open    @OSUCCess   @RECycle  @SUCCess    @unlink
 	For the Mucking and Management @commands from index2, see indexm.
 	Mucking/Programming @Commands
 	@edit		@list		@kill		@program
 	@ps		@uncompile

 	Management @Commands
 	@armageddon	@boot		@bootme		@dlt
 	@dump		@newpassword	@restart	@rmproject
 	@shutdown	@toad		@tune		@usage
	CAPITALIZED fragments are acceptable abbreviations.

Flags:	Abode           Builder     Chown_ok     Dark         Haven
	Jump_ok         Kill_ok     Link_ok      Mucker       Quell
	Silent/Sticky   Wizard      Vehicle      Zombie

Topics:	administration bogus          build      classes       coins
	commands       communication  control    costs         dbref
	drop-to	       email 	      failure    flags         gender
	goal           gods 	      here       homes         index
 	killing	       linking 	      manager    management    master
	me 	       metalinks      money	 mucker        MUFmail
	new	       number         object	 objective     program
	pronoun        propdirs	      pseudo	 purpose       quota
	robbery	       sex	      strings    substitutions success
	talking        theme          timestamps tinysex       
	transportation	types		

~~~ INDEX 1   
 	detail : [;tag2;tag3;tag4...] = 
 	Inserts a detail on the Object, that can be seen by typing 
 	'Look Object=detail' or simply 'Look detail' if the Object 
 	is the current Room.
 	Example: In the description of the current Room, a bookcase 
 	is mentioned.  To add the details of the bookscase to the 
 	Room without having to create a separate Object, you can do:
 	detail here:bookcase;books=The bookcase is full of pretty books.
 	This is perfect for Objects which are only Look'd at and not
 	interacted with in any other way.  Details generally improve the
 	quality of a building project highly.
 	Reserve bogus Commands for Actions, not for "Objects" in Rooms.
 	See also: bogus, edetail and rmdetail.

 	drop [=container]
 	Drops the  if you are holding it.  It moves the Object 
 	to the Room you are in, unless  is specified, its 
 	Sticky Flag is @set, or the Room has a drop-to.  Programs are 
 	much like Objects but are not affected by Room drop-to's or 
 	Sticky Flags. A 'drop' message can be defined, which will be 
 	shown to the Player dropping the Object, and an 'odrop', which 
 	will be shown to the other Players in the Room.  'Throw' and 
 	'put' are aliased to drop.
 	See also: container, drop-to, Objects, @drop, @odrop, and @set. 
 	edetail =://

 	Use this command to edit the text of details.  At this time the
 	format is pretty exact, sometimes spaces cause it to fail.
 	See also: detail, edit, rmdetail and @edit.

 	edit  = ;//
	edit  = ://
 	Allows owner to change the textString in the specified 
        or  from  to  without having to
	retype the entire thing.  If the semicolon is used,  can be:
	name, desc, succ, osucc, fail, ofail, drop, or odrop.  If the
	colon is used,  can be any property on the object.
 	See also: objects and strings.
 	This Command sends a description of your activity to all 
 	Players in the same Room as your character.  An example follows.
 	You (Ms.Wizardress) type:
 	 :flicks her wrist and lightning sizzles your socks.
 	Everyone in your Room sees:
 	 Ms.Wizardress flicks her wrist and lightning sizzles your socks.

 	See also: character, communication, mail, Player and Room. 

 	Examine [=Propdir]
 	If you control , EXamine will give you a complete 
 	breakdown of all fields, Flags, etc. that are associated with the 
 	Object.  If the optional Propdir field is supplied, then it 
 	instead lists out all the properties directly under that Propdir.  
 	To list the base propdir of an Object, use 'ex =/'.
 	Program-executing fields are displayed as their true text, rather 
 	than executing the Program in question.  If you do not control 
 	, however, it prints the owner of the Object in question, 
 	and, again, displays the true text of the description.

 	See also: Look, @owned and @status.
 	Attempts to pick up .  The lock on  is checked 
 	for a success (true), and the normal path of success/fail is 
 	then taken.  On success the Object is placed in your Inventory.
 	Another variation on this is: get =
 	Attempts to get  from the given container.  
 	The _/clk lock property on  is tested, and if it is 
 	true, then it checks to see if the standard _/lok lock property 
 	on  tests true.  If both locks pass, then  is 
 	moved into the Player's Inventory.  If there is no _/clk property 
 	on  it defaults to failing.  The _/lok property, on 
 	, on the other hand, defaults to passing.  @succ/@fail 
 	messages are not displayed, when fetching something from a container.

 	See also: drop, give and @TELEport.

 	give =
 	Gives  coins from your supply to .  Non-Managers 
 	may only give positive amounts and may not cause a Player to 
 	have more than 10000 coins.  Managers do not affect their coin 
 	supplies by giving to others, and may also give coins to Objects, 
 	changing that Object's value.

 	See also: coins, costs and get.


  	[go/move] ; [go/move] Home

 	Sends the character toward the specified direction. 'Home' is a
 	special Command that returns you to your starting location.  
 	'move' is the same as 'go'.  The words 'go' and 'move' are optional.
 	See also: character, Home and homes.

 	Sends  to the system maintainer.  Gripes are logged 
 	for later reference; also, if the system maintainer is connected 
 	she will receive the gripe real-time when the gripe is made.
 	See also: Managers, purpose, and news management.

 	Shows help regarding  should such a listing be defined.  
 	Topics (Commands, concepts, etc.) can be found in one of three 
 	separate indices:

        index1: normal Commands (drop, Look, etc)
                [Most of these Commands are used to actually 'do' things,
                 communicate, interact with others, etc.]
        index2: @Commands (@action, @fail, etc)
                [Most of these Commands are related to building,
                 programming, or the technical aspect of the Muck.
 		 The balance of index2 can be found in indexm.]
        index3: concepts, terms, and Flags (Objects, Builder, Sticky)

 	For a list of , try 'help index1','help index2', or 
 	'help index3'.


 	Sends you Home, no matter where you are.  You retain your 
 	coins, but any Objects you were carrying leave your Inventory 
 	and return to their own homes if they weren't at their home 
 	already.  You can change your home location with the @link 

 	See also: coins, Inventory, homes.

 	Alone, the command brings up a list of topics from which to
 	select.  Careful, most of these are single-SPAM docs which
 	can be found at ftp sites.  Some are fairly large. ;>
 	See also: man and mpi. 
 	interests [#set []] [#what ] [#match ]
 	The interface for the Interests database.  Using the #set option 
 	will set your interests to  (or clear your interests if 
 	you type #set with no text).
 	Using the #what option will allow you to look up a particular 
 	Player's interests.
 	Using the #match option will search the interests database for
 	interests containing .  For example, if you type 
 	'interests #match foo', it will find interests containing 
 	'food', 'foober', 'foom', etc.

 	See also: news information.


 	Lists what you are carrying. This can usually be abbreviated 
 	to 'inv' or 'i'.

 	See also: Examine, Look, @owned and @status.

 	Killing, robbing, and the kill_ok Flag are DISABLED.
 	Kill and rob were useful Commands on combat Mu*s.  As DivWeb 
 	has other purposes than adventuring, slaying things and getting 
 	the treasure, this function has, along with rob, been 
 	disabled.  So have functions which pertained to these, such as 
 	the Flag 'kill_ok'.
 	See also: index, purpose and news introduction.


 	Directs your character to see the contents of current Room, or 
 	at  if specified.  For Players, displays their 
 	description (desc-field) and Inventory, for Things, their 
 	description, and for Rooms, their Name, description, 
 	@SUCCess/@fail message, and contents.  It also triggers 
 	@OSUCCess/@ofail messages on Rooms @lock'd to the Player.  
 	Programs are triggered accordingly on @DESCribe/@SUCCess/@fail 

 	See also: fields, Inventory, Object, Player, Room, @DESC, 
 		@fail, @name, @lock, @ofail, @OSUCCess and @SUCCess.
 	mail []
 	Initiates the Web's MUFmail facility.  If there is MUFmail 
 	outstanding, then a list of items unread will appear, preceded 
 	by their identifying numbers.  If there is no outstanding 
 	MUFmail waiting, then the Command requires an argument  
 	to begin composition.

 	When composition begins, the first request will be for the 
 	 of the MUFmail.  Once this is given, the editor will 
 	be engaged.  For help with the MUFmail editor, type '.h' and 
 	return while engaging it.  To exit the MUFmail editor, type 
 	'.end' and return.  The rest is self-explanatory.
 	See also: communication, page #help and news networking.
 	man []
 	Displays the programmer's manual or a quick reference.
 	news []

 	Displays the current news file. Must be typed in full.  
 	If  is given, then it displays the information on that 
 	specific topic.  Type 'news index' for a list of topics.
 	See also: help, info, man and mpi. 
notices                (to read present messages)
notices   (to add a message)
notices * (add/assign permanent message-re
notices -   (to remove a message that you wrote)
notices +   (to renew a message that you wrote)
notices #help          (this help set)

 	'Notices' is a bulletin board which can be posted to and read 
 	from.  Messages last two weeks, but can be renewed.  Each time 
 	a message is renewed, it will remain for at least two weeks 
 	after the date of renewal (unless it is renewed again.) Messages 
 	may not be more than 365 characters (about 5 lines) long, and 
 	are seen in the format:
 	'Notices' now supports a priority user list.  Priority users 
 	have access to all functions, as do Managers and the owner of 
 	the Program.  These users can post permanent messages, assign 
 	previously temporary messages to permanency (both theirs and 
 	others), and renew or remove messages (theirs and others).

 	See also: news networking.
 	Must be in all capitals, and typed in full. Prints the
 	given line before the output of every Command, setting them 
 	apart from other messages.
 	Only robots may use this Command. 
 	Must be in all capitals, and typed in full. Prints the
 	given line after the output of every Command, setting them apart 
 	from other messages. 
 	Only robots may use this Command. 
 	page [#mail]  [=]

 	This Command is used to send  to another Player 
 	anywhere in the Web.  If no  is specified, then they 
 	will get a note in the form of: 
 	'You sense that  has just paged you from .'
 	You can also use the '#mail' option to send a message to a 
 	Player not currently online.
 	If a Player is set Haven, you cannot page them, and they may 
 	not be notified that you tried. You may instead be told 

	'That Player does not wish to be disturbed.'

 	Page has many other options.  For more detailed information on 
 	paging, see 'page #help'.
 	See also: communication, emote, haven, mail and Player.


 	Must be in all capitals, and typed in full.  Logs out of 
 	your character and leaves the Muck.  Your character remains 
 	at the location you are in when you log out, although it 
 	might be moved elsewhere while you are 'asleep.'
 	See also: home and @bootme.
 	rmdetail :
 	Removes  from .  Presently the entirety of the
 	's name must be specified to remove a detail.
 	See also: detail.

 	Say ; "
 	This Command generates 'spoken' text within your character's 
 	current Room.  An abbreviation for this Command is the single 
 	quotation mark (").
 	You (Mr.Magick) type:
 	 "When I turned the Prince to a frog, he croaked.
 	Others in your Room see:
 	 Mr.Magick says, "When I turned the Prince to a frog, he croaked."
 	You see:
 	 You say, "When I turned the Prince to a frog, he croaked."
 	See also: character, communication, emote, mail, page and Player.

 	Displays how many coins you are carrying.
 	See also: coins, purpose and robbing.
 	Displays a list of Players connected to the Muck and their 
 	locations.  If a Player has not enabled location with whereok, 
 	their location will appear as 'Unknown'.
 	where will not list Players set Dark.
 	See also: Dark, whereok and WHO.

 	whereok [on|off]
 	Enables or disables location of you by the where Command.
 	See also: where and WHO.

 	WHO []
 	Must be in all capitals, and typed in full. Lists the name 
 	of every Player currently logged in, how long they have been 
 	inactive, and what they are doing (as specified by them using 
 	the @doing Command).  If given a Player name, it displays only 
 	the matching names and idle times.  Managers can also get a 
 	display of the host from which the Player is connected.
 	See also @doing.
~~~ INDEX 2 
	@action = [=]
	Creates a new Action and @attach's it to the Thing, Room, 
	or Player specified.  If a  is specified, then the 
	_reg/ property on the Player is @set to the dbref 
	of the new Object.  This lets Players refer to the Object 
	as $ (i.e.: $mybutton) in @lock's, @set's, etc.  
	You may only @attach Actions you control 
	to Objects you control.  The Action can then be @link'd with 
	that Command (@link).  Also see 'HELP ACTION2' for more.
	See also: action2, control, @attach, @link, @lock, 
 	          @open and @set.


 	Action/Exits and Linking 

 	Basic command sequence:
 	1) @action =
 	2) @link =[;; etc.]

 	The first command fixes the Source.  The second designates the 
 	Destination(s).  The @link in 2) may also be @set Sticky for 
 	additional effects.

 	See additional information in action3.

 	@action open box = Box
 	   This defines the Source of the Action/Exit.  
 	   Source = 'open box'.

 	@link open box = P1; P2
	   This defines the Destinations of the Action/Exit.
	   Destination = P1 & P2.
	Activating the action by typing 'open box' brings P1 & P2.

 	For more information about Linking, see action4.
 	Source/Destination List:

 	Room1/Room2 - Moves Player from Room1 to Room2 (a normal Exit).
 	Room/Thing  - Moves Thing into Room.
 	Room/Player - Moves the Player activating the Source Action/Exit 
 		      in Room to the Player who is the Destination.
 	For more information about Linking, see action5.
 	(See 'help action7' for notes pertaining to Source-Thing.) 

 	Thing/Room - Moves Player activating the Source-Action/Exit at 
    	      	     Thing into Room.

 	Thing/Thing -
           a) Source's Action/Exit is @set Sticky - Moves Destination-Thing 
              to Source-Thing location.

           b) Source's Action/Exit is not @set Sticky - Moves Source's 
 	      Thing home and Destination-Thing into Source-Thing's 
 	      original location.

 	Thing/Player - Moves the Player activating the Source's Action/Exit 
 		        at Thing to the Player who is the Destination.

 	For more information about Linking, see action6.


 	(When Source=Player, the Action/Exits can only be activated by 
 	 the Source-Player.)

 	Player/Room - Moves the Source-Player to the Destination Room.
 	Player/Thing - Moves the Destination-Thing into the inventory 
 			of the Source-Player.

 	Player/Player - Moves the Source-Player to the location of the 
 			Destination-Player.  However, a Player cannot 
 			use an Action that is @link'd to another Player 
 			if the Destination Player is not @set Jump_ok.

 	For more information about Linking, see action7.

  	Links with Source: Thing

 	If we activate a link with a Source-Thing and that link is a
 	Sticky link to another Thing, and the Source-Thing is in our
 	inventory, then the Source-Thing will remain in our inventory
 	after the link is activated.  If the link does have another
 	Thing as the Destination, the Destination Thing will appear
 	in our inventory regardless of any flags which have been @set.

 	Multiple Destinations

 	Yes, you can @link a Source-Destination link to more than one
 	Destination.  It's treated as though the single link was
 	multiple links.  For example, if we have an S-D link linked
 	from a Room to both another Room and a Thing, the activating
 	Player will be taken to the Destination Room and the
 	Destination Object will be moved into the Source Room.
 	This is particularly useful with what are called 'metalinks'.
 	For information on metalinks, see action8.
 	It is possible to link Action/Exits and their links to other
 	Action/Exit Sources, causing chain-reactions.

 	A Destination of another Destination-link invokes that particular
 	linkage when the first Source-Destination link is activated.

 	For example, if we want an Source-Destination link to move a
 	Thing into another room, we would simply @link the initial
 	link to a Source-Destination link in the second room.  The
 	second link's Destination would be the Thing.

 	For more information about metalinks, see meta2.


 	Important Notes about Metalinks:

 	a) Locks do not work through metalinks.  If the S-D link my
 	metalink is linked to is locked against me, but the metalink
 	is not, then I can still activate the S-D link through the
 	b) Similarly, any messages associated with Destination-links
 	are not displayed to anyone.

 	See also basic notes on Action/Exits and Linking 
 	('help action2'). 
	Manager-only Command.  Causes the Server to shut down 
	immediately, without saving any updates to the database.  
	This Command should not in general need to be used.  
	However, it might be useful should some catastrophe occur 
	which causes a massive corruption of the database.

	@attach =
	Attaches an Action/Exit  to a new .  You 
	must control the Exit and the proposed Source.
	See also: @action, @link, @open.


	Disconnects a Player from the Muck.  If a Player is 
	connected more than once it affects the most recent 
	connection. Only a Manager may use this Command.

	See also: connect, disconnect and @bootme.


	Severs all of your connections except the most recent one 
	from the Muck.  Useful if you are disconnected accidentally 
	and leave a 'ghost' login.

	See also connect, disconnect and @boot.

	@chlock =

	Defines the Chown_ok  on .  This determines who 
	is permitted to @chown an Object which is @set Chown_ok.  
	For example, to make an Object's Key _not_ Shawn:

	@chlock Object=!*Shawn

	and everyone but Shawn will be able to @chown it when it is 
	@set Chown_ok.  (If it's not Chown_ok, only the owner can 
	@chown it regardless of the @chlock Key.)  '!' is a 'Boolean' 

	See also Chown_ok, Boolean, Keys, ownership, @chown and @lock.

	@chown  [=]

	Changes the ownership of  to , or if no 
	Player is given, to yourself.  All Players are allowed to 
	take possession of Objects, Rooms, and Actions which have the 
	Chown_ok Flag @set.  NonManagers cannot @chown a Room unless 
	they are standing in it, and may not @chown an Object unless 
	they are holding it.  Managers have absolute power over all 

	See also: Chown_ok, Flags, Objects, ownership, @chlock.

	@conlock =

	Defines the container  on .  This determines 
	who can put Objects into or remove them from .  The 
	 format is the same as for @lock.

	See also: Keys and @lock.

 	@contents [] [=  = []]
 	Searches the given Object for items & Exits that match the 
 	given Flag String.  Flags or types can be specified to check 
 	for or against certain ones.  (A !  before the Flag indicates 
 	that it is to be excluded.)  A "U" in the Flags list indicates 
 	an @unlink'd item.  An "@" matches only Old Objects, unused 
 	for more than 90 days.  The output types that can be specified 
 	are owners, links (which outputs either *UNLINKED*, the Object
 	to which the item is @link'd, or *METALINK* for Exits @link'd 
 	to more than one Object), location and count.
 	Valid Flags:  ABCDHJKLMQSW
 	Flags of E, F, G, P, R, and T will match Exits, Programs, 
 	Garbage, Players, Rooms, and Things, respectively.  U will 
 	match @unlink'd Objects.  O will match Old Objects, unused for 
 	more than 90 days.  0, 1, 2, or 3 will match Mucker Levels or 
 	Priority Levels.

 	Example:  @contents here=DE=owner
 	Will list all Dark Exits who's Source is your current location,
 	giving the owner of each one.
 	See also: @find, @owned, @entrances.
	@create  [=]

	Constructs a new Object and places it in your Inventory. If 
	a  is specified, then the _reg/ property on 
	the Player is @set to the dbref of the new Object.  This lets 
	Players refer to the Object as $ (ie: $mybutton) in 
	@lock's, @set's, etc.  Only a Builder may use this Command.

	See also: Builder, Inventory, Objects, Players, @lock and @set.

	@DESCribe  [=]
	Defines the 'description field' of  to .  If 
	 is not specified, the description field is cleared.

	A description is what is seen when a Player Look's at 

	Using @DESCribe is the same as using 
	'@set =_/de:[text]'.

	See also: building, edit, Look, Strings and @set.

	@dig  [= [=]]

	Constructs a new Room, @sets its parent, and gives it a 
	personal registered name.  If no parent is given, it 
	defaults to the first Abode Room down the environment tree 
	from the current room.  If it fails to find one, it @sets 
	the parent to the global environment, which is typically 
	Room #0.  If no regname is given, then it doesn't register 
	the Object.  If one is given, then the Object's dbref is 
	recorded in the Player's _reg/ property, so that 
	they can refer to the Object later as $.  You must 
	be able to @link to the parent Room if specified.  Only a 
	Builder may use this Command.

	See also: building, Objects, parents and @set.


	Only Manager may execute this Command.  Saves a delta-dump 
	of the database (changed Objects only) to the Server machine.  
	This normally happens automatically at regular intervals.

	@doing me=
	Defines your 'doing field' as .  When someone types 
	WHO, they will see a list of who's connected, including to 
	whatever  they define for their doing fields.


	@doing me=Trying to write a Program.
	@doing me=Clueless and looking for help!
	@doing me=Managing a Muck.

	See also: connect, fields and WHO.

	@drop  [=]

	Defines the 'drop field' of  as .  If  
	is not specified, the drop field is cleared.  The drop field 
	on an Object is displayed when you drop it.  On an Exit, it 
	is displayed upon entering the Destination Room. 

	This is the same as '@set =_/dr:[text]'.

	See also: drop, fields and @odrop.

 	@dump [Filename]
 	Only Managers may use this Command.  Saves the database from 
 	memory to disk.  Automatically occurs every three hours, and 
 	when @shutdown is used. It does slow down the Server, so only 
 	use if you fear a Server crash is imminent.  If a Filename is 
 	given, it will save the db to that file, and save any subse-
 	quent dumps to it as well.  This option should not normally be 


 	Searches for  and if it is found, puts the Player 
 	into edit mode.  Programs must be constructed with the Command, 

 	See also: Mucker and @program 

 	@entrances [] [=  = []]
 	Searches through the database for items that you control 
 	@link'd to .  Flags or types can be specified to check 
 	for or against certain ones.  (A "!" before the Flag indicates 
 	that it is to be excluded.)  A "U" in the Flags list indicates 
 	an @unlink'd item.  An "@" will match only Objects that have 
 	been unused for more than 90 days.  The output types that can 
 	be specified are owners, links (which outputs either 
 	*UNLINKED*, the Object to which the item is @link'd, or 
 	*METALINK* for Exits @link'd to more than one Object), location 
 	and count.

 	Valid Flags:  ABCDHJKLMQSW
 	Flags of E, F, G, P, R, and T will match Exits, Programs, 
 	Garbage, Players, Rooms, and Things, respectively.  U will match 
 	@unlink'd Objects.  O will match Old Objects unused for longer 
 	than 90 days.  0, 1, 2, or 3 will match Mucker or Priority Levels.

 	Example:  @entrances here=ED=location
 	Will list all Dark Exits that are @link'd to your current 
 	location, giving the location of each one.
 	See also @contents, find and @owned.
 	@fail  [=]

 	Defines the 'fail field' for  as .  The field is 
 	displayed when a Player fails to use .   can be 
 	a Thing, Player, Exit, or Room, specified as  or # 
 	or 'me' or 'here'. Without a  argument, it clears the field.  

 	This is the same as '@set =_/fl:[text]'.

 	See also: fields, use, @ofail, @OSUCCess and @SUCCess.

 	@find [] [=  = []]
 	Searches through the database for items that you control 
 	matching .  Players control only Objects they own; 
 	Managers control all Objects, so @find searches the entire 
 	database when they use it.  Take care, for this the 
 	Command is computationally expensive.

 	Flags or types can be specified to check for or against 
 	certain ones.  (A "!" before the Flag indicates that it 
 	is to be excluded.)  A "U" in the Flags list indicates an 
 	@unlink'd item.  An "@" matches only Objects unused for 
 	more than 90 days.  The output types that can be specified 
 	are owners, links (which outputs either *UNLINKED*, the 
 	Object to which the item is @link'd, or *METALINK* for 
 	Exits @link'd to more than one Object), and location.

 	For more information on this command, see 'help @find2'.
 	The matching on names is as follows: Individual words can 
 	be matched as {word1|word2|...} Individual characters can 
 	be matched as [abc...].  A ? matches any character.  A * 
 	matches any number of characters, including none.  Any of 
 	these special charcters can be matched by putting a \ 
 	before it.
 	Examples of use:
	 @find north = EU = location
 	finds all of your @unlink'd Exits named "north" and prints 
 	them along with their locations.
 	 @find {big|little} = R!L
 	finds all your Rooms whose names contain "big" or "little" 
 	and are not Link_ok.

 	For more examples, see @find3.
 	More examples:
 	 @find w[ei]ll
 	finds everything you control whose name contains "will" or 
  	 @find =E=links
 	lists all Exits that you control, and display where they 
 	are @link'd to.
 	 @find button==locations 
 	lists all Objects you control with 'button' in the name, 
 	and it will display where they are located at.

 	See also @owned, @entrances, @contents.
	@force =

 	Processes  as if typed by .  The CEO character 
 	(Siva on DivWeb) cannot be @force'd.  Only Managers may @force 
 	another Player.

 	@IDESCribe  [=]

 	Defines the 'idescription field' of  as .  If 
 	 is not specified, the idescription field is cleared.  

 	This is the same as '@set =_/ide:[text]'.

 	An idescription is what is seen on the inside of a Vehicle, 
 	when a Player inside it Look's around.

 	See also: fields, Look, Vehicles, @DESCribe and @set.
 	@link = [; ; ...  ]

 	Joins  to , provided you control , 
 	and  is either controlled by you or @link'able.  
 	Actions may be @link'd to more than one Object, specified in a 
 	list separated by semi-colons.

 	See also: Actions, control, Objects and @unlink.

 	@list  [=[line1] [-] [line2]]

 	Lists Lines in a Program, provided you control it or it is @set 
 	Link_ok.  Zero, one, or two Line numbers may be specified, 
 	denoting the range of Lines to list.  If no Lines are given, the 
 	entire Program is listed.

 	@lock =[|...][&...][!...]
 	Restrains use of  to specific .  can be 
 	specified as  or #, or as 'me' or 'here'.  Boolean 
 	expressions are allowed: using '&' (and), '|' (or), '!' (not), 
 	and parentheses ('(' and ')') for grouping. To @lock to a Player, 
 	prefix their name with '*' (ex. '*Igor').  A Key may be a Player, 
 	an Object, or 'property:value'.

 	See also Boolean, Keys, use and @unlock.


 	If passed a processid (a number without a '#' preceeding it), it 
 	will kill the given process, if the Player controls it.  If 
 	passed a Player Name, it will kill all the processes controlled by 
 	that Player.  If passed a Program dbref, it will kill all processes 
 	in which that Program is running.  If the argument passed is "all", 
 	and the Player is a Manager, it will kill all processes on the 

 	@name = []

 	Defines the 'name field' of  as .   cannot 
 	be empty; a null Name is illegal.   must be supplied to 
 	@name a Player, even yourself.  Manager can @name any Player but 
 	still must include .

 	See also: fields, @newpassword, and @password.

 	@newpassword  [=]

 	Only Managers may use this Command.  Changes 's password,
 	informing  that you changed it. Must be typed in full. 

 	See also: @name and @password. 

 	@odrop  [=]

 	Defines the 'odrop field' of  as .  If  is 
 	not specified, the odrop field is cleared.  The odrop field on an 
 	Object is displayed prefixed by the Player's Name when she drops 
 	that Object.  On an Exit, it is displayed upon a Player's arrival 
 	to the Destination Room (or the location of the Destination 
 	Player).  On a Room, it is displayed when an Object is dropped 
 	there, prefixed by the Object's Name.  

 	This is the same as '@set =_/odr:[text]'.

 	See also: building, drop, fields and @drop.
 	@ofail  [=]

 	Defines the 'ofail field' on  as . The ofail field, 
 	prefixed by the Player's Name, is shown to others when a Player 
 	fails to use  within their Room. Without , it clears 
 	the field.   can be a Thing, Player, Exit, or Room, 
 	specified by  or #, 'me' or 'here'. 

 	This is the same as '@set =_/ofl:[text]'.  

 	See also: fields, Objects, use, @fail, @OSUCCess and @SUCCess.
 	@open  [= [; ; ...  ] [=]]
 	Constructs an Exit in the current Room, optionally attempting to 
 	@link it simultaneously.  If a  is specified, then the 
 	_reg/ property on the Player is @set to the dbref of the 
 	new Object.  This lets Players refer to the Object as $ 
 	(ie: $mybutton) in @lock's, @set's, etc.  You must control the 
 	Room where an Exit is @open'd.
 	@OSUCCess  [=]

 	Sets the osuccess message for .  The osuccess message, 
 	prefixed by the Player's name, is shown to others when the Player 
 	successfully uses .  Without a message argument, it clears 
 	the @OSUCCess message.   can be a Thing, Player, Exit, or 
 	Room, specified as  or  # or 'me' or 'here'.  

 	This is the same as '@set =_/osc:[text]'.

 	See also: @fail, @ofail and @SUCCess.
 	@password = 

 	This changes your own password.
 	See also: character, home and @link.

 	Create a new Program, or enter edit mode on an existing one.  
 	See @EDIT and Programmer's Reference.
 	See also: Mucker and @edit.
 	@propset =::

 	Sets  on  to  of the specified , 
 	where  is one of the following: String, int, dbref, lock, 
 	or erase (which erases the property).

 	See also Propdirs, @set.

 	Lists the status of the currently running MUF Program processes.  
 	This lists all processes for a Manager.  Non-Managers only see 
 	the MUF processes that they can @kill.  See @KILL.


 	Destroy an Object and remove all references to it within the 
 	database.  The Object is then added to a free list, and newly 
 	created Objects are assigned from the pool of @RECycled Objects 
 	first.  You *must* own the Object being @RECycled; even Managers 
 	must use the @chown Command to @RECycle someone else's belongings.


 	Manager-only Command.  Is supposed to make the Server shut down 
 	and then immediately restart.  Unfortunately, this restart is 
 	currently manual, so this Command is similar to @shutdown, which 
 	should be used instead.

 	@rmproject  =  = yes

 	@RECycles all Objects in  owned by  and removes 
 	the project and its quota from the Player.  Only a Manager may 
 	@rmproject someone else's project.  The "=yes" is required, just 
 	to prevent you from typing it inadvertently.

 	@set  = [!]  -or-
 	@set  =  : [  ] -or-
 	@set  = :

 	Using the first format, you may define Flags.  You can also @set 
 	the Mucker (or Priority) Level of an Object by using 0, 1, 2, or 
 	3 as the Flag name.  

 	The second format defines  on  to , or 
 	if  is not given, removes .

 	The third format removes all properties from an Object.

 	See also: Flags, Mucker, Objects and properties. 

 	Only Managers may use this Command. Shuts down the Muck.  Must be 
 	typed in full.

 	@stats []

 	For non-Managers, returns the highest number in the database, 
 	which includes garbage that has been generated with @RECycle.  
 	For Managers, gives this number as well as a breakdown of each 
 	type of Object: Rooms, Exits, Things, Programs, Players, and 
 	Garbage.  Managers may also specify  which returns a 
 	similar display limited to the possessions of .

 	@SUCC[ess]  [=] 
 	Sets the success message for .  The message is 
 	displayed when a Player successfully uses .  Without a 
 	message argument, it clears the message.   can be can be 
 	a Thing, Player, Exit, or Room, specified as  or #, 
 	or as 'me' or 'here'.

 	This is the same as '@set =_/dr:[text]'

 	See also: use, @fail, @ofail and @OSUCCess.

 	Displays a list of all Objects (including Players) who can hear 
 	things said/done in your current environment.

 	@TELEport [=]
 	Teleports  to .  Non-Mangers may only 
 	@TELEport Objects under their control to places under their 
 	control.  If no  is given, the Command moves the 
 	user to .  Managers may @TELEport anything from
 	anywhere to anywhere else.

 	See also: transportation.

 	@toad  = 

 	Only Managers may use this Command.  Turns  into a 
 	slimy toad, destroying their character.  All possessions of 
 	 are @chowned to .  Must be typed in full.

 	@trace  [=]

 	Starts with  and traces all location fields, until the
 	global-environment Room is reached or the optional  is
 	specified.  This is generally useful for finding which Rooms are
 	parents in your heirarchy.  If you cannot @link to a particular
 	location its name is replaced by stars ***.

 	@tune [ [=]] [load|save]

 	Manager-only Command which allows certain parameters of the Muck, 
 	such as costs and names and other defaults, to be reset without 
 	the Server being shut down or recompiled.

 	With no parameters, @tune lists all the tuneable parameters and 
 	their current values.  With one parameter, it lists the current 
 	value of that parameter.  With  specified, it resets 
 	 to that value.

 	@tune save will save the tuned parameters to the parameters file 
 	which is loaded on startup.  @tune load will force a reload of the


 	Manager-only Command which decompiles all Programs in memory.  
 	This frees up memory but the Server will be slowed down in the near 
 	future as each Program must be recompiled when called for the first 

 	@unlink ; @unlink here

 	Removes the @link on the Exit in the specified direction, or 
 	removes the drop-to on the Room. @unlink'd Exits may be picked up 
 	and dropped elsewhere. Be careful, anyone can relink an @unlink'd 
 	Exit, becoming its new owner.

 	See also @link.

 	Removes the lock on .

 	See also @lock.

 	A Manager-only Command that gives system resource usage stats 
 	for the Muck Server process.


 	Only Managers may use this Command. Shouts something to every 
 	Player connected. Must be typed in full.

 	If you control the object, this will display the Flags, 
 	ownership, and timestamps associated with that Object. 
 	If you do not control it, you are only told the Object type 
 	and ownership information. This Command works with either a 
 	dbref or an Object name.
 	@purge =yes
 	@RECycles all Objects owned by that Player, but leaves the  
 	player. You must specify 'yes' in order for this to take.  
 	WARNING: Make sure the Player owns no public Rooms or areas.  
 	Only a Manager may use this Command.
~~~ INDEX 3
	Bogus Commands
 	Bogus Commands can be made using Exits. For example, to make 
 	a 'sit' Command, one could "@open sit", then "@link sit=here" 
 	(because @unlink'd Exits can be stolen), "@lock sit=me&!me" 
 	(impossible to be both at once, therefore always fails), and 
 	"@fail sit=You sit on the chair."; "@ofail=sits on the chair.".

 	Since nobody can go through it, it always fails. The @fail 
 	message is displayed to the Player, and the @ofail message 
 	(preceded by the Player's Name) to everyone else.

	There are 5 rules to controlling Objects: 
 	1) You control anything you own.  
 	2) A Manager or CEO controls everything. 
 	3) Anybody controls an @unlink'd Exit, even if it is locked. 
 	   Builders should beware of 3, lest their Exits be @link'd 
 	   or stolen. 
 	4) Players control all exits which are @link'd to their 
 	   areas, to better facilitate border control. 
        5) If an Object is set Chown_ok, anyone may @chown =me 
 	   and gain control of the Object. (see chown_ok)
 	See also: build, CEO, Chown_ok, Object, @link and @unlink.
 	Owing to the implementation of quotas, costs are greatly 
 	reduced on Divination Web, as money is effectively useless.
 	See also: build, coins, @quota and 'info new-web-prop'.
 	When the @link Command is used on a Room, it sets a drop-to 
 	location.  Any Object drop'd in the Room (if it isn't Sticky) 
 	will go to that location. If the Room is Sticky, the drop-to 
 	will be delayed until the last person in the Room has left.
 	See also: drop, Objects, Sticky and @link.
 	You fail to use a Thing when you cannot take it (because 
 	it's @lock fails). You fail to use an Exit when you cannot go 
 	through it (because it's @unlink'd or @lock'd). You fail to 
 	use a person when you fail to rob them. You fail to use a 
 	Room when you fail to Look around (because it's locked). 
	Ultimately context determines the nature of failure anyway.
 	See also: Look, Objects, rob, @link, @lock and @unlink.
 	The Flags are displayed as letters following an Object's 
 	ID number.  Flags are set with the @set Command. The Flags 
 	are: W(izard), S(ticky), L(ink_OK), D(ark), J(ump_OK), 
 	K(ill_OK), C(hown_OK), H(aven), A(bode), B(uilder), 
 	V(ehicle), Z(ombie). 
 	The Flags R(oom), E(xit), and P(layer) are also used.  
 	Debug is the same Flag as Dark, Silent as Sticky, and 
 	Bound as Builder.  F refers to a Muck Forth Program.  An M 
 	followed by a 1, 2, or 3 gives the Mucker Level.  (Priority 
 	Level for Exits.)
 	See also: Mucker, Objects, @set and individual Flagnames.
 	Flag: Abode

 	If a Room is set Abode, Players can set their Homes there, and 
 	can @set the Homes of Objects there. (Link_ok is now used only 
 	for Exits, and Abode is for Players and Objects.)
 	When set on a Program, it means AUTOSTART.  This means that 
 	when the Muck is first started up, the Program will 
 	automatically be run with a trigger of #-1 and a 'me @' of 
 	the owner of the Program.  This is useful to restart 
 	processes that run in the background periodically.  
 	See also: Flags, Homes, Objects, Players and @set.
 	Some MUDs restrict building Commands to Players whose Builder 
 	Flag is @set.  The Builder Flag, BUILDER, is only meaningful 
 	for Players. On such systems, only Builders can @create, @dig, 
 	@link, @open, or pick up @unlink'd Exits. Only a Manager can 
 	@set this Flag.

 	When BUILDER is set on a Program, it is called "BOUND" and it 
 	causes any functions within the Program to run in preempt mode, 
 	regardless of the multitasking mode that the process had before 
 	calling this Program.  When the execution Exits this Program, 
 	the multitasking mode returns to what it was before the function 
 	was called.  This lets libraries of atomic functions be written.
 	See also: Flags, Players, @link, @open, and 'news building'.
 	Flag: Chown_ok
 	When set, this Flag indicates that any Player may use the 
 	@chown Command to claim ownership of the item, provided the 
 	Object is not @chlock'ed against them.
 	See also: Flags, Objects, ownership, @chown, @chlock.
 	Flag: Dark
 	If a Room is Dark, then when people besides the owner 'look' 
 	there, they only see Things they own. If a Thing or Player 
 	is Dark, then "look" does not list that Object in the Room's 
 	Contents:. Players can @set rooms they own Dark, and may also 
 	set Objects they own Dark, but they cannot drop Dark Objects 
 	in Rooms they don't control. Managers can set Players Dark.
 	When a Program is set Dark, it is called DEBUG, and a running 
 	stack trace is printed out to any users of the Program for 
 	each instruction executes.
 	See also: drop, Flags, look, Objects, Players, programming, 
 		  @owned and @set.
 	Flag: Haven
 	If a Player is set Haven, she cannot be paged. 
 	Haven, when set on a Program is called HARDUID, and causes 
 	that Program to run with the permissions of the owner of the 
 	trigger, rather than with the permissions of the user of the 
 	Program.  When this is set in conjunction with the Sticky 
 	(SETUID) Flag on a Program, and the Program is owned by a 
 	Manager, then it will run with the effective Mucker level
 	and permissions of the calling Program.  If the caller was 
 	not a Program, or the current Program is NOT owned by a 
 	Manager, then it runs with SETUID permissions.
 	See also: Flags, ownership, page and 'page #help'.
 	Flag: JUMP_OK
 	The Jump_OK Flag is used in several ways.  Unprivileged 
 	Programs cannot use MOVETO on an Object unless the Player 
 	either controls the Object, the Room it's being moved 
 	from, and the room it's being moved to, or else they are 
 	@set Jump_OK.  A Player cannot use an Action that is 
 	@link'd to another Player unless the other player is @set 
 	See also: Action, Flags, Objects, Players, @link and @set.
 	Flag: Link_ok 
 	If a Room is Link_ok, anyone can @link Exits to it (but 
 	still not from it).  It has no meaning for characters, 
 	Things, or Exits.  A Program that is Link_ok can be called 
 	by any other Program, and can be run from Actions and 
 	propqueues not owned by the owner of the Program.
 	See also: Action, Exitnames, exits, Flags, Objects @link, 
 		  @owned and @set.
 	Flag: Quell
 	A Manager set Quell is effectively a normal Player with 
 	no Manager powers.  Programs that test to see if a Player 
 	is a Manager (Wbit) will get a false response from 
 	'"wizard" Flag?' when the Player is Quelled.  W-bitted 
 	Programs will still act w-bitted whether or not the owner
 	is Quell'd.
 	See also: Flags, Managers and Players.
 	Flag: Silent
 	A Player can @set themselves "Silent" and not see all the 
 	dbrefs and Dark Objects that they own.  They won't see 
 	objects in a Dark Room either.  They still control the 
 	Objects though.  Silent is the same Flag as Sticky.  
 	See also: Flags, control, Objects, Players, Sticky and @set.
 	Flag: Sticky
 	If a Thing is Sticky, it goes Home when dropped. If a Room 
 	is Sticky, its drop-to is delayed until the last person leaves 
 	If a Player is Sticky (Silent), they don't see the dbrefs on 
 	Things they own, and they do not see Dark Objects.  If an Exit 
 	is @link'd to a Thing, and it is located on another Thing, 
 	then if the Exit is not Sticky, the Thing the Exit is located 
 	on will go Home when the exit is triggered.  
 	If a Program is Sticky (SETUID) it runs with the permissions 
 	of the owner of the Program, not the perms of the user.
 	See also: drop-to, exits, Flags, Homes, Silent and @link.
 	Flag: Vehicle
 	Objects of Type Thing, that have the Vehicle Flag set, can 
 	contain Players.  To enter a vehicle, you can either use a MUF 
 	Program to transport you to it via MOVETO, you can get a 
 	Manager to @TELEport you into it, or else you an use an Action 
 	that is both attached and @link'd to the vehicle to enter it.  
 	This means that you can only enter a vehicle from the same 
 	Room that it is in, and you cannot use far links to enter it.  
 	This prevents the use of vehicles to get around locks.  Inside 
 	the vehicle, you will see it's @idesc, instead of it's 
 	@DESCribe, and you will not be shown it's @succ or @fail.  
 	Objects dropped in a vehicle will not go away to the their 
 	Homes, as a vehicle cannot have a dropto field defined in it.
 	Things with the Vehicle Flag @set cannot enter Rooms or use 
 	Exits that have the Vehicle Flag @set.  This allows a way to 
 	prevent vehicles from entering areas where it would be illogical 
 	for them to be.  
 	See also: 
 	Flag: Zombie
 	@force and the FORCE MUF Primitive can be used on Objects 
 	of type THING, if they have the Zombie Flag @set.  Objects 
 	act as if they have the permissions of their owner.  If an 
 	Object is @lock'd against a Player, it will also be @lock'd 
 	against anything that that player owns, that tries to test 
 	the @lock.
 	Things with the Zombie Flag @set cannot enter Rooms or use 
 	Exits that have the Zombie Flag @set.  This allows a way to 
 	prevent zombies from entering areas where they are not wanted.
 	If you try to run a Program that you control, that has its 
 	Zombie Flag @set, it will drop you into the MUF debugger.  
 	This lets you step line by line, or instruction by 
 	instruction through a MUF Program, setting breakpoints to 
 	stop at, and other nice things.  There is help available 
 	within the debugger, via the 'help' Command.
 	See also: Flags, Objects, ownership, @force, @lock and @set.
 	@set me=sex:unassigned|male|female|neuter
 	Default unassigned. If a Player's sex is @set, 
 	%-substitutions will use the appropriate pronoun for that 
 	Player. Only meaningful for players. 
 	See also: Flags, messages, Players and substitutions.
 	The word 'here' refers to the Room you are in.  For example, 
 	to rename the room you're in (if you control it), you 
 	could enter "@name here=".
 	See also: me, Objects and @name.
	Every Object or Player has a Home.  This is where players 
 	when they go Home or Things with the Sticky Flag @set go 
 	when dropped. Homes are defined with the @link Command.  
 	A Thing's Home defaults to the Room where it was @create'd 
 	if you control that Room or your Home.  You can have an 
 	Exit send Players Home (with their Inventory) using 
 	"@link =home".  Drop-tos can also be set to 'Home' 
 	@TELEport accepts 'Home' as an argument, so you can 
 	@TELEport Things (and Players if you are a Manager) to 
 	their Home. 
 	See also: drop-tos, Home, Inventory, Manager, Player, Room, 
 		  Thing, @create, @link, @set and @TELEport.
 	Managers are the people that will help you with orientation, 
 	acquiring the ability to build, program or connect to the 
 	Web in many ways.  In other MUDs these are called 'Wizards', 
 	but in Divination Web we have taken steps to keep the 
 	distinction clear between responsibility for administration
 	of the Mu* and any assessment of wisdom or insight.  These 
 	are best assessed by the individual Player and may not have 
 	anything to do with management.
 	To see the list of Managers on DivWeb and their 
 	responsibilities, see 'news management'.
 	See also: Mucker, Player, purpose.
 	On some MUDs, Building and Actions cost money.   Divination
 	Web uses a Quota system to ensure the security of the database.
 	We are currently working out effective use for coins.
 	See also: Action, Builder, costs, @quota and 'news intro'.
Mucker levels|0|1|2|3|ML0|ML1|ML2|ML3|Priority Levels
 	Mucker Levels
 	The Mucker level of a Player or Program specifies whether or 
 	not a Player can make MUF Programs, and what permissions they 
 	will have when the Programs are run.  Only a Manager may @set 
 	the Mucker level of a Player, and a normal player may only 
 	@set the Mucker level of Programs they own to less than their 
 	current Mucker level.  A Program cannot be @set to Mucker 
 	level 0, since it doesn't mean anything.
 	When the Mucker level of an Exit is set, is it called the 
 	exit's priority level.  The priority levels let you specify 
 	that certain Exits are not overidable by local Actions.  When 
 	an Exit is searched for, in the matching routines, it will 
 	match like it used to, except that if it finds an Exit, later 
 	in the search order, that has a higher priority level, it will 
 	choose that Exit instead.
 	You can set the priority level of an Exit by @set'ing its Mucker 
 	Level.  (ie: @set Exit=2)  A level of 0 is the lowest priority, 
 	and a level of 3 is the highest priority.  Only a Manager can 
 	@set the priority level of an Action or Exit.
 	When the Server looks for the standard "connect", "disconnect", 
 	or "look" Actions, it will ignore any actions with a priority 
 	Level of 0.  When an Action is @attach'd to another Object, 
 	@name'd to something else, or @unlink'd, its Priority Level is 
 	reset to 0.
 	See also: 'man mucker levels'.
 	The word 'me' refers to yourself.  Here are some things to do 
 	when starting out: 
 	1) give yourself a description with "@DESCribe me=", 
 	   then look at yourself with "look me".
 	2) set your gender, if you wish it known, with "@set me=sex:male" 
 	   or "@set me=sex:female" (or "@set me=sex:neuter" to be an 'it').
 	See also: 'help' and 'help begin'.
 	Each Object has an ID number (the 'dbref'), which appears 
 	after the name of an Object, and is followed by any Flags 
 	on the object; i.e.  foo(#3672PM) is a Player, Male, named 
 	foo, with #3672.  This number is a database reference, and 
 	is used to specify Objects at a distance; i.e. ex #. 
 	You will only see the ID number of Objects you own, or which 
 	are @set Link_ok, Abode, or Chown_ok. Managers can see the 
 	numbers and Flags on all Objects. 
 	See also: Flags, Managers, Objects, ownership, sex, and @set.
 	You can specify Objects (Things, Players, Exits, and Rooms) 
 	by name if they're in your Inventory or in the same Room as 
 	you.  You need only type enough letters of the name to be 
 	unambiguous.  You can also specify Objects anywhere by their 
 	ID numbers, in the form #. Players in other Rooms
 	may be specified in the form *. The keywords 'me' 
 	can be used for yourself, and 'here' for the Room you're in. 
 	See also: here, home, inventory, me, numbers and Objects.
 	Properties are stored in AVL trees, and organized into directories 
 	of properties.  This speeds things up, and keeps you from being 
 	spammed on EXamine's.  To EXamine the properties on an Object, use 
 	'ex ='.  where to EXamine the base properties in 
 	an Object,  would be '/'.  You can see the value of a 
 	single property with 'ex ='.
 	Propdirs are a method of storing and organizing properties to 
 	speed access and to provide a sort of built-in organization.  The 
 	basic idea is to make something similar to a 'filesystem' for 
 	properties.  In this analogy, each person would be a filesystem, 
 	with a root directory and (theoretically) an infinite number of 
 	properties beneath that.
 	A property has been expanded with the idea that each property may 
 	now contain a new property list -- the 'Propdir'.  properties can 
 	both have a value (either integer or String as before) _and_ 
 	contain other properties.
 	See 'help Propdirs2' for more.
 	The actual directory entries may ALSO contain data.  Propdirs' 
 	only real 'visible' changes are in the names of properties -- 
 	'/' is used as the property directory separator, and so will not 
 	appear in the names of the properties when listed through 
 	'EXamine' or MUF Programs.
 	Property protections have also been expanded -- the . and _ may 
 	appear either at the beginning of the property name or immediately 
 	following a '/', and that property will have the appropriate 
 	protections.  For example, the property '/mail/.inbox/mesg/#' 
 	would have the same protections as '.mesg#' would now.
 	See 'help Propdirs3' for more.
 	There are two ways to remove a property list:
      * First, and most straight forward, is to remove the property that
        contains it.  so, in the previous example, removing the property
        '/mail/.inbox' would (recursively) remove all properties under
        .inbox before removing .inbox itself.
      * The second way is to remove all properties within the property list
        yourself.  When the last property is removed, the parent property
        (the one that contained the property list) is EXamined to see if
        contains data.  If it does, then the property list only is removed.  
 	If the property doesn't contain data then it is removed also.

 	Because of the first method of removing Propdirs, the ability to 
 	have a property list and value in the same property should be used
 	If you try to access a property ending in '/', in MUF, it will 
 	give a programmer error, except in NEXTPROP, in which it will give 
 	the name of the first property in that Propdir.
 	See 'help Propdirs4' for more.
 	The last visible, non-MUF change that Propdirs bring is that 
 	'EXamine' will no longer show properties _directly_.  Instead, 
 	where the properties would normally be shown, it will say:
 	"[ Use 'EXamine =/' to list root properties. ]"
 	Examine now can take an argument which is the property or Propdir 
 	to view.  If the property name given ends with a '/', all 
 	properties in property directory will be listed, otherwise the 
 	single property named will be shown.
 	Internally, a few things changed.  property lists are now stored 
 	as AVL trees instead of straight lists, so there is a speed 
 	increase even if Propdirs are not directly used.  This also means 
 	properties are kept in sorted order and will be displayed that way.
 	See 'help Propdirs5' for the last of this.
 	'addprop' will no longer allow a ":" in the property name.
 	To clear a Propdir's value without deleting the proptree below 
 	it, from MUF do a '"" 0 addprop' to it.
 	A property can *not* have both a String and integer stored at the 
 	same time anymore.  The old property.c was lax and allowed this, 
 	even though the integer value would be lost on dbload.
Property and Propdir Usage Examples:
  Lines indented only 2 spaces are what the user is typing.
  Lines indented 6 spaces are what the Muck is returning to the user.
  Lines in []'s are comments on what's going on.

  [first, lets @set up a bunch of properties]
  @set me=first:a property.
  @set me=second:another property.
  @set me=first/one:A property in a Propdir
  @set me=first/two:Another property in a Propdir
  @set me=third/prime:three

See 'help propex2' for more.
  [Okay, now lets see what properties we have.  We use the EXamine Command
   to do that, with a second argument, to tell it what we want to list in
   the way of properties.  In this case, since we want to list the base level
   properties, we use '/'.]

  ex me=/
      first/: (String) a property.
      second: (String) another property.
      third/: (no value)

See 'help propex3' for more.
  [Okay, it has a few properties with the first part of the names of the
   properties that we @set.  The /'s at the end of some of the property
   names means that there are sub-properties that we can list.  When we
   @set a property like 'first/one', it's actually creating a sub-property
   named 'one' beneath a property named 'first'.  If 'first' doesn't
   already exist, then it will create that property.  Let's list what
   sub-properties we created under 'first'.]

  ex me=first/
      first/one: (String) A property in a Propdir.
      first/two: (String) Another property in a Propdir.

  [Here we see the properties that we @set as sub-properties under 'first'.
   We EXamined for 'first/' to list the sub-properties.  The / at the end
   of the name tells the Muck that we want it to list the sub-properties
   of that property, and not that property's value itself.]

See 'help propex4' for more.
  [Lets see what value the property 'first' has, itself.  To do this we
   leave off the '/']

  ex me=first
      first/: (String) a property.

  [Okay, lets say that we just want to see the value of the sub-property
   named 'one', under the property 'first'.  We can list it as follows:]

  ex me=first/one
      first/one: (String) A property in a Propdir.

  [If the property or sub-property that you specify does not exist, it
   will complain about it.]

  ex me=first/three
      No property found.

See 'help propex5' for more.
  [if a property was created to contain a sub-property, but was never given
   a value itself, it is listed as having no value.  It has sub-properties,

  ex me=third
      third/: (no value)

  [Let's list those sub-properties.]

  ex me=third/
      third/prime: (String) three

See 'help propex6' for more.
  [Okay, let's delete the sub-property 'prime', from under the property
   'third'.  To do this, we act like we are @set'ing the variable again,
   except that we are giving it no value this time.]

  @set me=third/prime:
  ex me=third/
      No properties listed.

  [There.  It's gone.  Now let's list the bottom level properties again.]

  ex me=/
      first/: (String) a property.
      second: (String) another property.

  [Whoops!  The property 'third' is gone too!  This is because properties
   with no values are automatically deleted when their last sub-property
   is deleted.  Let's delete a subproperty from 'first', now.]

See 'help propex7' for more.
  @set me=first/one:
  ex me=/
      first/: (String) a property.
      second: (String) another property.

  [The property 'first' still exists, with it's String value, and it still
   has sub-properties.  Lets list those.]

  ex me=first/
      first/two: (String) Another property in a Propdir.

  [Here we see that the sub-property 'one' is gone, as we expected.  Let's
   see what happens when you erase a property that has sub-properties.]

See 'help propex8' for more.
  @set me=first:
  ex me=/
      second: (String) another property.

  [The property 'first' is gone.]

  ex me=first/
      No properties listed.

  [And the subproperty it had is gone too!  Let's remake the 'first' prop.]

  @set me=first:again, a property.
  ex me=/
      first: (String) again, a property.
      second: (String) another property.

See 'help propex9' for more.
  [We have two properties again, and no sub-properties.  It should be
   noted that sub-properties can have sub-sub-properties, and they can
   contain even subbier properties, and so on and so forth.]
  @set me=first/one:uno
  @set me=first/one/example:dos
  @set me=first/two/example:tres
  @set me=first/one/example/cat:meow
  ex me=first/
      first/one/: (String) uno
      first/two/: (no value)
  ex me=first/one/
      first/one/example/: (String) dos
  ex me=first/one/example/
      first/one/example/cat: (String) meow

See 'help propex10' for more.
  [There is a special case in EXamine to let us list ALL the properties and
   sub-properties of a prop.  To use it, we just specify '**' as a Propdir.
   For example, to list all sub-properties and sub-sub-properties, etc.,
   under 'first', you would do the following:]

  ex me=first/**
      first/one/: (String) uno
      first/one/example/: (String) dos
      first/one/example/cat: (String) meow
      first/two/: (no value)
      first/two/example/: (String) tres
  [Let's delete all the properties on the Object, now.  To do that, we
   specify no property name or value when we use @set.  Nothing but a

  @set me=:
  ex me=/
      No properties listed.

  [All gone!]
 	Objects have several standard Strings:
	  1) a name string 
 	  2) a description string                 	(_/de property)
 	     an inside desc (vehicles) (IDESC)      	(_/ide property)
 	  3) a success string (seen by the Player)   	(_/sc property)
	  4) a fail string (seen by the Player)       	(_/fl property)
	  5) an osuccess string (seen by others)      	(_/osc property)
	  6) an ofail string (seen by others)         	(_/ofl property)
	  7) a drop string (seen by the Player)       	(_/dr property)
	  8) an odrop string (seen by others)         	(_/ofl property)
 	See also: fields, objects, substitutions and types.
 	@OSUCCess, @ofail, and @odrop messages may contain 
 	%-substitutions, which evaluate to gender-specific pronouns 
 	if the Player's sex is @set.

 	They are:
 	    %a (absolute)       = Name's, his, hers, its.
 	    %n (Player's Name)  = Name.
 	    %o (Objective)      = Name, him, her, it.
 	    %p (possessive)     = Name's, his, her, its.
 	    %r (reflexive)      = Name, himself, herself, itself.
 	    %s (subjective)     = Name, he, she, it.
	Capitalized pronouns are also available with %A, %S, %O, %P, 
 	and %R.  If you need a '%', use %%.
 	Ex. '@ofail teapot=burns %p hand on the hot teapot.'
 	See also: gender, messages, Player, sex, @ofail, @odrop and  
 	You successfully use an Object when you take it.  You use an 
 	Exit successfully when you go through it.  You use a person 
 	successfully when you successfully rob them.  You successfully 
 	use a Room when you look around.
 	See also: Strings, @SUCCess, and @OSUCCess.
 	There is no ultimate goal except, perhaps, to have fun, 
 	network, and experiment with the Muckspace. There are 
 	visualizations to encounter, symbolic constructs to explore, 
 	and people to meet.  Everyone is a winner as we explore 
 	ourselves and our reflections.
 	See also: building, character, coins, Player.
 	Every Object has a timestamp, which includes the time last 
 	used, the time last modified, the time the Object was 
 	created, and the number of times that that Object has been 
 	used by a Player. They are shown by using EXamine. 'Usage' 
 	is defined as follows:
 	Players  - when they connect
 	Rooms    - when entered or 'look'd at
 	Exits    - when invoked (by a 'go' Command) or 'look'd at
 	Things   - when 'look'd at or 'take'n/'drop'd
 	Programs - when run by a Player
 	Examining an Object does not count as looking at them.
 	See also: connect, drop, EXamine, look, go, Objects, and 
 	Since the early days of MUDplay, there have been an intrepid 
 	cadre of adventurous explorers that sought to connect with 
 	fellow cybernauts in a sexual way via computer.  Whole MUDs 
 	were established to facilitate such connection, and 
 	psychologists have made studies of the phenomenon.
 	See also: gender, purpose and substitutions.
 	There are 5 types of Objects: 
 	Things, Players, Exits, Rooms, and Programs. 
 	The first letter following an Object's ID number indicates
 	the type: F as in MUF for Programs, P(layer), E(xit), R(oom),
 	otherwise, Thing.
 	Things are inanimate Objects that can be carried.  Players are 
 	animate Objects that can move and carry.  Exits are the means 
 	by which objects move.  Rooms are locations that contain 
 	Objects and @link'd Exits.  Programs are Player-written 
 	extensions to the Muck.

 	See also: Exits, Objects and Players.
ver version revision

	rev 02/02/22 1104pm

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