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The Black Dog

To: alt.magick.tyagi,alt.satanism,alt.religion.satanism,talk.religion.misc.alt.magick.tantra
From: catherine yronwode 
Subject: Re: The Black Dog
Date: Wed, 26 Aug 1998 14:16:14 -0800

nagasiva wrote:
> 980826 IIIom
> cat, the black dog's friend ( wrote:
> |I am researching black dog cults around the world right now. In
> |"Speaking of Siva" -- a book of 10th and 11th century poems of praise 
> |to "My Personal Saviour" :-) -- i have seen brief mention of "the 
> |black dog cult of Siva" but no details. Then, in a recent usenet post 
> |by Tzimon, he mentioned the black dog of Bhairava (an aspect of Siva 
> |in his wrathful and protective form). Any citations of sources for 
> |in-depth material on Siva/Bhairava and the Black Dog would be highly 
> |appreciated. I am also checking out the Egyptian Anubis and other 
> |Black Dog cults, if anyone has information on those as well.

> Myrddin, Satan, Anubis, Cerberus, Hunting Hounds

Could you elaborate? I will tell you what i know, but i seek correction
and guidance here --

What is the relationship between Myrddin and the black dog? I am
entirely unfamiliar with this. 

Satan sometimes appears as a black dog (especially in German-derived
tales). But is there a "black dog cult" of Satan? That is, has Satan
ever been worshipped or adored in the form of a black dog? 

Anubis IS a black dog (a black jackal, to be taxonomically correct), but
he is an ancient Egyptian judge of the dead, not a Satan-analogue. IThe
ancient Eyptian deity Set has been identified with Satan by a certain
school of modern Satanist theologians, but although his animal-form has
some dog-like aspects, it is so mixed and mingled in terms of species
characteristics that it is usually referred to as the Set-animal, not a

Cerberus, the Three-Headed Hound of the Greek underworld is a dog, to be
sure, but was there ever a cult in which his worship figured? 

Hunting Hounds:
These are the Hell Hounds that figure in the famous Robert Johnson blues
song "Hell Hound on My Trail." It is these hounds, or one of them, that
i hve seen in dreams and have sought to understand. One might also note
in this connection the Hans Christian Andersen story about the three
demonic dogs with "eyes as big as saucers," eyes as big as "plates," and
"eyes as big as platters."
> ------------------------------------------------
> Cooper:
>         sorcery, diabolocal powers, the damned, death.

Well, yes, that is the idea. But in attempting to learn more about the
iconography of the Black Dog Cult of Siva / Bhairava, i am not sure how
far to take these implied correspondences with diabolical and Satanic
imagery that derives from Western European notions in which wild nature
is continually suppreseed and reviled as "evil." Perhaps you can assit? 

I will say that insofar as the ascetic aspect of Siva is a siddhi-yoga
practioner, he has supernatural (sorcerous) powers and insofzar as his
imagery encompasses wrathful forms (as Lord of Destruction), he may
appear demonic, and insofar as he appears in connection with cremation
grounds and as a corpse (Saiva), one might well see death in him and
thus expect him to have a "black dog cult."  But details would be much

> such an alliance would seem dangerous, at least, potentially deadly,
> don't you agree?  

Death is the lot of us all, don't you agree? A good death is all i ask. 

> do you plan to use this friendship to advantage,
> or do you mention it for reference's sake?

I explore this image in order to befriend the scarey Black Dog of Death
who has come to me in dreams for several decades. 

Toward this end i long ago purchased an image of Anubis, the intelligent
and neutral Death-Dog, to contemplate -- and it has taught me a great

In addition, i seek to befriend such small black domestic dogs as i may
encounter in my journeys through the suburban landscape, and they too
have taught me much. 

Further, insofar as i assume the role and function of the Black Goddess,
i find that the Black Dog of Death, Siva's Black Dog, becomes as
biddable and willing to serve me as a Border Collie would be.

And this, in the end, may be what i hope to achieve: a state of
equilibrium with the Black Dog of Death in which i am not the prey of
wild Hunting Hounds but rather the loving mistress who sends forth my
Border Collie to do my bidding, "bringing in the sheep." 

> nagasiva


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